Discuss Data Do not Support the Hypotheses

Discuss Data Do not Support the Hypotheses

Discuss  Data Do not Support the Hypotheses

Discuss Data Do not Support the Hypotheses

Discussion Prompt 1: Discuss how the sociological imagination may be helpful to someone who pursues a career in health care. Think of your current or future profession within this context and describe how your perspective may change now that you know how to use your sociological imagination to examine the workplace situation.

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Discussion Prompt 2: What if you worked on research for a year and spent over a billion dollars, and then you discovered that some of the data did not support your hypotheses. Do you think it is all right to report on only the data that supports your hypotheses? Why or why not?

Formulating a New Hypothesis If the initial hypothesis is not supported, you can go back to the drawing board and hypothesize a new answer to the question and a new way to test it. If your hypothesis is supported, you might think of ways to refine your hypothesis and test those.

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What does a scientist do if a hypothesis is not supported?
If the initial hypothesis is not supported, you can go back to the drawing board and hypothesize a new answer to the question and a new way to test it.

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discuss  data do not support the hypotheses
Discuss  Data Do not Support the Hypotheses

Is an experiment valid if the hypothesis is not supported by the results?
It is by no means a failure if your data do not support your hypothesis; in fact, that can be more interesting than the other way around, because you may find a new perspective for looking at the data. Failure to support hypotheses is common in science, and often serves as a starting point for new experiments.

What should you do if your hypothesis is wrong?
When a hypothesis fails, the first thing you should do is examine the data closely. Then use your research and data to determine a possible reason why the hypothesis was incorrect. Once you come up with a reason your hypothesis may have failed, you can start thinking of ways to check your assumption.

What happens if a hypothesis is disproven?
The science experiment is designed to disprove or support the initial hypothesis. When the findings do not align with the hypothesis, the experiment is not a failure. When the results do not agree with the hypothesis, record the information just as if it did support the original hypothesis.

Is it OK if your hypothesis is wrong?
Upon analysis of the results, a hypothesis can be rejected or modified, but it can never be proven to be correct 100 percent of the time. For example, relativity has been tested many times, so it is generally accepted as true, but there could be an instance, which has not been encountered, where it is not true.

According to my own worldview opinion, spirituality would be a higher functioning and intentional and intelligent energy in the metaphysical that has a connection to the origin of creativity and theoretical function of life in time space for a specified period. “Spirituality offers a worldview that suggests there is more to life than just what people experience on a sensory and physical level” (Scott PhD, 2022, paragraph 2). I feel there is social pressure to align with different worldviews to have a sense of belonging or to be accepted by certain groups. I think everyone could be wrong and right. Perhaps it is plausible that the collective ideas and theories may all have a little bit of truth in each one. What is truth, relatively speaking, when each of us experience reality in a way that is unlike any other person? I think I do not know enough or have not developed enough about personal spirituality to have a fixed idea about it. What I believe right now is subject to change with the influx of new information, however it may come. My conception of spirituality is more fluid, curious and one of open-mindedness. I think this will help me in rendering nonbiased care that is free of judgement. Staying curious is a self-teaching aid to help me digest things that may or may not make sense to me logically on a personal level. What I can understand about patients and their belief is there is a correlation between religious beliefs or spirituality and positive health outcomes. So, it is very important to respect a patient’s preferences and incorporate them into their care. Sometimes the difference between positive and negative health outcomes is a patients belief system when medical professionals have done and are doing everything to provide the highest quality of care available. “The question of whether truth, ethics and morality transcends individual, cultural and historical boundaries never gets satisfactorily answered (KUMAR, 2004, page 2).


KUMAR, K. (2004). SPIRITUAL CARE. Journal of Christian Nursing21(1), 24–28. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.cnj.0000262275.10582.66

Scott PhD, E. (2022, August 19). Spirituality Can Improve Many Aspects of Your Life and Health. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/how-spirituality-can-benefit-mental-and-physical-health-3144807#:~:text=Spirituality%20offers%20a%20worldview%20that

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