NR 506 Week 7 Discussion RN as Healthcare Policy Leader

NR 506 Week 7 Discussion RN as Healthcare Policy Leader

NR 506 Week 7 Discussion RN as Healthcare Policy Leader

NR 506 Healthcare Policy

Week 7 Discussion

RN as Healthcare Policy Leader

As a health policy professional leader, communicating with lay audiences is an important skill in promoting the health of the community for master prepared registered nurses. Develop a concise position statement reflecting the research findings and recommendations by experts as they relate to workplace support for breast feeding mothers, medical marijuana services in the community, genetic testing or applications of stem cell research, transgender care, abortion, end-of-life care,  or a community service administered by Family Nurse Practitioners (if you pick this one be specific about the type of community service the FNP would work in or manage).

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Healthcare policy has a substantial impact on the advanced practice nurse (APN) profession. Policy can influence the scope of practice for APNs, the type of work they are able to do, and the reimbursement they can receive for services. The types of policies that can affect APNs include state, federal, and organizational policies. State policies can affect the scope of practice for APNs. Some states have more restrictive scope of practice policies than others, which can limit the types of services that APNs are allowed to provide. These policies can also affect the reimbursement an APN can receive for services.

Federal policies can impact the types of services APNs are allowed to provide and the reimbursement they can receive. For example, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has expanded the types of services APNs are allowed to provide and has resulted in increased reimbursement for some services (Hansen-Turton et al., 2020). Organizational policies can also influence APN practice. As an illustration, certain organizations may insist that APNs acquire extra training or certification prior to furnishing particular services (Hansen-Turton et al., 2020). Additionally, organizations may have policies that limit the number of APNs they are allowed to employ or the types of services they can provide.

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Advocacy: An Essential Role of the APN

Advocacy is seen as a critical responsibility of the advanced practice nurse in the contemporary environment. It involves the utilization of evidence-based practices, clinical expertise and experience to influence healthcare decision-making, for the purpose of optimizing patient outcomes and improving healthcare systems (Brassard et al., 2020). The APN is seen as a leader and an advocate for patients and their families, providing a voice to those who may be unable to speak up or who may be overlooked by the larger healthcare system. An APN may advocate for needed resources or supports to ensure that patient needs are met. They may also be involved in advocating for healthcare policy changes at the local, state, or federal level (Brassard et al., 2020). In addition, the APN may be involved in advocating for the education and training of healthcare professionals, in order to ensure that healthcare professionals are well-equipped to provide quality care.

Four Pillars of Transformational Leadership and Policy Change

Transformational leadership can have a significant impact on policy change, influencing key decision-makers with its four pillars – idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. (Al Harbi et al., 2019). Idealized influence involves leaders acting as role models, inspiring followers to emulate them through their positive behaviors and attitudes, and setting the tone for higher performance standards. Transformational leaders may be able to establish credibility with policymakers, forging meaningful relationships based on trust and respect, heightening the possibility of successful policy change. Inspirational motivation involves leaders motivating followers to work towards a shared vision, highlighting the importance of policy changes while emphasizing the potential benefits of their implementation (Al Harbi et al., 2019). Transformational leaders may inspire policymakers to invest in a particular policy by showing how it aligns with their political ideals and other values they treasure.

Intellectual stimulation involves leaders promoting innovation and new thinking, encouraging followers to challenge the status quo, and promoting the value of diverse perspectives. Transformational leaders may inspire policymakers to embrace new approaches through their willingness to consider alternative viewpoints and innovative solutions (Al Harbi et al., 2019). Individualized consideration involves leaders adapting to the needs of followers, recognizing their abilities and limitations, and providing them with the support they need to reach their full potential. Transformational leaders may be able to work with policymakers to develop policies reflecting the specific needs of different communities, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued.



Al Harbi, J.A., Alarifi, S., & Mosbah, A. (2019). Transformation leadership and creativity: Effects of employees pyschological empowerment and intrinsic motivation. Personnel Review, 48(5), 1082-1099. to an external site.

Brassard, A., Quinn, W.V., Little, P., & DiChiacchio, T. (2020). Advocacy for nurses and consumers. In: Hassmiller, S.B., Pulcini, J. (eds) Advanced Practice Nursing Leadership: A Global Perspective. Advanced Practice in Nursing. Springer, Cham. to an external site.

Hansen-Turton, T., Nancy L., & Rothman, N. L. (2022). 15 – Health policy for advanced practice nurses: the nurse-led care evolution and policy implications for improving services for populations experiencing disproportionate health disparities. Shaping Nursing Healthcare Policy, Academic Press, 181-195. to an external site.

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