nsg 4055 Healthy People 2020 Global Health Initiatives Discussion

nsg 4055 Healthy People 2020 Global Health Initiatives Discussion

nsg 4055 Healthy People 2020 Global Health Initiatives Discussion

Week 3 discussion

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Respond to one of the following questions:

Review Healthy People 2020 Global Health Initiatives. Choose
one disease process and discuss the disease process, the goal of Healthy People
2020, and how the CDC plays a role in meeting the goal.

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role strain. What is the most important factor that causes caregiver role
strain? What can be done to prevent it?

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nsg 4055 healthy people 2020 global health initiatives discussion
nsg 4055 Healthy People 2020 Global Health Initiatives Discussion

Improve public health and strengthen U.S. national security through global disease detection, response, prevention, and control strategies.

The health of the U.S. population can be affected by public health threats or events across the globe. Recent examples of this include the Ebola Virus outbreak that began in 2014, the 2003 SARS epidemic, and the 2009 spread of novel H1N1 influenza. Improving global health can improve health in the United States and support national and global security interests by fostering political stability, diplomacy, and economic growth worldwide.

Why Is Global Health Important?
Global health plays an increasingly crucial role in both global security and the security of the U.S. population. As the world and its economies become increasingly globalized, including extensive international travel and commerce, it is necessary to think about health in a global context. Rarely a week goes by without a headline about the emergence or re-emergence of an infectious disease or other health threat somewhere in the world. The 2007 World Health ReportExternal Web Site Policy1 notes that, “since the 1970s, newly emerging diseases have been identified at the unprecedented rate of one or more per year.” The Institute of Medicine’s 2003 report Microbial Threats to HealthExternal Web Site Policy2 stresses that the United States should enhance the global capacity for responding to infectious disease threats and should take a leadership role in promoting a comprehensive, global, real-time infectious disease surveillance system.

Rapid identification and control of emerging infectious diseases helps:

Promote health abroad
Prevent the international spread of disease
nsg 4055 Healthy People 2020 Global Health Initiatives DiscussionProtect the health of the U.S. population
The large scope of potential global public health threats is recognized in the revised International Health Regulations (IHR [2005])External Web Site Policy3 with its all-hazards approach to assessing serious public health threats. These regulations are designed to prevent the international spread of diseases, while minimizing interruption of world travel and trade. They encourage countries to work together to share information about known diseases and public health events of international concern.

Related Topic Areas
Educational and Community-Based Programs
Environmental Health
Food Safety
Immunization and Infectious Diseases
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Understanding Global Health
How does the United States help improve global health?
Many U.S. Government (USG) agencies provide funding, human resources, and technical support to global health initiatives including:

nsg 4055 Healthy People 2020 Global Health Initiatives DiscussionUnited Nations’ Millennium Development GoalsExternal Web Site Policy
WHO’s Global Polio Eradication InitiativeExternal Web Site Policy
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
Programs to address malaria, neglected tropical diseases, and tobacco use
The United States cooperates with other countries to address priority public health issues and prepare for and respond to emerging and pandemic diseases. In February 2010, the United States announced a new Global Health Initiative, which invests $63 billion over 6 years to help partner countries improve health outcomes, with a particular focus on improving the health of women, newborns, and children. In 2014, the Obama Administration launched the Global Health Security Agenda to accelerate progress toward a world safe and secure from infectious disease threats. As part of the Global Health Security Agenda, USG agencies are harnessing $5 billion to address Ebola preparedness overseas and at home, and are also working with other nations building capacity needed to prevent, detect, and respond to other infectious disease threats.

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