Assignment: Extraneous Phrases

Assignment: Extraneous Phrases

Assignment: Extraneous Phrases

Assignment: Extraneous Phrases

Assignment: Extraneous Phrases

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Question Description
Instructions for Project Part B:

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Writing Your Letter to the Author of the Research Study

Refer to document titled How to Write an APA-Style Letter for formatting of your letter.

1. APA formatting (2 points)

2. Focus on one major point. Give your letter more force by focusing on one issue and providing

evidence for that issue. (1 point)

3. State the article you’re responding to. Orient the researchers as quickly as possibly by stating the

name and date of the article and the specific issue in the study that you are responding to. You can do

this in just one or two sentences. (1 point)

4. State your position. After you have stated the argument you are responding to, you should clearly

state the position you are taking on the issue and why. Take this time to show why the issue is relevant

and important but remember to be brief. (2 points)

5. Provide evidence. Now that you have stated your groups’s position on an issue, you need to back it

up with facts. You need to show that your group has put thought into formulating your letter. Though

your letter is short, providing a few key facts can make a big difference. Here are some ways to provide

evidence: (2 points)

Use recent anecdotal evidence from your workplace.
Use statistics, data, or survey results.
7. Say what should be done. Once you have provided evidence for your group’s point of view, end the

letter by saying what can be done to address the issue. Perhaps just raising awareness of the issue is

enough, but there may be other things that the researchers can do to address the issue in the future

(ex., recognizing and integrating your suggestions for future research). (2 points)

8. Have a simple closing. End with one sentence that summarizes your group’s point of view on the

issue so the researchers have a clear reminder of your main message. (1 point)

9. Include a closing phrase and your name(s). At the very end of your letter, include a simple

“Sincerely,” or “Best regards,” to finish your letter. Indicate your MSN student status since it is relevant

to the issue addressed in your letter. (1 point)

Editing Your Letter:

1. Trim down your letter to avoid wordiness. Your letter should be short and concise: between 150 and

300 words long. (2 points)

Cut out extraneous phrases or flowery language. Be straight and to the point. This will help you
cut down on your word count.

Eliminate phrases like “We think” and “We believe”. It’s apparent that the content of your
letter is what you think and believe, so you don’t need to waste the words.

Instructions for Project Part B:

Writing Your Letter to the Author of the Research Study

Refer to document titled How to Write an APA-Style Letter for formatting of your letter.

1. APA formatting (2 points)

2. Focus on one major point. Give your letter more force by focusing on one issue and providing

evidence for that issue. (1 point)

3. State the article you’re responding to. Orient the researchers as quickly as possibly by stating the

name and date of the article and the specific issue in the study that you are responding to. You can do

this in just one or two sentences. (1 point)

4. State your position. After you have stated the argument you are responding to, you should clearly

state the position you are taking on the issue and why. Take this time to show why the issue is relevant

and important but remember to be brief. (2 points)

5. Provide evidence. Now that you have stated your groups’s position on an issue, you need to back it

up with facts. You need to show that your group has put thought into formulating your letter. Though

your letter is short, providing a few key facts can make a big difference. Here are some ways to provide

evidence: (2 points)

Use recent anecdotal evidence from your workplace.
Use statistics, data, or survey results.
7. Say what should be done. Once you have provided evidence for your group’s point of view, end the

letter by saying what can be done to address the issue. Perhaps just raising awareness of the issue is

enough, but there may be other things that the researchers can do to address the issue in the future

(ex., recognizing and integrating your suggestions for future research). (2 points)

8. Have a simple closing. End with one sentence that summarizes your group’s point of view on the

issue so the researchers have a clear reminder of your main message. (1 point)

9. Include a closing phrase and your name(s). At the very end of your letter, include a simple

“Sincerely,” or “Best regards,” to finish your letter. Indicate your MSN student status since it is relevant

to the issue addressed in your letter. (1 point)

Editing Your Letter:

1. Trim down your letter to avoid wordiness. Your letter should be short and concise: between 150 and

300 words long. (2 points)

Cut out extraneous phrases or flowery language. Be straight and to the point. This will help you
cut down on your word count.

Eliminate phrases like “We think” and “We believe”. It’s apparent that the content of your
letter is what you think and believe, so you don’t need to waste the words.Instructions for Project Part B:

Writing Your Letter to the Author of the Research Study

Refer to document titled How to Write an APA-Style Letter for formatting of your letter.

1. APA formatting (2 points)

2. Focus on one major point. Give your letter more force by focusing on one issue and providing

evidence for that issue. (1 point)

3. State the article you’re responding to. Orient the researchers as quickly as possibly by stating the

name and date of the article and the specific issue in the study that you are responding to. You can do

this in just one or two sentences. (1 point)

4. State your position. After you have stated the argument you are responding to, you should clearly

state the position you are taking on the issue and why. Take this time to show why the issue is relevant

and important but remember to be brief. (2 points)

5. Provide evidence. Now that you have stated your groups’s position on an issue, you need to back it

up with facts. You need to show that your group has put thought into formulating your letter. Though

your letter is short, providing a few key facts can make a big difference. Here are some ways to provide

evidence: (2 points)

Use recent anecdotal evidence from your workplace.
Use statistics, data, or survey results.
7. Say what should be done. Once you have provided evidence for your group’s point of view, end the

letter by saying what can be done to address the issue. Perhaps just raising awareness of the issue is

enough, but there may be other things that the researchers can do to address the issue in the future

(ex., recognizing and integrating your suggestions for future research). (2 points)

8. Have a simple closing. End with one sentence that summarizes your group’s point of view on the

issue so the researchers have a clear reminder of your main message. (1 point)

9. Include a closing phrase and your name(s). At the very end of your letter, include a simple

“Sincerely,” or “Best regards,” to finish your letter. Indicate your MSN student status since it is relevant

to the issue addressed in your letter. (1 point)

Assignment: Extraneous Phrases

Assignment: Extraneous Phrases

Editing Your Letter:

1. Trim down your letter to avoid wordiness. Your letter should be short and concise: between 150 and

300 words long. (2 points)

Cut out extraneous phrases or flowery language. Be straight and to the point. This will help you
cut down on your word count.

Eliminate phrases like “We think” and “We believe”. It’s apparent that the content of your
letter is what you think and believe, so you don’t need to waste the words

You must proofread your paper. But do not strictly rely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part and you can expect your grade to suffer accordingly. Papers with numerous misspelled words and grammatical mistakes will be penalized. Read over your paper – in silence and then aloud – before handing it in and make corrections as necessary. Often it is advantageous to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors. Handwritten corrections are preferable to uncorrected mistakes.

Use a standard 10 to 12 point (10 to 12 characters per inch) typeface. Smaller or compressed type and papers with small margins or single-spacing are hard to read. It is better to let your essay run over the recommended number of pages than to try to compress it into fewer pages.

Likewise, large type, large margins, large indentations, triple-spacing, increased leading (space between lines), increased kerning (space between letters), and any other such attempts at “padding” to increase the length of a paper are unacceptable, wasteful of trees, and will not fool your professor.

The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument.


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