NR 351 Week 3 Assignment Professional Paper Worksheet Teamwork and Collaboration Recent
NR 351 Week 3 Assignment Professional Paper Worksheet Teamwork and Collaboration Recent
Nursing as a health care science focuses on serving the needs of humans as a biophychosocial and spiritual being. Its practice requires not only scientific knowledge, but also interpersonal, intellectual and technical abilities and skills. This means a composition of knowledge, clinical work and interpersonal communication. Communication is a vital element in nursing in all areas of activity and in all its interventions such as prevention, treatment, therapy, rehabilitation, education and health promotion. Good Communication also improves the quality of care provided to patients, which is observed in the results. Additionally, it is considered an inalienable right and a prerequisite for building a genuine and meaningful relationship between patients and nurses and other health professionals. Kourkouta (2014). Effective communication between nurses and physicians is extremely important to patient safety. The Joint Commission reports that communication errors contribute to the majority of sentinel events reported. Thomas (2009)
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I would like to share an experience I had recently involving poor communication, teamwork and collaboration. It involved a scheduled procedure on a patient’s left hand. This patient was evaluated and diagnosed by her surgeon, seen by him the morning of the procedure, completed all the pre-operative assessments and was ready to be transported to the operating room.
While performing my assessment and interview, I noticed a bangle bracelet on her left wrist, the operative limb. I kindly asked her to remove the bracelet. Patient stated that the bracelet has been on for the past 20 years and she was physically unable to remove it. She became emotional and tears begin to flow. She shared with me how special the bracelet was to her and if it must be removed she would not proceed with her surgery. By taking the time to listen and sympathize with my patient, I recommended that she reconsider her decision. I pointed out that she had mentally and physically prepared for the procedure. She would still have the pain and problems that she had previously. Upon further dialogue, it was discovered that the bracelet was actually made of glass and therefore, could not be removed safely in the hospital setting. I explained that we would try to figure out a solution together.
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I contact the surgeon and he said he would not perform the procedure if the bracelet was not removed. At this point, I communicated the situation to my supervisor. My supervisor consulted the surgeon and explained the predicament. At this point, he decided to perform the procedure with the bracelet left in place but secured and kept out of the sterile field.
Again, I returned to the patient and explained what the plan was moving forward. She was to immediately seek treatment in the emergency department should swelling occur because the bracelet could cause harm and increase the risk for potential loss of hand/limb. She understood and agreed to use ice and elevation to minimize the swelling. I also spoke to the husband and explained the events, the delay and the importance of monitoring for swelling.
My patient was relieved, the procedure safely performed and her bracelet remained in place. The roles assumed by nurses require that they have a repertoire of clinical, cognitive and communication skills. Adaptation to situations is necessary as nurses often encounter complicated patient situations. Hood ( 2018). This event included communication, teamwork and collaboration, safety, patient centered care, quality improvement, leadership and professionalism on my part as a nurse. These core competencies came together to allow me to provide excellent patient care.
Hood, L. J. Leddy and Pepper’s Professional Nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA Wolters Kluwer
Kourkouta, L. Communication in Nursing Practice (February 2014). https://www.ncbi.nlm/
NR 351 Week 3 Assignment Professional Paper Worksheet Teamwork and Collaboration Recent
NR 351 Week 3 Assignment Professional Paper Worksheet Teamwork and Collaboration Recent
Professional Paper Worksheet Guidelines
The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learner to demonstrate good organization, appropriate resources, and correct APA formatting for preparing a professional paper.
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course out comes.
CO #3.Demonstrate effective verbal, written, and technological communication using legal and ethical standards for transferring knowledge using success resources provided to Chamberlain students.(PO#3)
CO #4. Integrate critical thinking and judgment in professional decision-making in collaboration with faculty and peers. (PO#4)
CO #5. Apply concepts of professionalism when planning for personal, intellectual, and professional development. (PO#5)
CO #9.Demonstrate accountability for personal and professional development by assessing information and technology competence, implementing plans for upgrading technology skills, and using effective strategies for online student success using resources provided to Chamberlain students. (PO#5)
Submit the assignment to theWeek3Dropboxby Sunday,11:59 p.m.MT.
This assignment is worth a total of125points.
PREPARING THE Professional Paper Worksheet
1. Carefully read this document (Professional Paper Worksheet Guidelines),including the Rubric.
2. Download the Professional Paper Worksheet Template from Doc Sharing. Rename that document as Your Last Name Professional Paper Worksheet.docx, for example Smith Professional Paper Worksheet. Save it to your own computer or drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later.
3. Type your assignment directly on the saved template. Remember that only Microsoft Word 2010oralater version is acceptable. The document must be saved as a.docx. Save frequently to prevent loss of your work.
4. Recall the Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competency that you selected for your Professional Paper Topic in the Week 1 Time Management Plan assignment.
5. Locate pages in your Hood textbook that correspond to your paper topic. HINT: Begin with the syllabus.
6. From the Syllabus, locate the week that your topic is presented. Go to the Assignments page for that week. Click on the link to the assigned article for your paper topic. Read the article. NOTE: You must use the article assigned based on your topic.
7. Create a reference in APA format for the article assigned.
8. Select a 10–25-word quotation from that article that you plan to use in your Professional Paper. Do not select words or ideas that the author(s) attributes to another source. Provide the quotation and citation in correct APA format.
9. Paraphrase the passage that you previously quoted. Provide your paraphrased wording and citation in correct APA format.
10. Prepare a detailed outline for your Professional Paper as indicated on the Template (specific topics only, complete sentences not needed). NOTE: The Professional Paper will contain 500–600 words of content.
11. Double check your answers with the rubric prior to submission.
12. When your assignment is complete, save and close the completed Professional Paper Worksheet Template. Login to the course and submit the completed template as an attachment to the Week 3Dropbox.See theWeek3 Assignments page for step-by-step instructions on how to use the Dropbox.
Professional Paper Worksheet Template
Student Name: Date:
1. Carefully read the Professional Paper Worksheet Guidelines found in Doc Sharing. This provides specific details on how to complete this assignment.
2. Rename this document by clicking Save As. Change the file name so it reads Your Last Name Professional Paper Worksheet.docx. For example, if your last name is Smith, type Smith Professional Paper Worksheet.docx.
3. Save the document as a .docx file in Microsoft Word 2010 or later.
4. Type your name and date at the top of this template.
5. Type your answers directly on the template. Follow all instructions on this Template and the Guidelines document (including the Rubric). Save frequently to prevent loss of your work.
6. Submit to the Dropbox by the end of Week 3, Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.
7. Post questions about this assignment to the Q& A Forum so your classmates can read the advice, too. You may also e-mail questions to your instructor.
Item Instructions Type your answers below
Approved Paper Topic (from Week 1 Assignment):
Clearly state the Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competency topic that was approved as your topic in Week 1 Time Management Plan Assignment.
Page numbers in Hood textbook on your topic:
Clearly state page numbers in Hood textbook that correspond to the selected topic.
Reference for Journal Article:
Create a reference for the assigned article using correct APA format including: authors, year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers, italics, parentheses, punctuation, line spacing, and hanging indent.
Quotation with Citation:
Type a quotation (10–25 words) from the assigned article using correct APA citation including quotation marks, authors’ names, year, page numbers, and parentheses. Do not use words or ideas the authors cited from another source.
Paraphrased Area and Citation:
Type appropriately paraphrased version of the words quoted in the section above using correct APA citation including authors’ names, year, and parentheses. Do not use words or ideas that the authors cited from another source.
Professional Paper Outline:
Develop outline for professional paper including introduction, 2 main topics, and conclusion (all with excellent subtopics as required on Template). Excellent specifics used.
Participation for MSN
Threaded Discussion Guiding Principles
The ideas and beliefs underpinning the threaded discussions (TDs) guide students through engaging dialogues as they achieve the desired learning outcomes/competencies associated with their course in a manner that empowers them to organize, integrate, apply and critically appraise their knowledge to their selected field of practice. The use of TDs provides students with opportunities to contribute level-appropriate knowledge and experience to the topic in a safe, caring, and fluid environment that models professional and social interaction. The TD’s ebb and flow is based upon the composition of student and faculty interaction in the quest for relevant scholarship. Participation in the TDs generates opportunities for students to actively engage in the written ideas of others by carefully reading, researching, reflecting, and responding to the contributions of their peers and course faculty. TDs foster the development of members into a community of learners as they share ideas and inquiries, consider perspectives that may be different from their own, and integrate knowledge from other disciplines.
Participation Guidelines
Each weekly threaded discussion is worth up to 25 points. Students must post a minimum of two times in each graded thread. The two posts in each individual thread must be on separate days. The student must provide an answer to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week. If the student does not provide an answer to each graded thread topic (not a response to a student peer) before the Wednesday deadline, 5 points are deducted for each discussion thread in which late entry occurs (up to a 10-point deduction for that week). Subsequent posts, including essential responses to peers, must occur by the Sunday deadline, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week.
Direct Quotes
Good writing calls for the limited use of direct quotes. Direct quotes in Threaded Discussions are to be limited to one short quotation (not to exceed 15 words). The quote must add substantively to the discussion. Points will be deducted under the Grammar, Syntax, APA category.
Grading Rubric Guidelines
Performance Category |
10 |
9 |
8 |
4 |
0 |
Demonstrates achievement of scholarly inquiry for professional and academic decisions.
- Provides relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry clearly stating how the evidence informed or changed professional or academic decisions
- Evaluates literature resources to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis.
- Uses valid, relevant, and reliable outside sources to contribute to the threaded discussion
- Provides relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry but does not clearly state how the evidence informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
- Evaluates information from source(s) to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis.
- Uses some valid, relevant, reliable outside sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.
- Discusses using scholarly inquiry but does not state how scholarly inquiry informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
- Information is taken from source(s) with some interpretation/evaluation, but not enough to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis.
- Little valid, relevant, or reliable outside sources are used to contribute to the threaded discussion.
- Demonstrates little or no understanding of the topic.
- Discusses using scholarly inquiry but does not state how scholarly inquiry informed or changed professional or academic decisions.
- Information is taken from source(s) without any interpretation/evaluation.
- The posting uses information that is not valid, relevant, or reliable
- No evidence of the use of scholarly inquiry to inform or change professional or academic decisions.
- Information is not valid, relevant, or reliable
Performance Category |
10 |
9 |
8 |
4 |
0 |
Application of Course Knowledge –
Demonstrate the ability to analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles and concepts learned in the course lesson and outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations
- Posts make direct reference to concepts discussed in the lesson or drawn from relevant outside sources;
- Applies concepts to personal experience in the professional setting and or relevant application to real life.
- Posts make direct reference to concepts discussed in the lesson or drawn from relevant outside sources.
- Applies concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
- Interactions with classmates are relevant to the discussion topic but do not make direct reference to lesson content
- Posts are generally on topic but do not build knowledge by incorporating concepts and principles from the lesson.
- Does not attempt to apply lesson concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
- Does not demonstrate a solid understanding of the principles and concepts presented in the lesson
- Posts do not adequately address the question posed either by the discussion prompt or the instructor’s launch post.
- Posts are superficial and do not reflect an understanding of the lesson content
- Does not attempt to apply lesson concepts to personal experience in their professional setting and or relevant application to real life
- Posts are not related to the topics provided by the discussion prompt or by the instructor; attempts by the instructor to redirect the student are ignored
- No discussion of lesson concepts to personal experience in the professional setting and or relevant application to real life
Performance Category |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
0 |
Interactive Dialogue
Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts a minimum of two times in each graded thread, on separate days.
(5 points possible per graded thread)
- Exceeds minimum post requirements
- Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts three or more times in each graded thread, over three separate days.
- Replies to a post posed by faculty and to a peer
- Summarizes what was learned from the lesson, readings, and other student posts for the week.
- Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts a minimum of two times in each graded thread, on separate days
- Replies to a question posed by a peer
Summarizes what was learned from the lesson, readings, and other student posts for the week.
- Meets expectations of 2 posts on 2 different days.
- The main post is not made by the Wednesday deadline
- Does not reply to a question posed by a peer or faculty
- Has only one post for the week
- Discussion posts contain few, if any, new ideas or applications; often are a rehashing or summary of other students’ comments
- Does not post to the thread
- No connections are made to the topic
Minus 1 Point |
Minus 2 Point |
Minus 3 Point |
Minus 4 Point |
Minus 5 Point |
Grammar, Syntax, APA
Note: if there are only a few errors in these criteria, please note this for the student in as an area for improvement. If the student does not make the needed corrections in upcoming weeks, then points should be deducted.
Points deducted for improper grammar, syntax and APA style of writing.
The source of information is the APA Manual 6th Edition
- 2-3 errors in APA format.
- Written responses have 2-3 grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
- Writing style is generally clear, focused, and facilitates communication.
- 4-5 errors in APA format.
- Writing responses have 4-5 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
- Writing style is somewhat focused.
- 6-7 errors in APA format.
- Writing responses have 6-7 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
- Writing style is slightly focused making discussion difficult to understand.
- 8-10 errors in APA format.
- Writing responses have 8-10 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
- Writing style is not focused, making discussion difficult to understand.
- Post contains greater than 10 errors in APA format.
- Written responses have more than 10 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
- Writing style does not facilitate communication.
- The student continues to make repeated mistakes in any of the above areas after written correction by the instructor
0 points lost |
-5 points lost |
Total Participation Requirements
per discussion thread
The student answers the threaded discussion question or topic on one day and posts a second response on another day. |
The student does not meet the minimum requirement of two postings on two different days |
Early Participation Requirement
per discussion thread
The student must provide a substantive answer to the graded discussion question(s) or topic(s), posted by the course instructor (not a response to a peer), by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week. |
The student does not meet the requirement of a substantive response to the stated question or topic by Wednesday at 11:59 pm MT. |
NOTE: To receive credit for a week’s discussion, students may begin posting no earlier than the Sunday immediately before each week opens. Unless otherwise specified, access to most weeks begins on Sunday at 12:01 a.m. MT, and that week’s assignments are due by the next Sunday by 11:59 p.m. MT. Week 8 opens at 12:01 a.m. MT Sunday and closes at 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday. Any assignments and all discussion requirements must be completed by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday of the eighth week.