NRS 429 Topic 1 VARK Analysis Paper Assignment GCU

NRS 429 Topic 1 VARK Analysis Paper Assignment GCU

NRS 429 Topic 1 VARK Analysis Paper Assignment GCU

VARK Analysis Paper

A learning style refers to the approach or the preferential way in which a learner acquires, processes, comprehends, and retains knowledge. Learning styles fall into four categories: Visual Learners, Auditory Learners, Read/Write learners, and Kinesthetic Learners. This has led to the acronym VARK, referring to the four types of learning styles visual, auditory, reading/writing preference, and kinesthetic. The purpose of this paper is to summarize my analysis of my learning style and explore the value of learning styles.

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Personal Learning Style

The VARK questionnaire results showed that I am a Very Strong Kinesthetic. The results were Visual-2, Aural-2, Read/Write- 2, and Kinesthetic-12. Kinesthetic learners best understand and retain information through tactile representation of information. They are hands-on learners and understand best by figuring things out by hand and through experiences and real things, even though they are displayed as images or on screens. The results suggest that I prefer to have a number of experiences since they facilitate my understanding of a concept.

Preferred Learning Strategies

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A learning strategy refers to a learner’s approach to organizing and using specific skills to learn information or accomplish other learning tasks more effectively and efficiently. The identified learning strategies for the Kinesthetic learning style include learning from documentaries and autobiographies, applying a theory before learning it, using demonstrations, and applying the concepts learned. Kinesthetic learners prefer to talk about things they experience in real life, gain experiences, carry out activities with others, and get things done through actions (VARK, 2019). Besides, kinesthetic learners love to learn by solving practical problems since they apply problem-solving techniques. They also prefer learning outcomes that they can measure.

The preferred learning strategies for kinesthetic learners are similar to my learning strategies in various ways. My preferred learning strategies include using images such as photographs and pictures that illustrate my idea. I also prefer to utilize real-life examples, theory applications, and case studies to help understand concepts. When learning a particular concept, I solve case studies which help in measuring my understanding of the concept and how it can be applied in real-life scenarios. Utilizing theory applications and case studies enables me to relate the concepts learned to real life, and thus, I consider the information valuable, relevant, and worth retaining. Furthermore, I prefer to learn through lab experiments and projects since they enable me to understand a concept better and apply it to solve real-life problems.

Learning Styles

Learning styles influence an individual’s motivation and affect learning outcomes, including the ability to understand or carry out educational activities. It is crucial that learners actively involve themselves in the learning process. From the early learning age, individuals’ awareness should be raised on the efficiency of the learning styles in promoting their academic success and self-confidence (Vizeshfar & Torabizadeh, 2018). A learner understands new information more effectively when the applied teaching style matches their learning style and preferred learning strategies. Therefore, when the teaching style is consistent with a learner’s learning style, the learner absorbs, processes, and retains information more effectively. Consequently, they can carry out an educational activity appropriately since they do not have to adapt to another learning style other than their preferred one (Vizeshfar & Torabizadeh, 2018). For instance, a kinesthetic learner will understand and retain information more effectively when teaching strategies like demonstrations, projects, and lab experiments are used rather than when taken through a lecture or listening to audio.

An educator needs to identify each learner’s learning styles and preferences in order to implement the best practice strategies into the daily teaching activities, curriculum, and assessments. Identifying individual learners’ preferred learning styles helps the educator to meet each learner’s learning needs, which boosts their motivation to learn (Dantas & Cunha, 2020). Sometimes, a learner may fail to understand much from mass instruction. Thus, when the educator provides individually prescribed instruction or incorporates their learning style in the teaching strategies, it significantly enables many learners to understand and retain the concepts. Furthermore, if a learner feels supported by the educator when they incorporate their learning style, they develop an interest in learning instead of losing it.

Learning Styles and Health Promotion

Health educators in health promotion activities must understand the learning style of their target population. This ensures that the individuals understand, retain, and apply the health education messages. Besides, using a teaching style that meets the individuals’ learning needs and style improves their interest in health education (Whitney, 2018). For instance, individuals with the aural learning style would be more interested when health education messages are provided through podcasts rather than pamphlets. Understanding the learning style of individuals targeted for health promotion can promote behavior change since people tend to apply what they understood and retained from health education sessions.

Health educators can accommodate the various learning styles by incorporating teaching strategies that target all styles. For instance, a health education session on blood sugar self-screening can include a presentation with images and graphs for visuals, podcasts explaining the procedure for aural, pamphlets with instructions for read/write, and a demonstration for kinesthetic (Whitney, 2018). This will ensure that all learning styles have been accommodated and that all individuals understand the information.


A learning style is the preferred approach to obtaining and processing knowledge, beginning with a learner coping with new and complex information. Learning styles are grouped based on the senses they target, including visual, auditory, read/write, and kinesthetic. The VARK questionnaire results showed that I am very strong kinesthetic since I prefer to learn by being hands-on. Learners understand more effectively when they visualize, hear, read, write, or carry out an activity. Besides, if the preferred learning style of individuals in health promotion is considered during teaching, they retain more information and apply it to change behavior.


Dantas, L. A., & Cunha, A. (2020). An integrative debate on learning styles and the learning process. Social Sciences & Humanities Open2(1), 100017.

VARK Learn Limited. (2019). The VARK questionnaire. Retrieved from

Vizeshfar, F., & Torabizadeh, C. (2018). The effect of teaching based on dominant learning style on nursing students’ academic achievement. Nurse education in practice28, 103-108.

Whitney, S. (2018). Teaching and learning styles. Health promotion: Health and wellness across the continuum.

Learning styles represent the different approaches to learning based on preferences, weaknesses, and strengths. For learners to best achieve the desired educational outcome, learning styles must be considered when creating a plan. Complete “The VARK Questionnaire,” located on the VARK website, and then complete the following:

  1. Click “OK” to receive your questionnaire scores.
  2. Once you have determined your preferred learning style, review the corresponding link to view your learning preference.
  3. Review the other learning styles: visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic, and multimodal (listed on the VARK Questionnaire Results page).
  4. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  5. Examine how awareness of learning styles has influenced your perceptions of teaching and learning.

In a paper (850 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise and discuss the overall value of learning styles. Include the following:

  1. Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire.
  2. Describe your preferred learning strategies. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  3. Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners.
  4. Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome. How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change? How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion?

Cite to at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Living in Southern California we have many different cultures we are exposed to, therefore we have different languages that are not spoken by staff. We have several different method of communicating with those who speak another language other than English. We have QBS staff (qualified bilingual) who can go in to a room and translate, they are not always available trough, so we often use one of our other methods. We have an I-pad on wheels where we have access to hundreds of different languages and dialects, the patient is able to see the translator on the screen which I feel is extremely beneficial to them as it is more personable, but since we are in Ob/Gyn not all patients are comfortable with seeing the translator, with the click of a button we can make the call without the video, we can even interchangeably go between the camera and audio.

This is a great option for our hearing impaired patients when a live translator cannot be present, they are able to sign to the interpreter, this makes for a much better experience for the patient. We also have the language line, which is on the phone, again with access to over a hundred languages, though not as personable it is used when a patient calls in or for more basic conversations. We can also set up an in person interpreter if time permits, if the patient is coming in for an induction of labor or planned cesarean section, this option is used more for the hearing impaired.

I feel that though the years with technology allowing patients to see the translator via video it is less frustrating for the patient, they appear more well informed and more comfortable with the process.

VARK Analysis Paper 


A learning style is a technique through which learners collect, search through, interpret, organize, make conclusions, and preserve knowledge. Learning styles are grouped as per sensory approaches; namely, visual, aural, read or write, and kinesthetic (Whitney, 2018). Visual learning style is whereby learners understand by use of visual tools while in aural, they understand well when they listen to instructions. The read or write learners learn best through reading or writing while in the kinesthetic group, learners gain knowledge and understanding when they are allowed to touch and feel (Whitney, 2018). The purpose of this paper will be to explore learning styles and strategies for learners. I will include a summary of my learning style as per the VARK questionnaire and the importance of identifying learning styles for educators and in health promotion.  

Personal Learning Style 

My learning style preference, according to the VARK questionnaire, is Strong Kinesthetic (VARK 2019). Kinesthetic preference is described as one that a learner uses experiences and real things even when they are displayed as images and on screens. My VARK results were as follows: visual-0, Aural 4, Read or Write- 3, and Kinesthetic 9 (VARK 2019). As per my learning style, I prefer to have more experiences to enhance understanding of concepts.  

Preferred Learning Strategy 

My preferred learning strategy is using practical experiences and real-life case studies to solve problems. By using a practical approach, I understand the concept better and also retain it for an extended period. Besides, I consider ideas to be valuable if they sound real, practical and relevant to me.  I also need to do things practically to understand. Furthermore, I prefer a feedback that involves a face-to-face discussion whereby I am shown examples of projects that demonstrate success or failure. Moreover, I prefer trainers who use examples of real-life occurrences when explaining a point since I remember the examples and relate them with the concept learned. When assessing my understanding, I look at case studies and try to solve them with the gained knowledge to determine if the theory is valuable to real-life situations.  

My learning style is in line with the identified learning strategies identified for individuals with a kinesthetic strategy. According to the VARK results, people with my learning style preference like to be trained or learn through practical exercises, examples, experiences, case studies, trial and error, and using things that are real (VARK 2019). They prefer learning from autobiographies and documentaries and applications before studying theories. Besides, they prefer to have demonstrations done before applying what they have learned and like having conversations about the real things in their lives (VARK 2019). Their own experiences are more valuable than the experiences of others, and they prefer undertaking activities with others through actions and making things happen (VARK 2019). Furthermore, they enjoy working on practical problems where they gain problem-solving techniques.  

Importance of Identifying Learning Styles for Learners as an Educator 

An individual’s learning style determines the degree to which one acquires knowledge and skills since individuals understand better either by visualizing, hearing, reading, or being hands on (Whitney, 2018). Further, individuals learn better when the teaching style used suits their learning style hence making them memorize what they learned during the educational activity. When educators promote a learning environment that addresses the learning styles of learners, the latter can study better and feel more comfortable in their unique styles rather than having to adapt to the changing teaching styles used by the former (Bastable, 2017). Educators need to identify the learning styles and preferences of learners since it helps not only the educator but also the learner in being more effective in the learning process.   

By understanding a learner’s learning style; an educator can determine the type of teaching method, resources and teaching methods to use. For instance, auditory learners will best learn through discussions, tape recordings, seminars, and discussions, and they will probably enquire on what they have not understood (Bastable, 2017). Besides, tests for auditory learners will be best conducted using oral examinations. Moreover, by making learners aware of their learning style, educators can empower them to identify the necessity of each learning style for various disciplines.  

Learning Styles and Health Promotion 

Health providers need to identify the learning styles of individuals when conducting health promotion to ensure that they will learn, understand and practice the health messages provided to promote better health outcomes. Individuals tend to be interested in health education messages when their learning style is considered during health promotion (Kangovi & Asch, 2018). Learning styles affect behavior change as individuals modify their behaviors based on what they saw, heard or practiced in the health promotion programs.  An individual’s learning style determines the possibility of modification of behavior as the patient understand and master information faster and easier when their learning preferences are utilized (Kangovi & Asch, 2018).

The different learning styles can be accommodated in health promotion by targeting all the senses when providing health education (Sharma, 2016). For instance, when educating individuals on the prevention of diseases, lectures and seminars can be held which target auditory learners and images and videos can enhance the sessions to target visual and kinesthetic learners. In addition, health education pamphlets can be administered for individuals to read further, which targets read and write learners (Sharma, 2016). During health promotion sessions, case studies can be presented for the learners to discuss and come up with solutions which can suit kinesthetic and auditory learners.   


In summary, learning styles, according to VARK, include visual, aural, read or write, and kinesthetic. Learners learn best when the teaching style is tailored to suit their learning style. It is, therefore, essential for educators to identify their learners learning style to promote a comfortable learning environment and enhance their understanding. It is also essential for health educators to understand the learning styles of individuals, including their patients during health promotion programs. Modification of behavior is enhanced by the utilization of appropriate teaching styles that suit learner’s preferences. Besides, different learning styles can be incorporated during health promotion programs to meet the preferences of all learners.  


Bastable, S. B. (2017). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 

Kangovi, S., & Asch, D. A. (2018). Behavioral phenotyping in health promotion: embracing or avoiding failure. Jama, 319(20), 2075-2076. 

Sharma, M. (2016). Theoretical foundations of health education and health promotion. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. 

Whitney, S. (2018). Teaching and learning styles. Health promotion: Health and wellness across the continuum. Retrieved from 

VARK Learn Limited. (2019). The VARK questionnaire. Retrieved from 

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