NR 524 self assessment of nln nurse educator core competencies week 8 assignment

NR 524 self assessment of nln nurse educator core competencies week 8 assignment

NR 524 self assessment of nln nurse educator core competencies week 8 assignment

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ou are to reflect upon and complete a self-assessment at the beginning of Week 1 and submit it by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 1. You are

to identify your level of competency for each of the sub-competencies listed on the worksheet (see example). In the next column you will see

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the course outcomes which are aligned with the NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies. The Course Outcomes are not specific to the

individual sub competencies however by meeting the course outcomes, you will be able to increase your knowledge, skills, and abilities in the

Core Competency identified for this course. In the final column for Week One, identify a specific example of what you will do throughout this

course to achieve each course outcome (possible points = 50).

In Week 8, you will again identify your level of competency for each of the sub-competencies listed on the Week One Worksheet. In the final

column you will give a specific example that shows how you demonstrated each course outcome. The assignment is to be submitted for grading

by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday of Week 8 (possible points = 50).

In the highlighted selection below, select the number that best represents your confidence that you meet each sub competency at this point in

your education career.

1= I am not confident at all that I meet these competencies; I need significant education and practice in this area.

2= I am somewhat confident that I meet this competency but could use some additional education and practice in this area.

3= I am very confident that I meet this competency and do not need additional education or practice in this area except for traditional

continuing education to update my skills.

You are to reflect upon and complete a self-assessment at the beginning of Week 1 and submit it by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 1.  You are to identify your level of competency for each of the sub-competencies listed on the worksheet (see example).  In the next column, you will see the course outcomes that are aligned with the NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies.  The Course Outcomes are not specific to the individual sub competencies however by meeting the course outcomes, you will be able to increase your knowledge, skills, and abilities in the Core Competency identified for this course. In the final column for Week One, identify a specific example of what you will do throughout this course to achieve each course outcome (possible points = 50).  

Week One

In week one, in column 2, place a rating (1, 2, 3) that best represents your confidence that you meet each sub competency at this point in your education career.  

1= I am not confident at all that I meet these competencies; I need significant education and practice in this area.  

2= I am somewhat confident that I meet this competency but could use some additional education and practice in this area.

3= I am very confident that I meet this competency and do not need additional education or practice in this area except for traditional continuing education to update my skills.

In column 4, provide a specific measurable example of how you plan to meet the course outcome during the next eight weeks.  

Week Eight

In week eight, you will again identify your level of competency for each of the sub-competencies.  Use the same worksheet that you used in week one.  The assignment is to be submitted for grading by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday of Week 8 (possible points = 50).

In week eight, in column 5, again place a rating (1, 2, 3) that best represents your confidence that you meet each sub competency at the end of the course.  

1= I am not confident at all that I meet these competencies; I need significant education and practice in this area.  

2= I am somewhat confident that I meet this competency but could use some additional education and practice in this area.

3= I am very confident that I meet this competency and do not need additional education or practice in this area except for traditional continuing education to update my skills.

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