Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief NURS 6050

Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief NURS 6050

Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief NURS 6050

For people to receive the required health services, the government must remain committed to solve health problems. Irrespective of the political stance, the government should examine people’s health problems in detail and commit the necessary resources to solve them. The issue of health care access has been there for a long time. Lack of access or the failure to afford insurance coverage has been a leading cause, and governments have responded to the issue differently. This comparison grid compares the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations’ efforts to enhance access by promoting insurance coverage through Medicare and other people-centered programs.

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Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief NURS 6050

Identify the Population Health concern you selected. Tobacco Use
Describe the Population Health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it. Smoking is deeply related to the health condition for individuals and the public

Cigarette smoking has been linked to about 90 percent of all cases of lung cancer, and tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States

Secondhand smoke can affect the health of children and adults

Early exposure to e-cigarette use for the adolescent has unknown effects on the health and can cause severe respiratory distress

Administration (President Name) President Trump President Obama President Bush
Describe the administrative agenda focus related to this issue for the current and two previous presidents. The Trump Administration keeps the stance of pro-business and anti-regulation approach to control tobacco uses The Obama administration created new powers for the Food and Drug Administration to regulate tobacco products, offering significant new tools to combat preventable diseases

The administration had strong evidences showing that increasing the tobacco tax is one of the best ways to reduce smoking and other tobacco use, particularly among children

A bill to grant the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulatory authority over tobacco products was the central element of federal tobacco control efforts during the Bush administration
Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue. $4.8 trillion budget proposal for creating new agency under US department of Health and Human Services for only one mission on tobacco and e-cigarettes

President Trump signed the bill raising the legal age to buy tobacco to 21

The Trump administration announced a ban on most flavored e-cigarette pods

President proposed to increase federal cigarette tax by 94 cents per pack, $95.1 billion in over 10 years, and similarly to other tobacco products to fund early childhood education The Bush administration rejected smoking and health expert’s proposal to increase the federal cigarette tax by $2 per package to fund a comprehensive cessation initiative
Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue. The Trump administration tries to build new governmental authority to control tobacco use and e-cigarette products with strong regulations The Tobacco Control Act, signed into law by President Obama in 2009, gave the FDA regulatory authority over tobacco products, creating the Center for Tobacco Products and funding regulation efforts through fees on tobacco companies. In 2016, the FDA expanded its authority to all tobacco products — including e-cigarettes. The administration had no significant proposals to reduce tobacco use

Narrative with the Facts

For populations to grow and live healthily, access to health care services should be guaranteed. People should have health care facilities close to their residences, and health services should be affordable. Approaches that enhance access, such as telehealth, should be adopted as much as possible. Various administrations in the United States have approached this issue differently. Their focus differs depending on political backgrounds and agendas, resources, and philosophies. The main issues that different governments explore include insurance coverage as one of the key components of access besides timeliness of care and health services availability (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2020). Governments’ agenda also depends on sponsors and the problems facing the populace.

The three governments have prioritized affordable health as an area of priority, and successors should make it a priority too. Donald Trump’s focus can be lauded because of tax deductions and policies promoting health savings. Considering that access limitations should be minimal as possible, doing away with denials for people with preexisting conditions as long as they have continuous coverage helped expand access. Barack Obama’s implementation of the Affordable Care Act needs recognition too. George Bush expanded private plans in Medicare. In each case, the administration focuses on improving access by ensuring that people can afford health services.


Problems such as high cost of care and inadequate or absence of insurance coverage have limited health care access to many populations. The low availability of health services and lack of culturally competent care amplify the problem further. Due to financial burdens, among other access problems, different administrations devise different interventions to ensure that Americans can access health. Focus on

assignment agenda comparison grid and fact sheet or talking points brief nurs 6050
Assignment Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief NURS 6050

insurance coverage has been prioritized by Trump, Obama, and Bush administrations. The idea is to make people more insured to ensure that they are not denied health services due to lack of coverage. Insurance coverage and expansion programs ensure that people can receive health services at their usual places of care. It is a method of preventing delays that governments should support as much as possible.

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Christensen, J., & Nedelman, M. (2020, February 10). Trump budget plan could push tobacco oversight out of the FDA. Retrieved February 25, 2020, from

Corr, W. V (2003, March 1). Administration Disappoints in Rejecting Proposal to Increase Federal Cigarette Tax and Fund Smoking Cessation Initiative. Retrieved February 25, 2020, from, S. M. (2015, February 2). Congress Should Back President Obama’s Tobacco Tax Plan – It Will Protect Kids, Save Lives and Cut Health Care Costs. Retrieved February 25, 2020, from White House President Barack Obama. (2009, June 22). Fact sheet and expected attendees for today’s Rose Garden bill signing. Retrieved February 25, 2020, from

Assignment: Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief NURS 6050

sailors to set aside 20 cents per month of their pay to cover medical expenses. This was the first major piece of healthcare legislation in the United States, and the topic of healthcare has been woven into presidential agendas and political debates ever since.

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As a healthcare professional, you may be asked to provide expertise, guidance, and/or opinions on healthcare issues that are being debated for inclusion in new policy. You may also be involved in the development of new organizational policies and responses to legislative changes. For all of these reasons, you should be prepared to discuss national healthcare issues that are making headlines.

Part 3: Narrative

Veterans are at risk of complex conditions and are vulnerable to service-related conditions such as mental illnesses. Despite veterans having served the country on overseas missions, they encounter challenges accessing affordable and quality healthcare. Veterans’ healthcare is an issue that has reached the presidential level, and the current and former presidents have signed laws to improve healthcare access and mental health services for this population (Hester, 2017). Improving access and quality of healthcare to veterans is important because this population experiences substance use disorders, mental health disorders, post-traumatic stress, chronic pain, amputations, and traumatic brain injury at disproportionate rates compared to their non-veteran counterparts (Oster et al., 2017). Besides, a large fraction of veterans commits suicide secondary to mental health issues.

It is crucial that the national and state governments enact laws that increase access to affordable healthcare to reduce morbidity and mortality rates associated with these conditions. For instance, laws on mental health can be legislated, requiring that the federal government fund mental health services for veterans in both public and private facilities (Oster et al., 2017). Legislations can also be enacted that require the federal government to fund medical expenses for veterans who develop work-related disorders.

The nurse has a major role in setting healthcare agendas since nurses are involved in direct patient care and are significantly affected by health policies. Nurses can significantly influence healthcare policies through their daily healthcare delivery role. Since nurses understand the issue affecting healthcare delivery and the best ways to address them, they can best advise policymakers on laws that can improve healthcare systems and increase access to healthcare services (Milstead & Short, 2019). Besides, the nurse has a role in agenda-setting of proposing strategies that will benefit the communities based on their comprehensive understanding and specialization in particular areas of health care.


Therefore, veterans suffer from various complex issues ranging from mental matters to physical conditions. As such, it becomes the responsibility of the government of the day to ensure that their welfares are well addressed. The administrations of President’s Bush, Obama and Trump adopted various policies to mitigate the suffering of the veterans.


Duhaney, T. (2020). How veteran utilization of the Veterans Health Administration could impact privatization. Public Policy & Aging Report30(1), 29-35.

Hester, R. D. (2017). Lack of access to mental health services contributing to the high suicide rates among veterans. International journal of mental health systems11, 47.

Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Oster, C., Morello, A., Venning, A., Redpath, P., & Lawn, S. (2017). The health and wellbeing needs of veterans: a rapid review. BMC psychiatry17(1), 1-14.

Sisk, R. (2018). Trump signs a $55 billion bill to replace VA Choice Program. Military. Com6.

The White House. (2009, January 12). The Bush record – Fact sheet: The Bush administration has provided unprecedented support for our veterans. Welcome to the White House.

Agenda Comparison Grid Template Agenda Comparison Grid and Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief Assignment Template for Part 1 and Part 2 Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid Use this Agenda Comparison Grid to document information about the population health/healthcare issue your selected and the presidential agendas. By completing this grid, you will develop a more in depth understanding of your selected issue and how you might position it politically based on the presidential agendas. You will use the information in the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid to complete the remaining Part 2 and Part 3 of your Assignment. Specify the Population Health issue you chose. As a professional nurse specialized in substance abuse dependency, I have chosen to concentrate exclusively on the population suffering from Opioid addiction and dependence. Describe the identified Population Health problem and the contributing variables. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 130 Americans die annually from an opioid overdose. Based on these facts, we may conclude that this issue does not discriminate against any race, socioeconomic status/class, gender, or religion. The annual cost of treatment, healthcare, costs associated with criminal participation, and addiction treatment exceeds $78 billion. (NIH, 2019). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that the epidemic emerged in the 1990s.

This began with over prescribing, which led to abuse and addiction. This has resulted in the current opioid crisis. (CDC, 2018) Administration (President Name) (Current President) President Trump (Previous President) President Obama (Previous President) President Bush Describe the administrative agenda focus related to this issue for the current and two previous presidents. Under the Trump administrations’ agenda, the agenda focus is currently sterner on opioid abusers and are well equipped with better and more advanced measures on fishing out culprits engaged in these acts. There are more strategic checks and balances that have been put in place under the current administration to limit the influx of illegal drug trafficking into the country. There are also very tight security protocols and measures on the boarders of the country which is aimed at reducing the number of people affected with opioid abuse and dependency. ( The Obama administrations’ agenda one of the primary focus was to develop special treatment protocols for individuals suffering from opioid abuse and dependency issues and on creating incentives to ensure that there are more thorough measures in place for regulating opioid prescription by medical practitioners and dispensing means from pharmacies. Monitoring of opioid use and events located at neighborhood law enforcement stations for the return of excess drugs that have been supplied illegally within the system. Community drug dispensaries are accepting of these kinds of take back drives to support drug rehabilitation in chronic abusers addicted to drugs. ( The Bush administrations’ agenda focused on the prevention of the crises in opioid abuse even before it commenced, the provisions of more drug rehabilitation centers and infiltrating the opioid lack market system. ( Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue.

An estimated $13 million in October 2019 was apportioned to incentives created specifically to fund the police task force in a bid to eradicate the impact of drug trafficking. A total of 12 states across 13 counties that have battled most with the impact that opioid abuse and addiction have impacted. ( An outline of the proposals released from the White Trump’s budget will also seek $21 billion to put toward infrastructure spending and $23 billion toward border security, including his infamous border wall. ( Under the Obama administration, there was a separate budget created for the 2016 fiscal year to the total sum of $27.6 billion with was a 4.7% increment compared to the year before (2017). These funds were generated to develop resources and manpower from the federal level under this administration to tackle drug trafficking in the country. Proactive measures were implemented to combat the tragic impact of the prevalent opioid crisis via The National Heroin Initiative (NHI) by focusing primarily on areas within the community that are opioid-laden. They targeted the center of the illegal opioid supply with more advanced investigative approaches by law enforcement agencies which was a huge preventative method.

During The Bush era in administration, his regime, in 2003 there was an estimated total allocation of $19.2 billion raised to fund law enforcement efforts in the battle against opioid trafficking and all other criminal activities associated with drug abuse. Border patrol was also one of the primary areas that this administration focused on to reduce the supply of illegal opioids on an international scale. An allocation of $2.3 billion was set aside for this purpose and an estimated $3.8 billion was allocated to rehabilitation treatments for individuals in our society that have struggled with opioid dependency. In conclusion this administration allocated another $10 million in fostering initiatives for a program that supported the people that were most affected by opioid addiction which was The Drug-Free Communities Support Program. ( Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue. The Trump Administration took on the approach of spreading awareness and education the teens and adolescents in our society by partnering The Truth Initiative and Ad Council, which was a campaign initiated to teach them on how to prevent and reduce opioid abuse and addiction. It was very comprehensive in helping young adults understand the dangers associated with addiction as well as how effective they could be in curbing the spread of this problem in various communities. This ad was designed to get the attention of the younger population in the society as it successfully has over 1.4 billion views in total when it aired. This administration declared the current opioid addiction issue a nationwide public health emergency, which has brought so much more attention to this crisis.

This prompted and inspired people to become more active in the fight against opioid abuse and dependency. More intense measures were taken at the boarders to intensify the patrol and security measures to avoid smuggling drugs illegally into the country. There have also been measures taken to ensure that opioid prescriptions ate regulated thoroughly, by introducing a Safer Prescribing Plan that will reduce any opioid refill prescription by 1/3 in the next 3 years. Finally, the administration is that will cut opioid prescription fills by one-third within three years. Finally, the administration has been a strong proponent for vaccines that prevent opioid addiction. ( The Obama administration offered health care coverage plans that were mandatory for individuals battling with opioid abuse and addiction. This was able to facilitate their treatment regimen and made provision for naloxone, a drug of choice administered to patients that have been suspected of high levels of Opioid-Induced complications. This administration also strengthens efforts at combating drug trafficking which drastically reduces opioid overdoses and deaths. The White House National Drug Control Strategy devised a strategic plan based on evidence-based practices that aims at controlling opioid addiction and substance abuse. The primary goal of this approach was focused on public health, by creating programs that encourage the safe and proper use of opioids and comprehensive treatment plan for this suffering from opioid dependency. Finally, the administration encouraged clinicians and their stakeholders to collaborate effectively in the implementation of more structured protocols while prescribing opioid to the right patients. ( The primary objective of the Bush administration’s focus on the issue of opioid addiction was to get the individuals suffering focused on getting people into treatment.

This was a focus on “compassionate Coercion” which begins with family and friends. The focus was on prevention and seeking help for the addict along with using the criminal justice system as a deterrent for getting people into programs. The administration focused on confrontation to heal the addict. Guidance was sought from family, friends, the workplace and places of worship. ( Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis Using the information, you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid, complete the following to document information about the population health/healthcare issue your selected Administration (President Name) (Current President) (Previous President) (Previous President) Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected? The Trump administration has made collaborative efforts in cross boarder internationally to establish more through security measures in partnerships with law enforcements that have proved to be effective in treating and preventing opioid abuse and addiction. There are specialized training sessions on a regular basis offered by federal agencies to assist clinicals in treatment of patients with opioid addiction, ensure that the stand of practice in treating these patients met the national guidelines requirements, and encourage long term rehabilitation. There are also measures set in place to inspect drug rehabilitation programs in an effort to improve the. Quality of care provided and patient satisfaction This has led to a drastic reduction of cases involved in drug related offences and criminal activities.

Taylor, D., Olshansky, E., Fugate-Woods, N., Johnson-Mal

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