Mental Disorders and Data Screening
Mental Disorders and Data Screening
Mental Disorders and Data Screening: (Part 1a) Using one of the research methods discussed in the text, locate and read a recent, full-text article from the Capella Library that utilizes biological research in the study of a particular disorder or behavior. Choose a disorder or behavior you will most likely work with in your particular area of specialization. The study should utilize one or more of the research techniques of behavioral genetics (such as twin studies, adoption studies, targeted mutations, or psychophysiological techniques not related to genetics). Summarize the article, and outline the problem and the hypotheses of the study. Which research techniques were used?
Analyze and explain how these techniques were helpful in answering the research questions.
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Cite and reference your article using APA formatting.
Mental Disorders and Data Screening
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(Part 1b) Data Screening
What are the goals of data screening? How can you identify and remedy the following?
Errors in data entry.
Missing data.
Mental Disorders and Data Screening
(Readings Part 1a) Readings
In your Physiology of Behavior text, read Chapter 5, “Methods and Strategies of Research,” pages 130–163.
Optional Internet Resources
If you choose, you may explore Montreal Neurological Institute: Brain Imaging Demos.
(Part 1b) Studies
Use your George and Mallery text to complete the following:
Review the “An Introduction to the Example” section of Chapter 1. This section provides definitions of SPSS variables used in your Unit 3 assignments.
Read Chapter 6 “Frequencies.” This reading addresses the following topics:
Bar Charts.
Read Chapter 7 “Descriptive Statistics.” This reading addresses the following topics:
Statistical Significance.
The Normal Distribution.
Mean, Median, and Mode.
Variance and Standard Deviation Skewness, and Kurtosis.
Maximum, Minimum, Range, and Sum.
Standard Error.
Your SPSS Data Set
The grades.sav file is a sample SPSS data set from the George and Mallery text. The fictional data represent a teacher’s recording of student demographics and performance on quizzes and a final exam across three sections of the course. Each section consists of about 35 students ( N = 105).
Last week, you converted grades2.dat to grades.sav. There are 21 variables in grades.sav.
Open your grades.sav file and navigate to the “Variable View” tab.
Click the link to open the Data Set Instructions and make sure you have the correct Values and Scales of Measurement assigned.
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