NRS-440 Summary of Current Course Content Knowledge

NRS-440 Summary of Current Course Content Knowledge

NRS-440 Summary of Current Course Content Knowledge

Summary of Current Course Content Knowledge


Academic engagement through active participation in instructional activities related to the course objectives is paramount to your success in this course and future courses.  Through interaction with your instructor and classmates, you will explore the course material and be provided with the best opportunity for objective and competency mastery.  To begin this class, review the course objectives for each Topic, and then answer the following questions as this will help guide your instructor for course instruction.

  1. Which weekly objectives do you have prior knowledge of and to what extent?
  2. Which weekly objectives do you have no prior knowledge of?
  3. What course-related topics would you like to discuss with your instructor and classmates?  What questions or concerns do you have about this course

The weekly objective I had the most prior knowledge of was Health Assessment. I feel like my years of triage experience helped me with NRS-434VN. I also really enjoyed the Digital Clinical Experience Comprehensive Assessment. I had very little prior knowledge of the Nursing Research. I understood the quantitative and qualitative assignments, but it wasn’t my favorite course. I am very interested in AI (artificial intelligence) smarter devices in healthcare. I am looking forward to all the new trends in healthcare and any new technology news regarding any devices to make life better for everyone.

Which weekly objectives do you have prior knowledge of and to what extent?

Many years of my nursing career I have been expose to so many different aspects such as being part of my nursing student council as we fight for changes within or our health care system with the ministry of health. Part of the nursing association for my home country for 3 years as we strive for better pay and policy changes. I must say that topic 2, 3, 4, and 5, I am familiar and have some prior knowledge and is looking forward to learning and gaining more insight as I advance my career in a total different dimension.

2.    Which weekly objectives do you have no prior knowledge of?  

I  must say that I have been reading and following current trends in nursing practice and The Future of Nursing in an Evolving Health Care System, But still have a long way to go and will like to become more familiar with this topic as it is the basis of nursing practice today. Developing new skills and gathering a whole new body of knowledge is essential to my current filed as a high risk antepartum and postpartum nurse. Trends of practice is always changing and staying up to date is vital.

3.    What course-related topics would you like to discuss with your instructor and classmates? What questions or concerns do you have about this course? 

I am just excited about what these topics for the next 5 weeks will teach us all as we look forward to taking our career to the next level as we advance out into different career paths such as leaders, policy changers, managers, nursing advocates etc, and how it will encourage us all to make a difference in our field of practice.


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After reviewing the course objectives for each Topic, I found that I have decent knowledge of most of the topics that we will be discussing each week. I plan to learn every subject covered in this course to the best of my ability, and hear experiences, opinions, and point of views from my classmates. No questions or concerns at this time.

One of the weekly objectives that I had prior knowledge about was The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity” report on the nursing profession. However, I had minimum knowledge on the role of state based coalitions in advancing the goals of “The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity,” report for nursing. I would also like to discuss how nursing advocates overcome barriers to advancement.



Which weekly objectives do you have prior knowledge of and to what extent?

I have prior knowledge regarding influencing health care through advocacy. I am an AWHONN member and instructor. AWHONN advocates for women and infants at the federal and state legislative levels. I have also survived nursing shortages at various stages.

Which weekly objectives do you have no prior knowledge of?

I am unfamiliar with health care delivery models. I will gain new knowledge by studying the objective current trends in nursing.  

What course-related topics would you like to discuss with your instructor and classmates? What questions or concerns do you have about this course? 

As a labor and delivery clinical supervisor, I would like to discuss and gain additional insight into leadership styles and traits. Currently, my only concern is the group project. My previous experiences with group projects in online classes have been stressful and unbalanced. 



1. I am familiar with the shift of health care and how we now focus on wellness and prevention. I also have some experience of working in an interprofessional manner to reduce errors in care delivery and to improve patient outcomes. I have some experience working with legislators on improving nurses working conditions and safety as I have done some advocacy work with our state Emergency Nurse Association chapter.

2. I am unfamiliar with any nurses that currently hold any political positions, but I really hope that there are and to learn about them. I also do not have a lot of experiences dealing with DNPs or PhD, so I am unfamiliar with the differences.

3. I do not have any concerns regarding this course, but I am looking forward to hearing about my classmates’ experiences with these topics. I feel like each department or job may lead to different insights into the current health care system and how it affects our profession.


Hello. I do not know anything related to the state action coalition. I find this topic interesting. I know some current trends in nursing practice and how nurses have become more integrated into public health and prehospital medicine. I would like to understand and review student opinions about advanced practice nursing online education. Specifically, nurse practitioner education and the current lack of clinical practice and patient contact for these students. I believe that without extensive work experience, NP should not be allowed to practice. That is just my opinion.  


Which weekly objectives do you have prior knowledge of and to what extent?

  1. When reviewing the weekly objectives, I have ideas and thoughts on what may qualify or be related to the topics. Most are just ideas as I have limited prior knowledge of the politics of nursing.

Which weekly objectives do you have no prior knowledge of?

  1. I’m not confident in any of the topics and am just starting to learn about the more prevalent issues and politics in the workforce and profession.

What course-related topics would you like to discuss with your instructor and classmates? What questions or concerns do you have about this course?

  1. Looking over the topics there is not a specific course-related topic I can point out. I’m excited to learn about the topics and see the point of view of my classmates and hopefully contribute to the conversation in the discussions weekly.


  1. Which weekly objectives do you have prior knowledge of and to what extent?

A, I have read in the past about the nursing shortage, and I am aware of the different quality scores that are there for reimbursement purposes.

  1. Which weekly objectives do you have no prior knowledge of?

A. I do not know anything about legislation or nursing leadership.

  1. What course-related topics would you like to discuss with your instructor and classmates? What questions or concerns do you have about this course? 

A. I am looking forward to a positive learning experience, reading new subjects, and learning from others. I have no particular questions or concerns at this time.

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