Development Of Health Care Policy Assignment

Development Of Health Care Policy Assignment

Development Of Health Care Policy Assignment

Development Of Health Care Policy Assignment

DQ2 What are the barriers to nurses’ participation in the development of health care policy at the state or national level or in an organization in the United States? Why do you think these are barriers? Support your opinion with a rationale or example.

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 development of health care policy assignment
Development Of Health Care Policy Assignment

What is healthcare policy development?
The development of national health policies, strategies, and plans is a complex and dynamic process. Its precise nature varies from country to country according to the political, historical, and socio-economic context.

What Is Health Policy?
Health policy is legislation or other government action that deals with the influences that help, or interfere with, reaching health goals on a public level. Examples of health policies include Social Security regulations, labor policy, immigration laws, and standards related to national defense. Health policies affect organizations and individuals. Organizations include medical schools, health management organizations, medical technology companies, employees, and nursing homes. Individuals include medical doctors, as well as classes or groups of people like the elderly, the poor, and children.

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Why is policy development important in public health?
Policy development pertains to the setting of goals for health services, developing performance standards, determining priorities for the allocation of resources, and planning for systems to meet identified health needs. Setting immunization standards for children is an example of public policy development.

What is the most important stage in the policy development process?
In my view, the implementation process is the most important stage in the policy process. Central to understanding policy-making process is the understanding of how decisions are made.

What is the role of public health policy?
Public health promotes the welfare of the entire population, ensures its security and protects it from the spread of infectious disease and environmental hazards, and helps to ensure access to safe and quality care to benefit the population.

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