HCM 307 Unit 4 – Individual Project

HCM 307 Unit 4 – Individual Project

HCM 307 Unit 4 – Individual Project

Health information technologies have considerably transformed the provision of health care in the modern world. Health organizations use different technologies to achieve optimum health outcomes such as safety, quality, and efficiency. The use of health technologies has both benefits and risks to health organizations. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore a major technology trend in health care and its advantages and disadvantages.

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Major Technological Trend

            One of the major technological trends in healthcare that Healing Hands Hospital can adopt is telehealth. Telehealth is a technology that relies on the utilization of digital information and communication technologies to enhance remote access of healthcare services and disease management. Telehealth enables the virtual interaction of patients and healthcare providers. The Covid-19 pandemic increased the need and relevance of telehealth because of the need for social distancing to prevent the spread of the virus. Most organizations have embraced telehealth use in the management of chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and major depression. Health organizations constantly explore strategies they can use to achieve outcomes such as efficiency and patient-centeredness(Harris et al., 2022; Reynolds et al., 2021). Telehealth can facilitate these outcomes, which make it among the most disruptive technologies in healthcare in the modern world.

Pros of Adopting the Technology

            Telehealth has immense benefits to healthcare. One of them is the reduction in healthcare costs. Telehealth reduces costs incurred by patients and health organizations. It achieves this by eliminating the need for travelling long distances by patients to receive the care that they need. It also reduces unnecessary visits to the emergency department via the virtual consultations. The reduction in cost is also possible because of enhanced disease monitoring and management(Reynolds et al., 2021). The potential of complications related to diseases is minimized, leading to cost reduction.

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            The other advantage of telehealth is enhanced care coordination and patient-centeredness. Telehealth ensures that patients access the care they need even following their discharge from the hospital. The virtual interaction between patients and healthcare providers ensures efficient care coordination for optimum outcomes in disease management process(Sharrief et al., 2023). The patient-centeredness in the process enhances patient outcomes such as safety, satisfaction, and empowerment to be proactively involved in the management of their health problems.

            Another benefit of telehealth is that it eliminates barriers to healthcare for the diverse populations.  Often, those in need of healthcare experience barriers to accessing healthcare such as geographical location, cost, and limited specialists to meet their care needs. However, telehealth addresses this problem by ensuring the reduction in the costs of care and availability of care for all irrespective of the geographical location(Harris et al., 2022; Reynolds et al., 2021). Consequently, telehealth is crucial in addressing disparities in healthcare access.

Cons of Adopting the Technology

            Despite the above benefits, telehealth has some disadvantages. One of them is the increased risk of data loss. The technology is prone to access by unauthorized parties, which lead to loss of private and confidential information. The other disadvantage of the technology is the cost associated with its adoption and maintenance. Telehealth adoption may require intensive use of financial resources in its acquisition, staff training, regular maintenance, and upgrades(Cheung et al., 2023). Therefore, Healing Hands Hospital should consider these disadvantages when considering telehealth use.


            Healing Hands Hospital can adopt telehealth for enhanced service delivery. Telehealth enables virtual delivery of care services and disease management. Healing Hands Hospital should consider the advantages and disadvantages of telehealth before deciding to embrace its use for service delivery.

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HCM 307 Unit 4 – Individual Project References

Cheung, W. C., Aleman-Tovar, J., Johnston, A. N., Little, L. M., & Burke, M. M. (2023). A Qualitative Study Exploring Parental Perceptions of Telehealth in Early Intervention. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 35(3), 353–373. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10882-022-09853-w

Harris, L., Gilmore, D., Hanks, C., Coury, D., Moffatt-Bruce, S., Garvin, J. H., & Hand, B. N. (2022). “It was surprisingly equivalent to the appointment I had in person”: Advantages and disadvantages of synchronous telehealth for delivering primary care for autistic adults. Autism, 26(6), 1573–1580. https://doi.org/10.1177/13623613211060589

Reynolds, A., Awan, N., & Gallagher, P. (2021). Physiotherapists’ perspective of telehealth during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 156, 104613. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2021.104613

Sharrief, A. Z., Guzik, A. K., Jones, E., Okpala, M., Love, M. F., Ranasinghe, T. I. J., & Bushnell, C. (2023). Telehealth Trials to Address Health Equity in Stroke Survivors. Stroke, 54(2), 396–406. https://doi.org/10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.039566


One of the areas of concern to Mr. Magone and the senior leadership of Healing Hands Hospital is the integration and adoption of information technology and systems that would be needed if the hospital consolidated with a large health system or added more outpatient services or expanded into telemedicine. As a member of the Task Force support team, you have been asked to research and discuss current and future advances and issues related to information technology in healthcare. This may include integration concerns with the Healing Hands Hospital’s current electronic health record system (EHRs), new models of decision support systems, and telemedicine with wearable tracking and smartphone linked devices.

Include the following information in your paper:

Identify 1 major technological trend (such as data analytics, decision support systems, telemedicine, or tracking devices) in health care that could be adopted by Healing Hands Hospital.

Discuss the pros and cons of adopting this technology.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook and all course resources.

Additional materials are available on the HCM Learning Center course page.

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