NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Nurses remain at the core of effective care provision and a growing profession because of its evolution as shown in NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice. The need for advanced education and training, ensures that nurses are well positioned to deliver care in a transforming health  care industry. Today, professional nursing entails specialization and scopes of practice based on one’s clinical skills, capabilities, and competencies.NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

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The use of innovative care models and evidence-based practice implores nurses to advance their education, focus on patient care, and work in teams to enhance quality and delivery of patient care (Graebe & Chappell, 2019). The purpose of this essay is to evaluate contemporary nursing practice and evaluate how it has changed over time and its position today in health care system.NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Changing Nursing Practice and The Effect of the Evolution On Scope of Practice & Patient Treatment: NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

The nursing profession has witnessed several changes since its establishment. Originally, nursing was about caretaking and caregiving roles that were assigned to women. The women did not have formal training or nursing education. In most instances, they were housewives and possess skills and knowledge transferred from family members who had the desire to care for the sick. The scope of their practice was not limited (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017).nrs-430v contemporary nursing practice

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These women treated patients as guests in their homes. However, things changed and have been transforming since the Crimean War when Nightingale made nursing a distinct model to care for the wounded soldiers by writing “Notes on Nursing in 1854. NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

The Civil War of 1861 also demonstrated the increased role of nurses based on women who followed their husbands, brothers, and fathers to care for them. The main responsibilities of these women included ensuring that the patients were comfortable and reported any issue to physicians.NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

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The initial concept of nursing emanated from these two critical events as physicians wanted trained women who became nurses. Hospitals began programs to train nurses as caregivers. These programs defined the scope of practice for the nurses. By end of 19th century, many hospitals had their nurse training programs but were not standardized (Graebe & Chappell, 2019). NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Over the next century, nursing practice evolved and changed  leading to a contemporary nurse who is expected to use evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions, be a critical thinkers and highly trained and

educated. Nurses are today better equipped and have increased scope of practice based on their specialties. The provision of advanced education has enhanced their training and allowed them to think more critically and enabled them to conduct more role in clinical setting. Nurses are not primary care providers in certain regions, have better skills and control the treatment process while advocating for patients to enhance overall care outcomes.NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Differentiated Practice Competences Between Associate and Baccalaureate Nursing Education

In comparing the practice competencies of associate and baccalaureate nursing education, the BSN-prepared nurses are considered as professional nurses while associate-degree trained nurses are technical nurses. Further, ANDs are trained primarily on clinical skills while BSN have more focus on nursing research, clinical skills, and management. Both qualifications equip nurses with essential skills focused on meeting accepted patient care standards. However, BSN nurses are more focused on disease prevent, advocacy, research, community health, and execution of best practices.

They also examine or evaluate data and informatics and generating effective solutions to patient outcomes based on their scope of practice (Salas et al., 2018). On their part, the scope of ADNs include basic nursing care that includes recording patient’s history, recoding symptoms, and utilizing simple medical equipment as well as provision of patent education on disease prevention, healthy living and respecting physician appointments and medical reviews. In summary of NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice, BSN-trained and prepared nurses have more varied differentiated practice competencies and expanded scope of practice compared to those with AND qualifications.

NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Patient Care Coordination

BSN-trained or prepared nurses have a different approach to nursing care and decision making when dealing with patients in care situations (Salas et al., 2018). For instance, a patient presenting with chronic conditions like diabetes may implore on the BSN-trained nurse to make better decisions and take effective actions compared to the ADN nurse. NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

A patient with type II diabetes may experience chest pain and shortness of breath. The patient has an NPO directive as he is scheduled for surgery at 9 am the following morning for catherization of heart. NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

The patient takes Eliquis twice daily since getting a stent in the heart. He also takes Clonidine for chronic hypertension. The vitals show elevated blood pressure of 108/60. The patient should be given insulin per sliding scale ACHS. However, at 7am, the patient experience a FSBS of 150mg/dL. In this case, the ADN nurse may give Eliquis which is an anticoagulant medication at 9pm since she may not be aware that research evidence shows that having anticoagulant medication 12 hours or more before surgery reduces the risk of fatal bleeding. The implication is that a BSN nurse is likely to handle the situation differently by not giving these medication and insulin because of the risk they portend for the patient.nrs-430v contemporary nursing practice

Evidence-Based Practice

The deployment of evidence-based practice is important in delivery of quality health care to patients since it is founded on knowledge and research evidence as well as clinical trials. NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice Through EBPs, hospitals offer more reliable and high-quality patient care. Nurses enhance their critical thinking skills, enhance their observation and procession of information while practicing and brainstorming ideas to make necessary improvements in care delivery (Verot et al., 2021).

The academic preparation of the RN-BSN nurse supports the application of EBP as it prepares nurses to use evidence coming from research to make better care decisions and apply their critical thinking skills in different patient situations. The BSN also supports EBP in nursing by training nurses on leadership, management and effective communication as well as having scientific research skills.NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Communication and Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Teams NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Nurses are effective communicators and collaborators in care delivery. Nurses communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams using different approaches. These include using electronic approaches, handwritten notes, texts and emails (McMenamin et al., 2019). Further, the integration of health information technologies has improved communication and collaboration among these teams as nurses can use electronic health records, telehealth and telemedicine means and teleconference to communicate not just with professionals but also patients and deliver quality care. NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice Conclusion

Nursing remains the foundation of patient care. The profession has transformed and continues its transformation for better care delivery. Nurses are at the forefront of care provision and advanced education allows them to be primary care providers in different care settings. ADNs and BSN-prepared nurses have different approaches to care provision for patients in diverse situations. therefore, by leveraging on EBP interventions, the contemporary nurse is well-positioned to offer quality care in a transforming healthcare system.NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice References

Graebe, J., & Chappell, K. (2019). Looking back and leaping forward—a reflection on the

evolution of nursing continuing professional development credentialing. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 50(12), 531-533. DOI: 10.3928/00220124-20191115-01.

McMenamin, A., Sun, C., Prufeta, P., & Raso, R. (2019). The evolution of evidence-based

practice. Nursing Management, 50(9), 14-19.NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

DOI: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000579000.09987.b0.

Salmond, S. W., & Echevarria, M. (2017). Healthcare transformation and changing roles for

nursing. Orthopedic nursing, 36(1), 12. doi: 10.1097/NOR.0000000000000308

Salas, E., Zajac, S., & Marlow, S. L. (2018). Transforming health care one team at a time: ten

observations and the trail ahead. Group & Organization Management, 43(3), 357-381.

Verot, E., Denois, V. R., & Chauvin, F. (2021). Current perceptions of cancer nurses in France

about their role and the evolution of nursing practices: Findings and perspectives. Social Science & Medicine, 277, 113896. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113896.

Contemporary Nursing Practice SAMPLE 2  NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

The nursing profession continues to transform based on the increasing diverse patient and health population needs arising from higher disease prevalence and an aging population. Chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension affecting older individuals imply that nurses as primary care providers should increase their scope of practice to cater to special patient and health populations (Moran et al., 2023). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the changes and transformation in nursing practice over time and their overall impact on the scope of practice, need for advanced education and use of evidence-based practice by nurses.

Changes in Nursing Practice Over Time NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Nursing practice has transformed and changed over time in the last fifty years to align with the best practices and meet diverse patient needs and demands. Nurses can now specialize as they are considered primary care providers. Nurses have advanced education as they seek bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and even terminal degree in the profession that allows them to nurture critical thinking skills, participate in the formulation, development and implementation as well as review of the policy.

Today, different reports like the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2010 and the National Academy of Medicine’s report on the future of nursing demonstrate that advanced education is a core part of the transformation in nursing profession (Hassmiller et al., 2022). These two reports emphasize the role of education on nursing and the strategic position that nurses play as core healthcare providers. The implication is that their scope has expanded based on their specialization as a result of advanced education and can practice independently without the supervision of or under the control of physicians.

Differentiated Practice Competencies Between AND & BSN-Prepared Nurses

Nurse pursue different educational training to join the profession. The Associate degree in nursing (ADN) is a two-year program that prepares one to be a registered nurse (Moran et al., 2023). ADN-prepared nurses have basic skills in practice that include administration of patient care like recording of symptoms and medical history as well as patient education, use of simple medical equipment working under strict instructions of physicians.

The baccalaureate program (BSN) allows nurses to take more complex roles aside from those required at basic levels. BSN-prepared nurses possess more competencies that include making complex decisions and handling complex patients, meeting patient needs and delivery of better and safe patient care (Djukic et al., 2019). BSN nurses also have critical thinking and problem solving skills based on their expansive preparation through their education programs that take four years. BSN-prepared nurses can interpret research findings and use evidence-based practice interventions to enhance patient care.

Specific Nursing Situations NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Healthcare facilities with a higher proportion of BSN-prepared nurses offer better care based on reduced adverse events like medication errors and mortality rates that are attributed to better decision-making and higher qualifications of providers. Certain nursing incidences can show the differences in decision-making between ADN-prepared and BSN-prepared nurses while in practice (Moran et al., 2023). For example, a patient present in the emergency room with elevated hypertension levels.

Upon evaluating the medical history, the ADN gives appropriate medications and reports the rest of the situation to a physician. On the other hand, a BSN-prepared nurse will implement more measures to enhance outcomes. The nurse may inquire more information from that patient through the integration of patient-centered care and evidence-based practice. More interaction with the patient allows the nurse to know other underlying factors leading to pain for the patient.

The patient asserts that her marriage is stressful and this affects her saturations. The BSN-prepared nurses then give non-pharmacological intervention that entails counselling the lady on the best approach to the situation. The nurse also prescribes pain relieving medications. This situation demonstrates that BSN-prepared nurses have better skills that ADN-prepared counterparts.

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Evidence-based practice entails nurses integrating patient preferences, concerns, and needs in their care plans based on their expertise and skills. Through use of EBP in their practice, nurses illustrate their resolve to provide quality care that meets patient needs and well-structured based on their level of competencies and education. NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

The academic preparation of RN-BSN supports the deployment of EBP as it improves nurses’ competencies through knowledge and increased educational content and materials. Nurses who possess BSN qualification are well prepared to offer quality care compared to those with the associate degree. They are better in 12 out of the 16 areas of nursing practice (Han et al., 2022). As such, the BSN degree prepares nurses better to implement EBP in their practice settings compared to ADN qualification.

Nurses in Interdisciplinary Team NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Communication and collaboration are essential for nurses working in interdisciplinary teams that lead to safer and more effective patient outcomes. Nurses communicate and collaborate with other healthcare professionals like physicians to offer quality patient care. They communicate when they provide reports to physicians concerning patients and what they need. Nurses collaborate by closely working and coordinating with physicians and other professionals to develop plans of care and other interventions (Moran et al., 2023).

Through collaboration and communication, nurses attain safer and effective client outcomes because they develop common care approaches and integrate different aspects of care to improve delivery of quality services. Effective communication allows nurses to provide accurate reports and information about patients for better decisions and development of care plans leading to better outcomes. NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Conclusion NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

The transformation of nursing practice has improved patient care through better and advanced educational qualifications like the BSN degree. Nurses are leveraging evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions to enhance their qualifications and competencies to deliver better care. Advanced education is a core part of enabling nurses to attain better competencies and work in inter-professional and multidisciplinary teams.

References NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Djukic, M., Stimpfel, A. W., & Covner, C. (2019). Bachelor’s degree nurse graduates report

better quality and safety educational preparedness than associate degree graduates. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 45(3), 180-186.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jcjq.2018.08.008.

Hassmiller, S. B., & Wakefield, M. K. (2022). The Future of Nursing 2020–2030: Charting a

path to achieve health equity. Nursing Outlook, 70(6), S1-S9. DOI:

Han, H. R., D’Aoust, R., Gross, D., Szanton, S., Nolan, M., Campbell, J., & Davidson, P. (2022).

Preparing future nursing faculty: integrating enhanced teaching and leadership development curricula into PhD education. Journal of advanced nursing, 78(1), e3-e5.

Moran, K. J., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2023). The doctor of nursing practice project: A

            framework for success. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

“Critical thinking “is thought that is disciplined, comprehensive, based on intellectual standards, and, as a result, well-reasoned. When you think critically, you examine assumptions, evaluate evidence, and uncover underlying values and reasons.” (Taylor et al, 2019, p. 304) A major component of critical thinking is an evidence-based practice, which is “the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and values.” (Stannard p.1081) Evidence-based practice involves using scientific/practical evidence to guide our decisions and actions.

Isolation precautions are an example of how evidence practice is used to guide our protocols. These precautions are based on up-to-date research and expertise, and directly impact the care of patients. Nurses in turn can use this evidence to protect not only themselves but the patients that they care for. NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

To have the ability to think critically as a health care professional, one must be able to use EBP to guide their actions and decisions. Critical thinking and EBP are directly related to patient outcomes because they guide the decisions and actions made in a clinical setting to lead to improved patient outcomes.

Topic 2 DQ 1 NRS-430V Contemporary Nursing Practice

Define critical thinking and evidence-based practice. Discuss what critical thinking in nursing practice entails and explain why it is important. Discuss the role of critical thinking and evidence-based practice as they relate to client outcomes.

Critical thinking is the ability to objectively assess a situation and develop a problem-solving plan based on the available facts. It relies on facts and evidence rather than emotions, making it essential for effective decision-making. In clinical practice, nurses have to critically assess the clinical manifestations of patients to develop an accurate diagnosis and develop an effective care plan.

According to Berg et al. (2021), implementing critical thinking in the nurse decision-making process increases the effectiveness of clinical decisions as nurses get to build their capacity for critical thinking. Nurse students should go through training to help them understand the importance of relying on experience to build critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is important in nursing practice since it allows the nurse to be objective and focus on addressing the matter at hand based on current evidence. This will help improve patient health outcomes since nurses can make quick and effective decisions during emergencies.

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the process of using recent research evidence to lead to a change in practice. It helps reduce the level of uncertainty when implementing clinical interventions since clinicians rely on research outcomes that have a definitive outcome. EBP provides clinicians with a framework on how to approach care making it easier to track and monitor patient progress.

Saunders et al. (2019), clinicians should strive to improve their EBP competencies through advancing their education. BSN-prepared nurses are more equipped to implement EBP and lead change projects in practice. These change initiatives are often geared towards addressing healthcare challenges that negatively impact the health and well-being of patients. EBP competence increases operational efficiency and ensures that clinicians can better meet the health needs of their patients.


Berg, C., Philipp, R., & Taff, S. D. (2021). Scoping review of critical thinking literature in healthcare education. Occupational Therapy In Health Care, 1-18.

Saunders, H., Gallagher‐Ford, L., Kvist, T., & Vehviläinen‐Julkunen, K. (2019). Practicing healthcare professionals’ evidence‐based practice competencies: An overview of systematic reviews. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 16(3), 176-185.

I am retired after many years of nursing practice. Reflecting back on my life, I know I made the right decision to enter the nursing profession. Every day was a new learning and rewarding experience. I have the urge to further my nursing education and reenter the always evolving nursing profession. Many changes have happened since I last practiced regarding nursing education levels and each’s scope of practice.

After researching many nursing programs across the United States (US), I found Grand Canyon University (GCU) nursing programs to be the most affordable, resourceful, and user-friendly, especially the associate degree (ADN) to baccalaureate degree (BSN) five-week course online program. I have concerns regarding my lac of computer skills and potential difficulties such as loss of internet connection or program lag. I know my first week will be the most difficult, since it has been many years since I have attended an educational program, and this is my first online learning program.

Understanding and consistently implementing characteristics of successful students is important to being a successful student. An important characteristic of successful students is to be realistic, with time management being a priority. Remembering to allow sufficient time for yourself is crucial for good health and well-being, leading to having a clear mind and ability to focus on learning. Taking breaks when doing tasks at hand, rather than attempting to do it all at once or to multitask is important to help balance school and life’s happenings.

Let those close to you be aware of your schedule and school demands (Sanders, 2019). Divide each day into sections of time and prioritize things to do for each section (Murphy, 2015). Monitor assignments and due dates. Study efficiently by having a designated, quiet, organized, well-lit study area (Sanders, 2019). Learn the resources and services available, and utilize them (Sanders, 2019). Requesting help is not a sign of weakness or failure (Murphy, 2015).

It is part of being proactive and a characteristic of successful students. Acknowledge and make positive use of feedback (Sanders, 2019). Feedback helps improve the learning process by better understanding each assignment, knowing what was done correctly and what needs correction or improvement. Feedback also positively influences future programs by troubleshooting and improving the current programs. Developing a personalized study system, and consistently implementing it, can make the nursing program less challenging (Murphy, 2015).

It is necessary to be realistic and understand that this is not a perfect world. Distractions and disruptions will happen.

Maintaining my health and well-being, time management, and studying effectively, while proactively implementing resources and services available, along with remembering to take rest breaks and reward myself, are characteristics of the realistic plan I am developing to be a successful student.


Murphy, P. (2015). 7 habits of highly effective nursing students. Minority Nurse.

Sanders, E. (2015). Succeeding in an online nursing program. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! 17(1). DOI: 16.1097/01.NME.0000549623.58762.3

Handwashing is such a simple act that can bring such big results. It is an easy task to wash our hands or use a hand sanitizer.

So why don’t we do it?

Sometimes it may be an education issue. We don’t think that we really did anything that could contaminate us. Is taking someone’s pulse considered a clean or dirty procedure? Do I need to wash my hands before? After? Both?

What about just straightening the patient’s blanket? Or handing them their cell phone?

Things to think about. While these seem like simple things – it is something that we need to critically think about.

Here are a couple of resources to look at:

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