Article Analysis 1

Article Citation and Permalink (APA format) Bahamondes, L., Bahamondes, M. V., Modesto, W., Tilley, I. B., Magalhaes, A., e Silva, J. L. P., … & Mishell Jr, D. R. (2016). Effect of hormonal contraceptives during breastfeeding on infant’s milk ingestion and growth. Fertility and sterility100(2), 445-450. Permalink:   Twigg, D. E., Kutzer, Y., Jacob, E., & Seaman, K. (2019). A systematic quantitative review of the association between nurse skill mix and nursing‐sensitive patient outcomes in the acute care setting. Journal of advanced nursing75(12), 3404-3423.   Permalink: Havaei, F., Dahinten, V. S., & MacPhee, M. (2019). Effect of Nursing Care Delivery Models on Registered Nurse Outcomes. SAGE Open Nursing5, 2377960819869088. Permalink:
Point Description Description Description
Broad Topic Area/Title The study/topic is to study the impacts of hormonal contraceptives during breastfeeding on baby’s growth and milk ingestion. The topic of the research attempts to explore the general effects of contraceptives on breastfeeding children and the ingestion of milk.  The study’s main topic is to show the association between the nurse skill mix and the nursing-sensitive patient results in acute care settings. It has been hypothesized that high skilled nurses with high levels of experience often influence effective patient outcomes. The study, therefore, attempts to investigate the correlation or association between the nurse skill mix and the nursing-sensitive patient outcomes in acute care settings.  The study’s main topic is the impacts of nursing care delivery models on the registered nurse outcomes in different healthcare settings. It has been theorized that nursing care delivery models improve efficiency, a scenario that leads to effective patient outcomes in the treatment process.
Identify Independent and Dependent Variables and Type of Data for the Variables Independent variable: Level of hormonal contraceptives (continuous variable with a normal distribution) Dependent Variable: Rate of milk ingestion in infants (continuous and normally distributed variable) Independent variable: Nurse skill mix (continuous and normally distributed variable) Dependent variable: Nursing sensitive patient outcome (continuous random variable) Independent variable: Nursing care delivery model (categorical variable) Dependent variable: Registered nurse outcome (continuous variable with a normal distribution of data) The whole process of study involved determining the correlation between the independent and dependent variables.
The population of Interest for the Study The population of interest in this study involves lactating mothers who are using hormonal contraceptives for birth control. The respondents are selected from various healthcare settings. Specifically, mothers attending clinics for their infants were used in the study process. Patients on postpartum day 42 were mainly considered in the research process. The population of interest in the study involves patients and nurses operating in acute care settings. The study mainly involved nurses with different skills and experiences. Also, there were involvement other healthcare professionals such as doctors and physicians.   The population of interest in the study includes registered nurses from different healthcare settings. The respondents mainly involved registered nurses undertaking various treatments in healthcare settings.
Sample The sample size used in the study was 40. In other words, 40 breastfeeding women were selected in the study. They were given hormonal control contraceptives and followed over a given period. There were a total of 63 respondents selected for the study. These respondents included were selected from different healthcare settings. The selected participants confirmed their willingness to participate in the study through the signing of consent documentation. A small sample size of 38 respondents was identified to take part in the study. All the respondents were presented with the questionnaires where they were able to fill the information required for the purposes of analysis.
Sampling Method A simple random sampling technique was used to select study participants or respondents. Out of the population identified, the participants were picked randomly, and they were to sign the consent documentation to confirm their willingness to participate in the study. A simple random sampling technique was used to select the study participants. The respondents were arbitrarily selected from the target population.  A simple random sampling method was used to identify the respondents. The study participants were selected randomly from the population. They were then provided with the consent documentation to confirm their willingness to participate in the study.
Descriptive Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode; Standard Deviation) Identify examples of descriptive statistics in the article. Some of the descriptive statistics used in the study include: MeanMedianModeMaximumMinimumfrequencies Some of the descriptive statistics used in the study include: Mean Median modeMaximum Minimum There were descriptive statistics used in the study, which include: Mean MedianFrequenciesPercentages The descriptive statistics indicated the attributes of both the dependent and independent variables in the whole process of the study.
Inferential Statistics Identify examples of inferential statistics in the article. Some of the inferential statistics used in the study include: t-testMann-Whitney testFisher exact test   Some of the inferential statistics used in the study include: pre‐test–posttestDescriptive correlations     The inferential statistics evident in the study include: hierarchical multiple regressionchi-square analysesAnalysis of variable (ANOVA)

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Assessment Description

The interpretation of research in health care is essential to decision making. By understanding research, health care providers can identify risk factors, trends, outcomes for treatment, health care costs and best practices. To be effective in evaluating and interpreting research, the reader must first understand how to interpret the findings. You will practice article analysis in Topics 2, 3, and 5.

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For this assignment:

Search the GCU Library and find three different health care articles that use quantitative research. Do not use articles that appear in the topic Resources or textbook. Complete an article analysis for each using the “Article Analysis 1” template.

Refer to the “Patient Preference and Satisfaction in Hospital-at-Home and Usual Hospital Care for COPD Exacerbations: Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial,” in conjunction with the “Article Analysis Example 1,” for an example of an article analysis.

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While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

The Overview 

As we all know registered nurses play a crucial role in the U.S. healthcare system. Previous research on hospitals has come to the conclusion that hospital workers have a higher-than-average incidence rate of staff injury and illnesses. Throughout history, registered nurses have experienced some of the highest injury and illness rates in the healthcare and social assistance sector.  Many working nurses face workplace hazards across all industries while performing routine duties. As nurses, we spend time stretching, bending, walking, and standing, exposing ourselves to fatigue and slips, trips, and falls. We lift and move patients quite frequently becoming vulnerable to back injuries. We also come in contact with diseases, drugs, chemicals, and even accidental needle sticks (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018)

Strategy Used in This Study

All data from non-fatal occupation-related injury and illness information presented in this study comes from theSurvey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) which was conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The SOII is a federal-state program administered by state agencies that are in cooperation with BLS. On an annual basis, employers report injury and illness data from approximately 230,000 establishments. Also, definitions of recordable injury and illness cases for SOII conform to the guidelines set by OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration-. 

Effectiveness of the Selected Sampling Method. 

As for the effectiveness of the method chosen for data collection, I find it to be very reliable, as long as it is done correctly. You see, “Participation by private sector employers is mandated by OSHA. For state and local government employers, your state laws determine whether participation in the survey is mandatory” (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023). As long as the selected participants are healthcare facilities required to report such data, then it is deemed to be a reliable, statistical analysis and study. 


U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2018, November). Occupational injuries and illnesses among registered nurses: Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2023, January 12). Frequently Asked Questions: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from

Using the research article selected for DQ 1, identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important. When responding to peers, provide other questions and answers that could be considered in relation to the peers’ studies. 

Article Analysis 1 

Article Citation and Permalink (APA format)  Bahamondes, L., Bahamondes, M. V., Modesto, W., Tilley, I. B., Magalhaes, A., e Silva, J. L. P., … & Mishell Jr, D. R. (2016). Effect of hormonal contraceptives during breastfeeding on infant’s milk ingestion and growth. Fertility and sterility, 100(2), 445-450. Permalink:   Twigg, D. E., Kutzer, Y., Jacob, E., & Seaman, K. (2019). A systematic quantitative review of the association between nurse skill mix and nursing‐sensitive patient outcomes in the acute care setting. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(12), 3404-3423.  Permalink:  Havaei, F., Dahinten, V. S., & MacPhee, M. (2019). Effect of Nursing Care Delivery Models on Registered Nurse Outcomes. SAGE Open Nursing, 5, 2377960819869088. Permalink: 
Point  Description  Description  Description 
Broad Topic Area/Title  The study/topic is to study the impacts of hormonal contraceptives during breastfeeding on baby’s growth and milk ingestion. The topic of the research attempts to explore the general effects of contraceptives on breastfeeding children and the ingestion of milk.    The study’s main topic is to show the association between the nurse skill mix and the nursing-sensitive patient results in acute care settings. It has been hypothesized that high skilled nurses with high levels of experience often influence effective patient outcomes. The study, therefore, attempts to investigate the correlation or association between the nurse skill mix and the nursing-sensitive patient outcomes in acute care settings.    The study’s main topic is the impacts of nursing care delivery models on the registered nurse outcomes in different healthcare settings. It has been theorized that nursing care delivery models improve efficiency, a scenario that leads to effective patient outcomes in the treatment process. 
Identify Independent and Dependent Variables and Type of Data for the Variables  Independent variable: Level of hormonal contraceptives (continuous variable with a normal distribution) Dependent Variable: Rate of milk ingestion in infants (continuous and normally distributed variable)   Independent variable: Nurse skill mix (continuous and normally distributed variable) Dependent variable: Nursing sensitive patient outcome (continuous random variable)  Independent variable: Nursing care delivery model (categorical variable) Dependent variable: Registered nurse outcome (continuous variable with a normal distribution of data) The whole process of study involved determining the correlation between the independent and dependent variables.  
The population of Interest for the Study  The population of interest in this study involves lactating mothers who are using hormonal contraceptives for birth control. The respondents are selected from various healthcare settings. Specifically, mothers attending clinics for their infants were used in the study process. Patients on postpartum day 42 were mainly considered in the research process.   The population of interest in the study involves patients and nurses operating in acute care settings. The study mainly involved nurses with different skills and experiences. Also, there were involvement other healthcare professionals such as doctors and physicians.    The population of interest in the study includes registered nurses from different healthcare settings. The respondents mainly involved registered nurses undertaking various treatments in healthcare settings. 
Sample   The sample size used in the study was 40. In other words, 40 breastfeeding women were selected in the study. They were given hormonal control contraceptives and followed over a given period.  There were a total of 63 respondents selected for the study. These respondents included were selected from different healthcare settings. The selected participants confirmed their willingness to participate in the study through the signing of consent documentation.  A small sample size of 38 respondents was identified to take part in the study. All the respondents were presented with the questionnaires where they were able to fill the information required for the purposes of analysis.  
Sampling Method   A simple random sampling technique was used to select study participants or respondents. Out of the population identified, the participants were picked randomly, and they were to sign the consent documentation to confirm their willingness to participate in the study.   A simple random sampling technique was used to select the study participants. The respondents were arbitrarily selected from the target population.    A simple random sampling method was used to identify the respondents. The study participants were selected randomly from the population. They were then provided with the consent documentation to confirm their willingness to participate in the study. 
Descriptive Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode; Standard Deviation) Identify examples of descriptive statistics in the article.  Some of the descriptive statistics used in the study include: Mean Median Mode Maximum Minimum frequencies  Some of the descriptive statistics used in the study include: Mean  Median mode Maximum  Minimum  There were descriptive statistics used in the study, which include: Mean  Median Frequencies Percentages The descriptive statistics indicated the attributes of both the dependent and independent variables in the whole process of the study. 
Inferential Statistics  Identify examples of inferential statistics in the article.  Some of the inferential statistics used in the study include: t-test Mann-Whitney test Fisher exact test   Some of the inferential statistics used in the study include: pre‐test–posttest Descriptive correlations    The inferential statistics evident in the study include: hierarchical multiple regression chi-square analyses Analysis of variable (ANOVA) 


Bahamondes, L., Bahamondes, M. V., Modesto, W., Tilley, I. B., Magalhaes, A., e Silva, J. L. P., … & Mishell Jr, D. R. (2016). Effect of hormonal contraceptives during breastfeeding on infant’s milk ingestion and growth. Fertility and sterility, 100(2), 445-450. 

Havaei, F., Dahinten, V. S., & MacPhee, M. (2019). Effect of Nursing Care Delivery Models on Registered Nurse Outcomes. SAGE Open Nursing, 5, 2377960819869088. 

Twigg, D. E., Kutzer, Y., Jacob, E., & Seaman, K. (2019). A systematic quantitative review of the association between nurse skill mix and nursing‐sensitive patient outcomes in the acute care setting. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(12), 3404-3423. 

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