Designate Non-participant or Participant Role

Designate Non-participant or Participant Role

Designate Non-participant or Participant Role CF 233 Guided Observation – 25 points each = 100 points total


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1. Observations should be conducted while the child is at play or engaged in a creative thought and expression activity withina specific arts area. For each observation after the first one, designate which arts area is the focus of the observation. Designate Non-participant or Participant Role.

1. The first two Observations must benon-participant observations so that you can focus all your attention on watching.Note your Observer Role.

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1. Observations 2 through 4 may be focused on any of the listed areas. Once you have observed in one area, select a new area for your next observation.

Keep track of your Observations below.

Designate Non-participant or Participant Role

[ ] Due ____-____-2015Observation 1 [] Creative Problem Solving

[ ] Due ____-____-2015Observation 2 [] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement[] Creative Drama

[ ] Due ____-____-2015Observation 3 [] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement [] Creative Drama

[ ] Due ____-____-2015Observation 4 [] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement [] Creative Drama

Detailed Instructions for Observing and Recording

1. Respond to the questions in the Observation column based on (1) what you see; (2) what you ask or hear; (3) the artifacts you notice (i.e. equipment, toys, supplies); and (4) the choices and interactions children have with peers and with adults.

1. Reflect on the observations in the Reflection column by entering your impressions of why and how children played or were engaged. Note the day and time of your reflection.

1. Summarize and Comment in the Summary and Comment section at the end of each report.

For all Observations:

1. Be objective in your reporting.

1. Be accurate and truthful with your words.

1. Be specific with details.

For all Reflections:

1. Complete the reflection about one day after your observation.

1. Considerthe child’s capabilities in physical, social-emotional, and cognitive development.

1. Comparewhat you were expecting with what you saw—any surprises should be noted.

1. Think through what you observed and list any points that are puzzling or any questions that come to mind. (I wonder why. . .)

Be sure to date and mark the time of each Observation and of each Reflection.


CF 233 Guided Observation – 25 points

Observation should be conducted while the child is at play or engaged in a creative thought and expression activity within a specific arts area. For each observation, after the first one, designate which arts area is the focus.

Name Date

[ ] (____-____-2015) Observation 1 [] Creative Problem Solving

[] Observation Date_____-_____-2015 Time In_____:_____am/pm Time Out_____:_____am/pm

[] Non-participant

[] Site Description (location, setting condition, equipment and materials, weather or sound and light,# adults, # children):

[ /5]

Question Observation

[] Creative Problem Solving

Reflection (Why-How)

____-____-2015 ____:____am/pm

1. What is the problem facing the child?

[ /5]

1. What solutions to the problem does the child explore?

[ /5]

1. What are the outcomes or results of the child’s engagement?

[ /5]

Summary and Comment:Summarize and comment on what you learned.[ /5]

CF 233 Guided Observation – 25 points

Observations should be conducted while the child is at play or engaged in a creative thought and expression activity within a specific arts area. For each observation,after the first one, designate which arts area is the focus.

Name Date

[ ] (____-____-2015) Observation 2 [] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement [] Creative DramaWhich are you observing?

[] Observation Date: _____-_____-2015 Time In_____:_____am/pm Time Out_____:_____am/pm

[] Non-participant

[] Site Description (location, setting condition, weather or sound and light, # adults, # children):

[ /5]


From the child’s perspective


[] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement [] Creative Drama

Reflection (Why-How)

____-____-2015 ____:____am/pm

1. What is the purposeof the creative activity?

[ /5]

1. What inventions, innovations, or discoveries are made?

[ /5]

1. What are the outcomes or results of the engagement?

[ /5]

Designate Non-participant or Participant Role

Summary and Comment:Summarize and comment on what you learned.[ /5]

CF 233 Guided Observation – 25 points

Observations should be conducted while the child is at play or engaged in a creative thought and expression activity within a specific arts area. For each observation after the first one, designate which arts area is the focus.

Name Date

[ ] (____-____-2015) Observation 3 [] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement [] Creative DramaWhich are you observing?

[] Observation Date _____-_____-2015 Time In_____:_____am/pm Time Out_____:_____am/pm

[] Non-participant [ ] Participant What is your observer role?

[] Site Description (location, setting condition, weather or sound and light, # adults, # children):

[ /5]


From the child’s perspective


[] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement [] Creative Drama

Reflection (Why-How)

_____-_____-2015 ____:____am/pm

1. What is the purpose of the creative activity?

[ /5]

1. What inventions, innovations, or discoveries are made?

[ /5]

1. What are the outcomes or results of the engagement?

[ /5]

Summary and Comment:Summarize and comment on what you learned.[ /5]

CF 233 Guided Observation – 25 points

Observations should be conducted while the child is at play or engaged in a creative thought and expression activity within a specific arts area. For each observation after the first one, designate which arts area is the focus.

Name Date

[ ] (____-____-2015) Observation 4 [] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement [] Creative Drama Which are you observing?

[] Observation Date _____-_____-2015 Time In_____:_____am-pm Time Out_____:_____am-pm

[] Non-participant [ ] Participant What is your observer role?

[] Site Description (location, setting condition, weather or sound and light, # adults, # children):

[ /5]


From the child’s perspective


[] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement [] Creative Drama

Reflection (Why-How)

____-____-2015 ____:____am/pm

1. What is the purpose of the creative activity?

[ /5]

1. What inventions, innovations, or discoveries are made?

[ /5]

1. What are the outcomes or results of the engagement?

[ /5]

Summary and Comment:Summarize and comment on what you learned.[ /5]

Designate Non-participant or Participant Role

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