ECET330 Week 2 iLab Introduction to CodeWarrior

ECET330 Week 2 iLab Introduction to CodeWarrior

ECET330 Week 2 iLab Introduction to CodeWarrior


  1. To Install CodeWarrior
  2. Explore the CodeWarrior IDE and the operations
  3. Become familiar with how an assembly language program is entered and simulated using CodeWarrior
  4. To learn how to generate a list file

Assume that the value of Register A is $FF and Register B is 00. What will be the value of zero flag, carry flag, Register A, Register B, and Register D after executing the instruction?

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Assume that the value of Register A is $FF and Register B is 00. What will be the value of zero flag, carry flag, Register A, Register B, and Register D after executing the instruction?

Assume that the value of Register A is $FF and Register B is 00. What will be the value of zero flag, carry flag, Register A, Register B, and Register D after executing the instruction?
Assume that the value of Register D is $00FF. What will be the value of Registers A, B, and D after executing the instruction?

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