Making unfavorable dispositional attribution for someone’s behavior

Making unfavorable dispositional attribution for someone’s behavior

Making unfavorable dispositional attribution for someone’s behavior Thinking Critically—Analyze Assumptions and Biases. In the workplace, we often find ourselves working with others who might be outside our cultural norms. We have to find ways to work with others whether we “like” or understand them. Think about the last time you made an unfavorable dispositional attribution for someone’s behavior (“That guy is such a jerk!”). What information did you have access to, and what information did that person have access to? That is, as an observer of the other person’s behavior, what did you focus on, and how did that influence your conclusion about the cause of that behavior? Now imagine the other person’s perspective: What did that person focus on, and how might it lead to that person reaching a different conclusion about the cause of her or his own behavior? Write a one page paper on this topic including how we can incorporate what we learned into the workforce to deal with our coworkers.

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