Assignment: DHA 711 Evolution of Health Care

Assignment: DHA 711 Evolution of Health Care

Assignment: DHA 711 Evolution of Health Care

DHA 711 Week 3 Evolution of Health Care Organizations Worksheet

Evolution of Health Care Organizations Worksheet

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Select a type of health care organization, such as surgical centers, specialty hospitals, university health systems, health plans, not-for-profit health systems, for-profit health systems, or physician practices.

Complete the timeline below by recording significant events in the history of the type of organization you selected, or in the health care industry that has an influence on the organization’s evolution. For each event, identify the year, briefly describe the event, and explain the event’s influence on the chosen type of health care organization. Expand the table if necessary.

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assignment: dha 711 evolution of health care
Assignment: DHA 711 Evolution of Health Care

Evolution of Health Care Organizations Worksheet Select a type of health care organization, such as surgical centers, specialty hospitals, university health systems, health plans, not-for-profit health systems, for-profit health systems, or physician practices.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on the evolution and components of health care systems. Your paper should address the following:

Generate your own definition for the term, health care systems, based on a synthesis of personal experience and scholarly research.
· What distinguishes a complex health care system from a singular organization?

Identify the primary components of a health care system.
· Describe the specific role(s) of each component.

· Who are the stakeholders?

· What type of services are generally offered (ex: Mutli-specialty facilities, nursing homes, urgent care)?

· Who is the competition?

Examine the evolution of health care systems over the last 60 years.
· How has the structure of health care systems changed?

· What external factors contributed to the evolution of the system?

Compare a current complex health care system to one from the 1960s, 1970s, or 1980s.
· Summarize the major differences in organizational structure, purpose, internal components, culture, and strategic goals.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


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