Discussion: NUR 514 Leadership Informatics

Discussion: NUR 514 Leadership Informatics

NUR514 Organizational Leadership and Informatics

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 How have you seen or experienced organizational change within an organization? Did it go well or not? Was there any correlation in how the organizations used stakeholders or change models?

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I agree that resistance to change is a challenge, and while the different change models do address how to work with resistant employees, what I am having trouble finding is, how do you deal with resistance if it is the organization itself, or in my case, my director of clinical services. According to Prosci, Inc’s website, resistance management is also a learned skill, and they have lots of good tips, such as:

  • Utilizing a structured change management approach from the initiation of the project
  • Engaging senior leaders as active and visible sponsors of the change
  • Recruiting support from people managers as advocates for the change
  • Communicating the need for change, its impacts on individuals, and the benefits to employees (i.e., answering “What’s in it for me?”)

They suggest that when the project is getting started, the change team should be proactive and specific about where resistance is likely to come from and the likely objections that drive this resistance. Then, act on this knowledge ahead of time before the resistance impacts the project (Prosci, Inc., 2022). This is all great information, however my change ideas usually got stopped at the top. The one thing that I have learned in this class is that my approach likely contributed to the resistance. Knowing my manager like I did, if I started with the first suggestion above and used a structured change model and presented the idea in full, with the “who, what, where, when, how and why” of the change addressed, maybe my manager would’ve taken my requests more seriously and with less resistance.

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Prosci, Inc. (2022). 5 Tips for Managing Resistance to Change. Prosci: People. Change. Results. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from https://www.prosci.com/resources/articles/tips-for-managing-resistance-to-change

DQ2 You have been selected to serve on a community outreach committee within your state’s nursing organization. The committee includes registered nurses of different specialties. At your first meeting, it becomes evident that not everyone is in agreement with a recent position statement about the role of spiritual care, with some members arguing they will no longer support the committee if the position statement is not revised or reversed. As a nurse leader, how could you draw from change theory to address these concerns and encourage collaboration on the committee?

ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT: Discussion: NUR 514 Leadership Informatics

Discuss the shift to value-based health care and its impact on the roles and responsibilities of advanced registered nurses. What major evolving trends in the health care policy and delivery systems will affect your practice in the next 3-5 years, and how do you think advanced registered nurse leaders will continue to influence the direction of health care?

From your experience, how can developing strong interprofessional relationships increase collaboration and benefit patient outcomes or organizational initiatives into today’s dynamic health care environment? What are some ways you can form an interprofessional team and collaborate with other advanced registered nurse roles in support of organizational initiatives or improved patient outcomes? Make sure to incorporate the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies in your response.

Describe a scenario in which there was a conflict between nurses working in your current or previous work environment. What was the primary cause of the conflict? What conflict resolution strategies would you employ to manage this conflict and promote civility in the workplace and why?

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