ECET330 Week 2 iLab Introduction to CodeWarrior
ECET330 Week 2 iLab Introduction to CodeWarrior
ECET330 Week 2 iLab Introduction to CodeWarrior
- To Install CodeWarrior
- Explore the CodeWarrior IDE and the operations
- Become familiar with how an assembly language program is entered and simulated using CodeWarrior
- To learn how to generate a list file
Assume that the value of Register A is $FF and Register B is 00. What will be the value of zero flag, carry flag, Register A, Register B, and Register D after executing the instruction?
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Assume that the value of Register A is $FF and Register B is 00. What will be the value of zero flag, carry flag, Register A, Register B, and Register D after executing the instruction?
Assume that the value of Register A is $FF and Register B is 00. What will be the value of zero flag, carry flag, Register A, Register B, and Register D after executing the instruction?
Assume that the value of Register D is $00FF. What will be the value of Registers A, B, and D after executing the instruction?
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