Discuss at Least Two Benefits and Challenges of Information Systems in Health Care

Discuss at Least Two Benefits and Challenges of Information Systems in Health Care

Discuss at Least Two Benefits and Challenges of Information Systems in Health Care

Discuss at Least Two Benefits and Challenges of Information Systems in Health Care

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How do health care information systems enhance quality of care and coordination of care? Discuss at least two benefits and challenges of information systems in health care.
Health Care Information Systems
Information and communication technology continues to affect all areas of human knowledge. Amid this transformation, the health care sector has gained massively since it can collect and better manage health data. Health information can also be classified according to its variations and used effectively. Broadly, the primary role of information systems in health care is to manage all aspects of care and improving information management. This paper discusses how health care information systems enhance the quality and coordination of care and the benefits and challenges of information systems in health care.

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discuss at least two benefits and challenges of information systems in health care
Discuss at Least Two Benefits and Challenges of Information Systems in Health Care

Enhancing Quality of Care and Coordination of Care
Quality of care improves when health care environments avoid wastage of resources, minimizes adverse events, and responds to patient needs promptly. Through health care information systems, it is possible to observe errors and inconsistencies quickly. Bates (2015) further noted that health care information systems such as web-based tools act as decision-making support tools to prevent adverse events and provide the necessary information promptly to diagnose and treat problems. On the coordination of care, electronic information systems decrease care fragmentation by facilitating instant distribution of patient health information to all the health care providers responsible for patient care (HealthIT.gov, 2017). Since alerts are also prompt, health care providers can coordinate easily and follow up with the patient.
Benefits and Challenges
Information systems are indispensable in today’s health practice. They benefit health care by improving the management of patient information. They also play a vital role in improving documentation and reducing errors. Regarding challenges, Ahmadian et al. (2017) noted that there is still some negative attitude towards using health information systems in some areas. Such an attitude complicates health care delivery and can cause delays. Their implementation is also costly since they require using modern alert systems and machines to enhance efficiency.
In conclusion, communication technology is an integral part of present-day’s health care. Patient problems should be quickly identified, and monitoring them should be easy. It is also vital to share patient data quickly and consult each other promptly. Health care information systems have improved care coordination and quality of care and will continue to optimize health outcomes as time advances.
Ahmadian, L., Dorosti, N., Khajouei, R., & Gohari, S. H. (2017). Challenges of using Hospital Information Systems by nurses: comparing academic and non-academic hospitals. Electronic physician, 9(6), 4625. doi: 10.19082/4625
Bates, D. W. (2015). Health information technology and care coordination: the next big opportunity for informatics?. Yearbook of medical informatics, 10(1), 11. doi: 10.15265/IY-2015-020
HealthIT.gov. (2017, Sep 15). Improve care coordination. https://www.healthit.gov/topic/health-it-basics/improve-care-coordination

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Topic 1 DQ 1

Oct 3-5, 2022

What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? How do you believe that your conception of spirituality would influence the way in which you care for patients?

Spirituality is a broad concept with different perspectives from diverse people. Spirituality is important in human life, as it is considered both a motivating and harmonizing force. Further, spirituality is a difficult and multidimensional part of individuals’ life as an inner belief system. According to Polat and Ozdemir (2022), spirituality is an aspect of humanity that includes how people seek and express their meaning and purpose, and the way individuals experience connectedness to self, the moment, nature, others, and the sacred. Further, spirituality can be described as a set of beliefs that bring liveliness and meaning to the actions of life (Dewi & Hamzah, 2019). This indicates that spirituality is a significant dimension of people’s quality of life. Following the various descriptions of spirituality, spirituality can be described as seeking and expressing a meaningful connection with something greater than oneself, and a purpose of one’s existence to experience inner peace, love, hope, support, and comfort.

As nurses strive to provide holistic care to patients, spirituality influences nurses to address the spiritual needs of the patients. With spirituality being a key component in health and healing, spirituality influences nurses to lessen patients’ anxieties, provide hope, and empower patients to achieve inner peace by providing appropriate coping mechanisms and counseling during stressful situations. Nurses apply spiritual care to address patients’ needs of the spirit when they experience disease, fears, concerns, and sorrow (Polat & Ozdemir, 2022). Further spirituality influences nurses to provide therapeutic approaches that are based on compassionate relationships (Polat & Ozdemir, 2022). Spirituality allows nurses to care for the human spirit by developing caring and safe relationships and interconnectedness with patients to support spiritual well-being and health. Thus, spirituality is essential in nursing care.


Dewi, D. S & Hamzah, H. B. (2019). The relationship between spirituality, quality of life, and resilience. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 349, 145-147.

Polat, H. T. & Ozdemir, A. A (2022). Relationship between compassion and spiritual care among nurses in Turkey. Journal of Religion and Health, 61, 1894-1905. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-021-01287-6.

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