Global Health Research Paper

Global Health Research Paper

Assignment Objectives:

Global Health Research Paper: Upon completion of this assignment, the student will: Identify, analyze and propose a solution to an International/Global Health issue addressed in the Millennium Development Goals.

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You may choose any global health issue addressed in your textbook based upon the millennium goals. The Millennium Goals are addressed in Chapter 15 of your textbook and listed in Appendix V.


  1. You should select the International/Global Health issue you would like to address in the paper.
  2. You should select the country in which the program should be developed.
  3. In the paper you should include:
    1. Introduction: Background on the above issue selected for that country and studies that support the information provided.
    2. Objectives for the program that you will implement-provide at least 3
    3. Description of the program that you would like to implement and an explanation why this program in innovative
    4. Target population that will be included in the program
    5. Timeline to implement the program
    6. Approximate cost of the program
    7. Outcome of the program- both short term and long term.
  4. The paper should be a maximum of 10 pages doubled spaced, APA format not including references, tables, pictures or graphs.
  5. At least 8 references should be provided- at least of these 4 from nursing journals
  6. Follow APA format


Grading for Global Health Research Paper: Grading Criteria

Selection of the health issue                                                   5%

Selection of the country                                                          5%

Introduction & Background                                                   10%

Objectives                                                                               10%

Description of the program and why it is innovative             15%

Target population                                                                    10%

Timeline                                                                                  10%

Approximate cost                                                                    10%

Short term and long-term outcome                                         10%

Conclusion                                                                              5%

APA format                                                                            10%

            Total                                                                                       100%


Due Dates

January 31

Section of the health issue                                                      5%

Selection of the country                                                          5%

Introduction & Background                                                   10%


February 28

Objectives                                                                               10%

Description of the program and why it is innovative             15%

Target population                                                                    10%


March 14

Timeline                                                                                  10%

Approximate cost                                                                    10%

Short term and long-term outcome                                         10%

Conclusion                                                                              5%

APA format                                                                            10%




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