NR443 RN Community Health Nursing All Weeks Discussions

NR443 RN Community Health Nursing All Weeks Discussions

NR443 RN Community Health Nursing All Weeks Discussions

Week 1 Discussion Social Factors

Discussion Question

There are many factors that make people healthy or ill.  This week we will focus on the social factors and determinants that impact health.

It is time to get out into your community!

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Go online to the U.S. Census Bureau at (Links to an external site.) (*note, you will be using this website in the Week 2 assignment, so you can get started on collecting all the required data if desired)

Input your local zip code, city, or county. Try to get as specific data as possible (city, township, county).

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Next, identify the:

Total population

Median income

Percentage or number of persons living in poverty

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Go to your local grocery store, use a flyer, or app. Include the stores name, city, and state. Identify cost for the following items (please note whether items are organic):

1 gallon of milk

1 loaf of bread

1 bag of apples (include price per pound)

1 bag of carrots

1 large container of yogurt

1 2-liter of soda

1 bag of chips

1 package of cookies

Utilizing the data collected, discuss social factors that might impact what groceries are purchased. Try to be as specific to your community as possible (location, availability, poverty levels, etc.).

Discuss how a community health nurse (CHN) could use one of the 17 intervention categories from the Public Health Intervention Wheel to address areas of food security (Nies & McEwen, 2019).

In your responses to classmates, include comparisons and contrasting information.

Your discussion post should look like:

Paragraph one: Utilizing the data collected, discuss a social factor that might impact what groceries are purchased. Try to be as specific to your community as possible (location, availability, poverty levels, etc.)

Paragraph two: Utilizing the data collected, discuss another social factor that might impact what groceries are purchased. Try to be as specific to your community as possible (location, availability, poverty levels, etc.)

Paragraph three: Discuss how a community health nurse (CHN) could use one of the 17 intervention categories from the Public Health Intervention Wheel to address areas of food security

Resources: Where did you find your data?

NR443 RN Community Health Nursing

Week 3 Discussion

Population Health Problems

Problems that impact populations are vast and now more than ever social media is getting involved.

Choose one of the following population health problems to focus on:

Substance use and/or abuse

Environmental health (air, water, ground, energy, climate, etc.) (Links to an external site.) has a wealth of information



Research and share an overview of the current data on this population health problem specific to your community. You must use one (or more) of the resources from the Direct Care Project Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis assignment. You may choose to find additional outside source(s).

Then take a moment to review the Twitter feed for compelling Tweets that may have an impact on or discuss the population health problem.

Give an overview of any agency, organization, person, or affiliation that is addressing the population health problem.

How could a community health nurse collaborate with the agency, organization, person, or affiliation address the population health problem?

Compose a 280-character or fewer Tweet that describes what you have shared with the class. Remember Twitter only allows 280 characters (this includes spaces, etc.) so you will need to be concise. It should include a hashtag. Include the URL to the reference or Tweet if applicable. Share this Tweet in the discussion.

Note: A Twitter account is not required nor is posting your Tweet on social media.

Your discussion post should look like:

Paragraph one: Overview of the current data on this population health problem specific to your community

Paragraph two: Overview of any agency, organization, person, or affiliation that is addressing the population health problem

Paragraph three: How could a community health nurse collaborate with the agency, organization, person, or affiliation to address the population health problem?

Tweet: 280-character or fewer Tweet with hashtag and reference if applicable.

Resources: Where did you find your data?

Example Tweet: Your zip code can have more of an impact on your health than your genetic code. Know your stats. #socialdeterminantsofhealth #SDoH #knowyourstats

NR443 RN Community Health Nursing

Week 5 Discussion Healthcare Policies and Population Health

Discussion Question

Healthcare policies impact all populations. Now, with the use of social media, policies involvement and awareness are rising.

Take a moment to review the Twitter feed for compelling Tweets that are related to healthcare policy and are directly impacting your community or those you care for.

Give an overview of the policy or potential policy. Include how it could impact your community or those you care for positively negatively.

Next, discuss the importance that interdisciplinary collaboration would have related to the policy.

Then, identify any ethical concerns it raises for you and why.

Compose a 280-character or fewer Tweet that describes what you have shared with the class. Remember Twitter only allows 280 characters (this include spaces, etc.) so you will need to be concise. It should include a hashtag. Include a reference URL if applicable. Share this Tweet in the discussion. (Note: A Twitter account is not required).

Your discussion post should look like:

Paragraph one: overview of the policy or potential policy. Include how it could impact your community or those you care for positively negatively.

Paragraph two: Discuss the importance that interdisciplinary collaboration would have related to the policy.

Paragraph three: Identify any ethical concerns it raises for you and why

Paragraph four: Compose a Tweet that describes what you have shared with the class.

Resources: Where did you find your data?

Example Tweet: Medications should be affordable. #pharmaceuticaltransparency #nursesunit #advocate

NR443 RN Community Health Nursing

Week 7 Discussion Communities and Disaster Preparedness

Think about disasters your community has or could potentially face. Now, think about how your community is helping its members prepare.

Explore your community and find an advertisement that represents helping community members be prepared for a disaster.

Examples could be a billboard, poster at a bus stop, marquee sign, flyer, yard sign and more. Example: Sign advertising ‘free’ flu vaccinations at a local pharmacy.

Upload that picture into the discussion.

To have it display in your post:

Click the embed image (looks like a picture of a mountain),

Choose the header Canvas

Go to My files, choose the Upload file

Click on the image you want to display

Choose Open

Click Update

Describe the message the advertisement is conveying.

Describe how the message impact preparedness.

If you cannot find any advertisement in your community, describe a type of advertisement for disaster preparedness you think would be most beneficial to your community and how it would be best conveyed.

Next, identify one community setting that is impacted by the disaster advertisement you shared


Correctional facilities

Home health


Forensic areas


Faith communities

Occupational health

Analyze at least one nursing role (refer to Week 6 lesson) related to disaster preparedness in that setting. Example: In the school setting, what actions and interventions would be involved with the nurse as coordinator of disaster preparedness?

Identify at least one key stakeholder related to the setting that a CHN could collaborate with regarding disaster preparedness. Include why this collaboration is important.

Your discussion post should look like:

Uploaded picture

Paragraph one: Describe the message the advertisement is conveying and how the message impact preparedness.

Paragraph two: Identify one community setting that is impacted by the disaster advertisement you shared. Analyze at least one nursing role related to disaster preparedness in that setting.

Paragraph three: Identify at least one key stakeholder related to the setting that a CHN could collaborate with regarding disaster preparedness. Include why this collaboration is important.

Resources: Where did you find your data?

NR443 RN Community Health Nursing

Week 8 Discussion Past, Present, and Future

There are many factors that will continue to impact community and population health.

Consider the past achievements in public health as many have implications around the globe.

Describe a global health concern that has impacted your community or those you care for.

Discuss what surveillance data could be pulled from an electronic health record (EHR) you have used or currently use in your nursing practice.

Take a moment to review the Twitter feed for compelling Tweets that are related to informatics, global health, and population health outcomes.

Share an overview the Tweet and how it is likely to impact future collaborative trends in community health.

Compose a 280-character or fewer Tweet that describes what you would like to see as a Tweet in the next decade related to public health achievements. Please try to be realistic, but also be visionary. Remember Twitter only allows 280 characters (this includes spaces, etc.) so you will need to be concise. It should include a hashtag. Include a reference URL if applicable. Share this Tweet in the discussion. (Note: A Twitter account is not required nor share your Tweet on social media).

Your discussion post should look like:

Paragraph one: Describe a global health concern that has impacted your community or those you care for

Paragraph two: Discuss what surveillance data could be pulled from an electronic health record (EHR) you have used or currently use in your nursing practice.

Paragraph three: Share information from a Tweet and how it is likely to impact future collaborative trends in community health.

Paragraph four: Compose a 280-character Tweet that describes what you would like to see as a Tweet in the next decade related to public health achievements.

Resources: Where did you find your data?

Example: New HIV infection rates at all-time low worldwide #primaryprevention #collaborationiskey #WeGotThis #RNsunite

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