Capella IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java Unit 8 and 9 Assignment

Capella IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java Unit 8 and 9 Assignment

Unit 8 Assignment

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Debug and Fix a 2-Dimensional Array Java Console Application

In this assignment, you will debug and fix a given Java console application that uses 2-dimensional arrays, but the application does not compile nor execute.

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Great job on your discussion. Statistics are used in healthcare for research, quality improvement, inequalities in healthcare, risk analysis, inventory management and cost, resources utilization, patient length of stay, patient satisfaction, clinical trials, morbidity and mortality, effects of new treatments, measuring change, laboratory analysis, education, and much more. During Florence Nightingale’s era, careful documentation decreased the death rate of soldiers from 42% to 2% as a result of health care reforms that emphasized sanitary conditions.

Health statistics has been used in providing empirical data to assisting in the allocation of public and private funds as well as applied to determining how research efforts should be focused. However, statistical application has be used in identifying statistical trends and more, health care providers can monitor local conditions as well as being able to compare them to state, national, as well as international trends. Particularly, pharmaceutical companies run similar statistical studies as they develop drugs for the treatment as well as management of a wide range of maladies.


Aravind, M., & Chung, K. C. (2010). Evidence-based medicine and hospital reform: tracing origins back to Florence Nightingale. Plastic and reconstructive surgery125(1), 403.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Debug and Fix a 2-Dimensional Array Java Console Application Instructions” course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the submission template from the resources, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Identify Java 2-dimensional array bugs in a program using development tools.

Code an application to fix bugs.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to complete this assignment and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Debug and Fix a 2-Dimensional Array Java Console Application Scoring Guide.

2D Console Register for Course | Transcript.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

Debug and Fix a 2-Dimensional Array Java Console Application Instructions.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 9 Assignment

Define Java Classes and Instantiate Their Objects

In this assignment, you will design and code a simple Java application that defines a class, instantiates the class into a number of objects, and prints out the attributes of these objects in a specific way.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Define Java Classes and Instantiate their Objects Instructions” course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the submission template available in the resources, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Design a program that meets basic object-oriented constructs requirements.

Code an application that exercises classes and objects.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to develop the application and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Define Java Classes and Instantiate Their Objects Scoring Guide.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

Define Java Classes and Instantiate Their Objects Instructions.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 10 Assignment

Complete the Programming of an Object-Oriented Console Application

In this assignment, you will complete the programming of two Java class methods in a console application that registers students for courses in a term of study. The application is written using the object-oriented features of the Java programming language. The application does compile and does run, but it does not produce the expected result as stated in its requirements.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the “Complete the Programming of an Object-Oriented Console Application Instructions” course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the submission template available in the resources, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Design a program that meets object-oriented design requirements.

Code an application that exercises object-orientation.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to develop the application and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Complete the Programming of an Object-Oriented Console Application Scoring Guide.

OO Console Register for Course | Transcript.

Opening an Existing Project in NetBeans.

Complete the Programming of an Object-Oriented Console Application Instructions.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

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