HLT 306V Topic 2 DQ 1

HLT 306V Topic 2 DQ 1

Sister Mary is a patient in Level 2 Emergency Department. She must have a neural examination, physical assessment, radiographs of her facial bones, and a computed tomography scan of the head. Taking into consideration that she is a Roman Catholic nun, what would be the ideal course of patient education as this woman progresses from department to department?

Patient Education

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Having a deep awareness of how religious beliefs affect the health decisions of patients is one of the critical requirements of cultural sensitivity. For example, religion influences attitudes toward modesty and the choice of a healthcare provider to do a physical examination (Henderson et al., 2018). As Sister Mary navigates through the departments from one procedure to another, it is essential to talk with the patient and establish their beliefs and preferences. For example, a physical examination may require Sister Mary to remove part of her clothing, which might make her comfortable. As such, it would be appropriate to let her choose whether she needs a female practitioner to do the physical examination. Additionally, patient education will also focus on explaining to Sister Mary what the assessments involve and the ones that might make her feel uncomfortable. While explaining these, it would be essential to gather the patient’s view on such procedures that might cause intrusion of her privacy (Falvo, 2011). Sister Mary should also be encouraged to ask questions and notify the healthcare provider whenever they may feel uncomfortable during the physical examination and other procedures.

Patient education should also evaluate any religious restrictions by the Roman Catholic that might not align with the principles of assessments. In such cases, the patient would be encouraged to state her needs and preferences, and these should be charted so that professionals from other departments are aware of the patient’s unique needs and religious convictions. The procedures should be tailored to meet the needs of Sister Mary so she can have a positive experience moving from one department to another (Swihart, 2021). Other aspects that are important for the patient education approach are showing respect, compassion, and empathy. Respecting the patient’s religious beliefs even if they do not align with personal beliefs is important in promoting culturally sensitive care. The providers should also express empathy and compassion so that Sister Mary knows that the health professionals understand what she is going through, which gives hope and resilience.

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