clinical implication of an abnormal hematocrit

clinical implication of an abnormal hematocrit

in 100 words or more each with references and in text citations answer the 5 questions.

1. What could be one possible clinical implication of an abnormal hematocrit? Please explain.

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2. What does the term “autorhythmic’ mean in relation to heart contraction?

3. Anemia is given as a possible clinical implication of an abnormal hematocrit. For those that may not know, please explain what anemia is and the signs and symptoms. How would you expect the hematocrit to be different in a person that is anemic? There are different types of anemia. Would you expect the same alteration in the hematocrit for every type of anemia? What are some of the differences between the different types of anemia?

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4. Describe the composition of blood and its functions.

5. Analyze the importance of blood testing and what can be learned through blood analysis

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