Legal and Ethical Issues in Research

Legal and Ethical Issues in Research

Legal and Ethical Issues in Research

Legal and Ethical Issues in Research

Asthma is a chronic lung disease caused by inflammation of the lower airways and episodes of airflow obstruction. Asthma episodes or attacks can vary from mild to life-threatening. In 2007, about 7% percent of the U.S. population was diagnosed with asthma and there have been a growing number of new cases since that time. There are several known risk factors identified as triggers of asthma symptoms and episodes, including inhalation of allergens or pollutants, infection, cold air, vigorous exercise, and emotional upsets. There is also growing evidence relating body-mass index to asthma in both children and adults. Design a study to investigate whether there is such an association.

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Choose a study design and justify the reasons you chose the design over others.

Select a statistical measure you would use to describe the association (if there is one) between body mass index and asthma.

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In addition, address:

Subject selection

Issues relating to the measurement of both the exposure and the outcome

Potential biases that the study might be prone to, and how they might be handled

Possible confounding factors and effect modifiers and how to overcome their effect

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legal and ethical issues in research
Legal and Ethical Issues in Research

Present the information in a 750-1000-word report, using section headings where each requirement is described and justified under each of the following headings: Study Design, Statistical Measures, Subject Selection, and Measurement Issues.

Refer to the “Key Elements of a Research Proposal.”

You are required to use a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to LopesWrite.

Key Elements of a Research Proposal

If you need a review of study design components, view the resources below.

Review the Key Elements page of the Research Methods Knowledge Base website at

Key Elements of a Research Proposal

Background / purpose / rationale of the study

Literature review

Hypothesis/key questions

Research objectives

Research methods

• Study design

• Statistical bias

• Procedures/timeline

o Specific steps to be taken to complete the study

o Instruments/data collection methods

o Outcomes

• Proposed data analysis plan

o Statistical analyses planned

o Power analysis if appropriate

• Data safety monitoring if appropriate

Study participants

• Description of participates

• Recruitment of participates

• Confidentiality/human subject’s protection/legal-ethical issues (if appropriate)

• Sampling / rationale

o Inclusion/exclusion criteria

o Number of subjects

Statistical Analysis (only if applicable)

Anticipated Results and Potential Pitfalls

Implications for Practice

Adapted from “Key Elements of a Social Science Research Proposal: Statement of Research Plan” by the Office of Research at Northwestern University at

Topic 1 DQ 1

Oct 3-5, 2022

What would spirituality be according to your own worldview? How do you believe that your conception of spirituality would influence the way in which you care for patients?

In essence, spirituality is the quest for the meaning of life (Bogue and Hogan, 2020). This vague term takes on many meanings depending on who is asked. Worldviews have a large impact on what path spirituality takes for someone. Personally, my worldview aligns with realism and optimism. Realism in the fact that what I can perceive and what is tangible in this world is what creates the majority of my experience. My optimistic worldview allows me to rely on such ideas as faith in order to maintain a positive view of my future. These play into my spirituality by allowing me to stay grounded in the present and accepting that the future is still unknown but has so much potential to be better than what I can comprehend now. My worldview allows my spirituality to be fluid and less of a daily burden mentally. The combination of my worldview and spirituality allow me to be present for my patients in their times of need, maintain positivity, be open to external experiences and worldviews, all while maintaining a tangible awareness of the physical ailments they are experiencing. Faith without realism does not benefit the patient because even if a grim prognosis exists, realism allows us to deal with the now and continue to move forward. Even if moving forward towards a terminal diagnosis, solace can be found in working through the physical realm to eventually be at peace in faith; knowing all that can be done in the now has been addressed. 


Bogue, D. W. and Hogan, M. (2020). Foundational Issues in Christian Spirituality and Ethics. Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in health care. Retrieved from 

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