HCA 699 Explain Research Problem and Problem Statement

HCA 699 Explain Research Problem and Problem Statement

HCA 699 Explain Research Problem and Problem Statement

Many businesses/organizations have performance problems that can be reevaluated to improve performance. Explain Research Problem and Problem Statement.

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Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

       Bwisa (2018) highlighted that recognizing and outlining the research problem is one of the most critical steps in each study.  Research problem comprises the inquiries of the researchers need to solve.  Precisely, there are essential features of a sound research problem.  First, it should be of interest to the author and accommodate one’s sources and abilities.  Second, it must discuss a gap in knowledge.  Third, it should direct to advance study.  Fourth, it must be meaningful to offer additional knowledge to the current body of research.  Ultimately, its strategy for problem-solving needs to be ethical.

       Similarly, Muller (2017) reported that the research problem defines what the writer is striving to answer.  The four vital elements of sound research questions are the following: focus, scope, value, and feasibility.  Firstly, the focus includes a particular variable of the phenomena to be evaluated.  Secondly, the scope is the particularized genre, population, time and place.  Thirdly, value is the importance of the research.  At last, feasibility answers if the investigation is possible considering the researcher’s time and means.

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       On the other hand, the University of Sothern California (2020) demonstrated the four principal objectives of the problem statement.  To begin with, it presents the structure for reporting issues.  Next, it opens readers to the value of the subject being analyzed.  Accordingly, it sets the problem into a distinct context that will establish the parameters of the study.  Finally, it anchors the research problems or theories of the paper.

       Moreover, the statement of the problem assists scholars to classify the intent of the proposed project.  Usually, it functions as the source for the beginning segment of the final project.  Hence, it guides the readers’ awareness of the concerns of one’s proposed design will discuss (Bwisa, 2018).

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       All in all, the research problem is the precise not vague representation of the area of interest in the proposed study.  Meanwhile, the problem statement launches a clear description of the issue or topic that necessitates being determined.


Bwisa, H. (2018). The basics of writing a statement of the problem for your research proposal. Retrieved from


Muller, S. (2017, March 31). Lesson 2- Problem statements and research questions [Video file]. Retrieved from

University of Southern California. (2020). Organizing your social sciences research paper. Retrieved from



This is a great elaboration of research problem. It is true that research problems and problem statements in a research study define the objectives or the problems that the entire research study seek to solve. I will add that research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a difficulty to be eliminated, a condition to be improved or even a troubling question that need to be solved in theory, scholarly literature, scientific field (Olsen et al., 2016). In the investigation or research processes, research problems or problem statements are usually formulated or stated to direct the scope of the study and to guide the research or the writer on the possible approaches to be include in the whole process of creating new knowledge. In social sciences, problems statements or research problems often establish the means by which a research ought to answer the “So what?” questions. In both the quantitative and qualitative research, problem statements and the research problems are essential in guiding the formulation of the hypothesis as well as the research objectives. Besides, they enhance the development of research questions.

            From the above discussion, it is true that the statement of the problem assists scholars to classify the intent of the proposed project.  Usually, it functions as the source for the beginning segment of the final project. Hence, it guides the readers’ awareness of the concerns that one’s proposed design will discuss. Furthermore, statement of the problem and research problems enhance the articulation of a study’s boundary as well as the definition of the key concepts that are required in the whole process of the study. In most cases, research process are comprehensive, therefore, there is always the need to define the limits and boundaries.


Olsen, J., Saracci, R., & Trichopoulos, D. (Eds.). (2016). Teaching epidemiology. OUP Oxford.          

Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

All business and organizations must continually improve their operations and processes to stay current and on top of their quality improvement initiatives. As such, there is a multitude of problems that require frequent re-evaluations and solutions. One unique challenge related to performance problems in healthcare is because more often than not there is no set objective way of measuring the employee’s performance (Forman & Nagy, 2006). Then when this crucial measurement is overlooked there is no definitive way to create a program that measures and evaluates the performances of employees as improving or worsening (Forman & Nagy, 2006). Thus, the problems continue to perpetuate within the organization and no solution can be created.

Now one such way to go about improving performance problems is through the use of a problem statement. This is a statement that contains a very succinct detailed explanation of the issues present that need to be addressed (Parker, 2012). Typically, it is presented to a team whose goal is to address the problem and begin presenting solutions (Parker, 2012). For the problem statement to be most helpful, it needs to summarize what current problems exist and what evidence there is to support it (Fischler, n.d.). Furthermore, elaborating on concepts related to the problem and the identified trends that may have contributed to its existence (Fischler, n.d.). In laymen’s terms, the problem statement is typically the collection of different complaints that are the catalysts to addressing the problem and requiring the creation of solutions via different projects (Parker, 2012).

A research problem is a statement that addresses the current area of any “conflict, concern or controversy (a gap between what is wanted and what is observed)” (Fischler, n.d., slide 3). It is important to have a strong clear research problem statement that grabs the reader’s interest and points it in the right direction (Fischler, n.d.). The goal of the research problem appears to be substantiating why this issue really is a problem and supporting it with evidence from the literature (Fischler, n.d.). It is imperative to construct an accurate, clear, and concise question in order to lead the research to be the most efficient and effective process (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). The research problem can make or break the subsequent research. Because if it’s too narrow or ambiguous then the findings will reflect this and compromise the research. 

Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare a guide to best practice 4th edition [Ebook Version]. Retrieved from https://www.gcumedia.com/digital-resources/wolters-kluwer/2018/evidence-based-practice-in-nursing-and-healthcare_a-guide-to-best-practice_4e.php

Parker, J. (2012). Writing a good problem statement. Retrieved from https://enfocussolutions.com/writing-a-good-problem-statement/

Fischler, A. (n.d). From problem statement to research questions [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from https://education.nova.edu/Resources/uploads/app/35/files/arc_doc/from_problem_statement_to_research_questions.pdf


Thank you for presenting this great, comprehensive and elaborative discussion. Indeed, business organizations need to continually enhance their operational processes in order to remain at par with the competition in the market. Succinctly, to survive in the modern competitive market, there is a need for the entrepreneurs to conduct continues research that will ensure identification of possible problems within business institutions. These research processes need to be based on the research problems or problems statements (Nishii et al., 2016). From your discussion, it is true that problem statements contain succinct detailed explanations of the issues present that need to be addressed. It should also be noted that when formulating hypotheses, researchers should rely on the problems statements to effectively provide solution to the research processes.

While undertaking a research, identification of the problem statement may prove to be a challenge not because there is lack of ideas or issues that need to be investigated, but because of pursuing a goal of developing a socially reliable and a researchable problem. In every research, problem statements need to be stated conclusively to show the scope of the study and communicate the general idea and intent of the whole study. It is also true that problem statements need to summarize the main issues that should be included in the study. Problem statements can be formulated from the existing literatures or from theories. Also, they may be obtained from the real world problems that require immediate and long term solutions. From the theory, researchers can formulate hypotheses stating the empirical framework and the expected findings on specific empirical situations. Therefore, for every business to succeed in a competitive world there is the need for research processes that are designed based on the problems and challenges.


Nishii, R., Ei, S. I., Koiso, M., Ochiai, H., Okada, K., Saito, S., & Shirai, T. (2016). A Mathematical Approach to Research Problems of Science and Technology.        

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