Neurobiology and Medication Adherence Concepts NURS 6630

Neurobiology and Medication Adherence Concepts NURS 6630

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Neurobiology and Medication Adherence Concepts NURS 6630

Neurons are information messengers whose role is to transmit information between the areas of the brain and the rest of the nervous system. They have three main parts namely the cell body, axon, and the dendrites (Kringelbach et al., 2020). The cell body is made up of a nucleus and cytoplasm and produces protein required to construct other parts of the neuron.

The axon, on the other hand, extends from the cell body and carries signals away from the cell body while the dendrites carry signals toward the cell body and have numerous synapses to receive the signal from nearby neurons. Upon stimulation, neurons transmit an electrical impulse that passes through the dendrite, to the cell body, axon, axon terminal, and finally, the stimulus is passed (Kringelbach et al., 2020). At the axonal terminal, the axon releases neurotransmitters that depolarize neighboring cells through synapses and by binding to the membrane of the dendrite.

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Specifically, the hippocampus is used to mediate a cognitive/spatial form of memory. It controls learning and declarative memory which covers the memory of facts and events (Malinowski, 2019).  The dorsal striatum also helps in memory by mediating the stimulus-response habit memory. Addiction on the other hand is linked to the limbic system through the orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate gyrus (Malinowski, 2019). In line with motor control, the nigra striatal region offers two anatomically and functionally distinct portions knowns as the substantia nigra pars compacta and the substantia nigra pars reticulata.

Other essential components in the central nervous system are the glial cells. They include the astrocytes whose role is to maintain the environment for neuronal signaling by controlling the level of neurotransmitters surrounding the synapses (Hirbec et al., 2020).

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Neurobiology and Medication Adherence Concepts NURS 6630

Equally, oligodendrocytes wrap around the axons forming a protective layer called myelin sheath which enhances neuron signaling. The cells also include microglia, ependymal cells, and radial glial whose roles are clearing dead cells or removing harmful toxins, maintaining homeostasis, and regenerating neurons and other glial cells like astrocytes and oligodendrocytes respectively.

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Neurons communicate with each other through synaptic transmission. A chemical synapse is registered at the axon terminal of the presynaptic neuron and the dendrite of the postsynaptic neuron (Malinowski, 2019). The dendrite picks up signals and passes the signals down to the axon, into the axon terminals, and into the synapses. The role of the chemical synapse is to transform the electrical signal in the presynaptic cell’s axon into a chemical signal and back into an electrical signal in the postsynaptic cell.

Neurobiology and Medication Adherence Concepts



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neurobiology and medication adherence concepts nurs 6630

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Submitted Dec 18 at 3:17am
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Question 1 
/ 0 pts
Neurotransmitters are defined by four essential characteristics. These are:
Neurotransmitters are synthesized within presynaptic neurons.
Depolarization of a neuron results in the release of a neurotransmitter, which exerts a multitude of actions on the postsynaptic neuron.
Their action on postsynaptic neurons can be replicated by administering a drug that mimics the activity of the endogenous neurotransmitter.
Their action in the synaptic cleft is terminated by a specific action.
A, C, and D only

Answer B should read a “discrete” (not multitude) action on the post synaptic neuron.


Question 2 
/ 0 pts
Upon blocking a Serotonin reuptake pump, what happens in the synaptic cleft and on the post synaptic cell membrane?
The result will be an increase in available Serotonin in the synaptic cleft causing the post synaptic cell to increase the number of Serotonin receptors.
The result will be an increase in the available Serotonin in the synaptic cleft causing the post synaptic neuron to reduce the number of Serotonin receptors.
The result will be an increase in Serotonin in the synaptic cleft resulting in an increase in reuptake pumps on the presynaptic neuron.
The result will be an increase in Serotonin in the synaptic cleft resulting in a decrease in reuptake pumps on the pre-synaptic neuron.

A, C, and D are misrepresentations of what occurs when you increase Serotonin in the synaptic cleft. There is no effect on the pre-synaptic neuron, and the increases in Serotonin result in a reduction of receptor concentration on the post-synaptic neuron.


Question 3 
/ 0 pts
Neurotransmission is unidirectional insofar as chemical and electrical conduction is concerned within the individual neuron. Of the following descriptions, which best characterizes the order of neurotransmitter/receptor interaction that results in an electrical signal impulse and the release of another neurotransmitter for interaction in the synaptic cleft (signal conduction through a neuron)?
Cell body, dendrites, Axon, Axon terminals
Dendrites, Axon, Cell body, Axon, Axon terminals
Dendrites, Cell body, Axon, Axon terminals
Axon terminals, Axon, Cell body, Dendrites

All of the other options are mis-sequenced in signal conduction.


Question 4 
/ 0 pts

1Neurons are classified in several different ways. From the following statements, select which ones are true.

  1. The two structural classifications are projection neurons and local inter-neurons.
  2. Function classifications are made up of two subcategories: excitatory and inhibitory.
  3. Histological classification includes bipolar, unipolar, and multipolar.
  4. Classifications using a combination of structural, functional, and neurotransmitter type provide the most robust and useful description.
  5. Classification by neurotransmitter type alone provides the most useful description.
I only
III only
I, II, and V only
I, II, III, IV, and V
I, III, and IV

Statement II would need to include modulatory function to be correct, and Statement V does not include structural and functional classification systems.


Question 5 
/ 0 pts
Receptors trigger one of two effector pathways resulting in changes in neuronal activity. These changes will, ultimately, effect gene expression. Which effector pathway is characterized by ion flux through transmitter-activated channels resulting in an altered membrane potential and neuronal activity?
Slow effector pathways
Modulated effector pathways
Rapid effector pathways
NMDA glutamate receptor pathways

Answer B is fictitious, D is a type of rapid effector pathway, and A represents G-protein coupled receptors.


Question 6 
/ 0 pts
Introducing adherence in facilitating treatment goals is something that would be necessary in a patient who has previously displayed nonadherence patterns.

It is introduced as early as possible in treatment to mitigate the risks associated with nonadherence.


Question 7 
/ 0 pts
Serotonin (5HT) is a neurotransmitter associated with mood, sleep, and psychosis. There are several serotonin receptors all over the human body. A unique aspect of the second generation antipsychotics is their ability to block 5HT2a receptors. What is the effect of this inhibition?
Stabilizes dopamine concentrations in the CNS
Induces anxiety
Causes hallucinations
Reduces platelet function

B represents antagonism of 5HT1a, C represents a 5HT2a agonist, and D represents what happens when you inhibit SERT.


Question 8 
/ 0 pts
Treatment adherence is affected by several different factors. Clinical factors include mood, anxiety, psychosis, and substance misuse. There are also patient factors such as knowledge, attitude, and beliefs; economic and racial/ethnic disparities, and clinical encounters. A patient who presents hopeless, with decreased energy, and poor concentration is affected by which factor?
Substance misuse
Knowledge deficits
Attitude ad belief system

These are signs of an altered mood.


Question 9 
/ 0 pts
If a patient admits to taking his medication every other day (instead of daily, as prescribed), a potential concern would be:
Sufficient understanding or acceptance of the illness
Abuse of the medication
Is the desired effect recognized at a lower daily dose?

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