How does the vast movement of food from one nation to another benefit or potentially harm developing nations?

How does the vast movement of food from one nation to another benefit or potentially harm developing nations?

Choose 1 of the foods from the following link that you may have in your fridge or pantry:

Click here for the list of foods and food information.

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Complete the following:

List and describe the food item, and include where it came from (check the label or Web site).

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Use this calculator to determine how far it has traveled to you. Answer the following questions (use the Internet and CTU library to form your opinions):

How does the vast movement of food from one nation to another benefit or potentially harm developing nations? Are there benefits of importing food to developed or wealthy nations?

There is an “eat local” initiative developing throughout the United States and Europe. What are the benefits to buying fresh, local foods? Are there drawbacks? Do you buy local?

Can you live without the food item you chose? Is there a local substitute available?

Knowing what you do of how global food trade affects the global market and the economies of individual countries, explain your position on buying this food item in the future.

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