NR 361 Week 1 Discussion 1 Recent

NR 361 Week 1 Discussion 1 Recent

NR 361 Week 1 Discussion 1 Recent

Moving Data to Wisdom

AACN Essentials Informatics Self-Assessment Download and open the AACN Essentials Self-Assessment (Links to an external site.). Complete the self-assessment of your current comfort levels and total your score. If you are willing, please share your results with your classmates in your discussion post. (Remember, this is the starting point for our course and the start of the knowledge we will learn over 8 weeks). As you reflect on your score, identify areas where your knowledge could use improvement.

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Whether you are a new graduate or a seasoned nurse, it is important to keep in mind that all professional nurses are knowledge workers. What questions do you have as they relate to nursing informatics and the AACN essentials? Hello professor and classmates “Nursing informatics is an exciting nursing specialtydit affects learning environments, meaningful use, interprofessional collaboration, patient care settings, strategic planning, patient satisfaction, and, ultimately, patient outcomes. Simply put, nursing informatics is the practice of using nursing science and technology to enhance the pathway that data take to become knowledge to improve patient care” McGonigle, D., Hunter, K., Sipes, C., & Hebda, T. (2014) My score on the AACN self-assessment is 23, Most of my scores were good with a few poor.

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I am not comfortable using the technology but I’m willing to learning and navigated the system better with the nursing informatics class that I’m taking right now. The area where my knowledge could use improvement is in the of the use of new patient care technologies for safe, quality care. As a nurse it is our duty to advocate for our patient and deliver a safe quality care. In my current job, we are using a software name HCS where I can navigate all the stools that we need in other to provide an effective care for the patient. It is pretty new to me and I am handle it well so far but I need to be more comfortable using the system. “Healthcare professionals need to know more today to perform their daily jobs than at any previous point in history” (Hebda, Hunter, Czar, 2019). What I’m interested to know is it possible to have a system that can be used in all in the healthcare facilities where health professionals would not have to learn a new system every time they work in a new environment?

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Hebda, T., Hunter, K. M., & Czar, P. (2019). Handbook of informatics for nurses and healthcare professionals (6th ed.). NY, NY: Pearson. McGonigle, D., Hunter, K., Sipes, C., & Hebda, T. (2014). Why nurses need to understand nursing informatics. AORN Journal, 100(3), 324-327. doi:

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