DNP 8000 Discussion Ethics

DNP 8000 Discussion Ethics

DNP 8000 Discussion Ethics


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Thinking of another ethical situation we can probably all relate to, I remember when pharmaceutical companies would visit my workplace and bring elaborate lunches and all sorts of free gifts—movie tickets, golfing, etc., trying to get the office to carry their products. It worked, too, until legislation was enacted in Michigan that prevented it.  I think that nurses being asked by family members to give them medications is something I think goes on quite frequently, however.

Speaking of medications, another ethical thought I have been concerned about is how other venues like radio and television can indirectly precipitate ethical situations that healthcare professionals must deal with. For example, the effects of television commercials regarding the latest medications out in the market proves very effective to the targeted population. I came across many patients that after watching the television ads insist on being given the medication. Dr. Joan Stanley (Laureate 2012) verbalized that healthcare versus cost should be considered, along with what are the available resources, allotted funds, and reasonableness of a patient request before coming to a decision. Medications on television ranging from the diabetes, heart, pain, and testosterone supplements are the main issues nurses encounter. Any detailed explanation regarding the risk vs benefit, cost, safety, etc., proves effective to convey the message better than the television ads. According to a study conducted by Prosser, Almond, & Walley (2003), patient request for a new drug and patient acceptability were cited as contributing to decisions to prescribe a new drug in approximately 20% of cases, and these requests are often the result of patients watching colorful, convincing ads on television.

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Ethical? Should we be using the media to target patients? Why are the side-effects or precautions often stated in a hurried, monotone voice tone that is difficult to understand and serve almost as an afterthought to the ad? Thoughts?

Dr. Harvey



Hamric, A., Spross, J., & Hanson, C. (Eds.). (2005). Advanced practice nursing: An integrative    approach (4th ed.). Saunders-Elsevier.

Prosser, H., Almond, S., & Walley, T. (2003). Influences on GP’s decision to prescribe new drugs: The importance of who says what. Family Practice, 20(1), 61–68.

Stanley, J., Stefan, S.,Beechinor, L. (2012). Ethical Issues Relevant to the DNP. Laureate Education video.

As mentioned in Week 2, Discussion 2, nurses are thought to have very high ethical standards (Gallup, 2013). Doctoral-prepared nurses should be able to address ethical concerns from several perspectives. The experts in this week’s media presentation examine the ethical concerns that nurses face as they assume leadership roles and conduct research.

To get ready:

Consider the ethical challenges you’ve faced in your nursing work.
Consider the material offered by the experts in this week’s media presentation, particularly the ethical problems they have faced as nursing leaders or scientists, as well as the information presented in other Learning Resources.
With this information in mind, evaluate what new ethical challenges you might face after receiving your doctorate.

DNP 8000 Discussion Ethics
By Day 3

Post a unified response that addresses the following points:


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dnp 8000 discussion ethicsDNP 8000 Discussion EthicsDescribe two or more key ethical issues concerning DNP or PhD-prepared nurses.
Explain how these challenges differ from the types of issues you have previously faced in your practice.

Read some of your coworkers’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond in one or more of the following ways to at least two of your colleagues:

Pose a probing question that is supported by further background information, facts, or research.
Share an insight gained from reading your coworkers’ postings, synthesizing the information to bring fresh viewpoints.
Use readings from the classroom or your own Walden Library research to offer and defend an opposing viewpoint.
Use your own experience and further research to validate a notion.
Make a recommendation based on further evidence gathered from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.
Expand on your colleagues’ posts by offering new insights or opposing viewpoints based on readings and evidence.
Submission and Grading Details


RE: Discussion – Week 5

Nurses are critical links in healthcare delivery because they have the most contact with patients. The interactions expose them to a high level of ethical quandary, and they are expected to uphold high ethical values. DNP nurses face a variety of ethical issues, such as one in which a nurse prescribes medication to a patient but the patient refuses to take it because their cultural values do not permit it (Haahr et al., 2019). A second scenario involves research practices in which the nurse may investigate social patterns and how they affect health outcomes. In this case, the nurse may focus on sexual orientation, and while the study’s goal is to provide useful information for EBP implementation, it may expose the participants’ sexual identity, jeopardizing the need for confidentiality (Van der et al., 2017).

DNP 8000 Discussion Ethics

Nurses must evaluate their practices to ensure that they do not endanger the patients. The issues encountered by the DNP nurse are similar to those encountered in the course of practice; however, issues related to research may be more difficult. For example, while it is critical to keep patients’ information private, healthcare providers must also share such information in order to determine health determinants and appropriate health interventions (Aitamaa et al., 2019). Furthermore, cultural differences are a common issue that all healthcare providers will face (Rainer et al., 2018).

Finally, ethical principles guide healthcare providers in addressing emerging ethical issues. Ethical issues are common in the healthcare system, so nurses and other healthcare providers must be prepared to handle them appropriately without jeopardizing the patients’ values and dignity.

DNP 8000 Discussion Ethics


Aitamaa, E., Suhonen, R., Puukka, P., & Leino-Kilpi, H. (2019). Ethical problems in nursing management – a cross-sectional survey about solving problems. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1).

Haahr, A., Norlyk, A., Martinsen, B., & Dreyer, P. (2019). Nurses’ experiences of ethical dilemmas: A review. Nursing Ethics, 27(1), 258-272.

Rainer, J., Schneider, J. K., & Lorenz, R. A. (2018). Ethical dilemmas in nursing: An integrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(19-20), 3446-3461.

Van der Linden, S., Maibach, E., Cook, J., Leiserowitz, A., Ranney, M., Lewandowsky, S., Árvai, J., & Weber, E. U. (2017). Culture versus cognition is a false dilemma. Nature Climate Change, 7(7), 457-457.

RE: Discussion – Week 5

The definition of ethics is the social obligations that include safeguarding the greater good of society (Silva & Ludwick, 2006). The fundamental nursing ethics of nonmaleficence, beneficence, autonomy, and justice are taught to novice nurses. According to Silva and Ludwick (2006), nurses engage into a social contract with society that allows them to practice with the awareness that they are committed to the greater welfare of society. When implementing change or care, nurses must incorporate nursing ethics, especially at the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) level. Health disparities, social determinants of health, cultural competency, and social justice, to name a few, will present DNP-prepared nurses with a multitude of ethical problems. Peirce and Smith (2008) assert that as the area of practice for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) expands, ethical concerns will also increase.
Undoubtedly, DNP-prepared nurses will be placed in situations involving a patient’s refusal of treatment. If a patient has enough decision-making capacity, he or she has the right to decline care, according to nurses with a DNP. Patients have the right to autonomy when they are aware. The ethical problem that DNP-prepared nurses will face is safeguarding the greater good of society. Equally essential, DNP-prepared nurses are responsible for expanding the knowledge of others. If DNP-prepared nurses educate a patient on all treatment alternatives and the patient chooses not to undergo treatment, the DNP nurse must accept that he or she has satisfied both the obligation to do no harm and the obligation to the greater benefit of society.
The scenario described above is all too often in my current line of work. As an APRN, I encounter patients who have declined adjunct treatment to pharmacological interventions on a daily basis. My patient population with acute anxiety and depression in particular. I advise them to seek out counselling in addition to medication management. A substantial proportion of my patients steadfastly resist treatment and choose exclusively pharmacological interventions.
At some time, DNP-prepared nurses will encounter patients who are either underinsured or uninsured. How do nurses with a DNP guarantee that patients with healthcare inequalities receive the critical services necessary to advance the common good? To assist patients with health insurance gaps in gaining access to necessary services, nurses holding a DNP must investigate all community resources. Currently, I am all too familiar with the difficulty patients with discrepancies in health insurance confront. Patients inform me as an APRN that they can afford their prescriptions. I constantly go the extra mile to investigate low-income pharmaceutical assistance programs, manufacturer coupons, and prescription discount cards in order to help my patients obtain medication. As a prospective DNP nurse, I will continue to investigate all paths for the greater welfare of my patients and the larger good of society.

DNP 8000 Discussion Ethics
Peirce, A. G., and J. A. Smith (2008). The curriculum for nursing ethics in Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees. 24(5) Journal of Professional Nursing: 270-274
Silva, M., Ludwick R. (March 20, 2006). Ethics: Is the Doctor of Nursing Practice Moral?


Valid point. The moral principles and social obligations that regulate human behavior are referred to as ethics.
Frequently, ethical dilemmas develop when the available solutions are neither clear nor perfect. The selected option may lead to a reduction in the quality of care provided by nurses to patients or to a dysfunctional clinical relationship. Nurses are expected to protect the greater welfare of society, but they face ethical problems that undermine their ability to provide appropriate treatment in a healthcare setting (Ulrich et al., 2010). A nurse’s practice should reflect a commitment to the greater welfare of society. Therefore, they should adopt the multiple linked focused interventions that are effective in treating the complicated patient situations they see daily.
C. M. Ulrich, C. Taylor, K. Soeken, P. O’Donnell, A. Farrar, M. Danis, and C. Grady (2010).
Everyday ethics: stress and ethical difficulties in nursing practice. The advanced nursing journal, 66(11), 2510-2519.


Walden Instructor Manager

As a nurse who has worked for many years with patients who suffer from severe and persistent mental illness, it does not surprise me that many do not wish to add therapy to their treatment plan. I do not know if they are seeking a “fast fix” or do not believe in the value of treatment, but I have repeatedly observed the behavior you describe. Thank you incredibly for sharing.
I am certain that all nurses desire to perform safely and ethically. I believe that all new nursing graduates enter the field with a strong moral compass and the intention to practice responsibly. Then, a new nurse is employed and assigned to floors that are understaffed relative to the severity of the patients’ conditions. Some depart to work elsewhere. Others continue to attempt to practice within the limitations they face. Other times, because they are busy, nurses cut corners and cruelly put patients at risk.
I frequently ponder how other nurses react when they observe nurses (whether recent graduates or seasoned professionals) who are so overburdened by their workload that they miss tasks or take shortcuts.

in different ways I wonder what occurs, for instance, when a nurse observes another nurse who does not report an error or who misses the teaching portion of a patient’s care owing to time restrictions. Typically, do they report it or at least address the offending nurse? Are they afraid of the consequences? Are they too stressed to care because they are overworked and lack the necessary resources? Do they observe other nurses practicing unethically and simply imitate them?
I am unsure of what causes a nurse’s cynicism to increase with time, but I have observed this phenomenon repeatedly. Any thoughts as to why this occurs?

DNP 8000 Discussion Ethics

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