NSG 513 WEEK 1 Personal SWOT Analysis

NSG 513 WEEK 1 Personal SWOT Analysis

NSG 513 WEEK 1 Personal SWOT Analysis

NSG 513 WEEK 1 Personal SWOT Analysis Part 1

Being an effective leader starts with self-awareness. Having a clear perception of your personality, your strengths and weaknesses, your beliefs, your emotions, and your motivations helps you understand other people and how they perceive you.

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Perform a personal SWOT analysis to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Write a 525-word personal development plan identifying actions you can take to improve the weaknesses you identified in your SWOT analysis. Utilize your findings from the Leadership Theories discussion and address the following in your development plan:

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  • What weaknesses did you identify in your personal SWOT analysis that you feel will hinder you as a leader? Explain your answers.
  • Which leadership theory aligns best to the results of your personal SWOT analysis?
  • After completing the SWOT analysis, did your leadership style change from the one you identified in the Leadership Theories discussion?

NSG 513 WEEK 1 Personal SWOT Analysis Part 2

Effective leadership skills are a product of two things: your innate ability and skills learned through experience, and conscious development. This is achieved through exploring areas of improvement that can make you a better leader. Now that you have identified your strengths and weaknesses in your personal SWOT analysis, use that information to complete the remainder of this assignment.

Identify the theories discussed in Ch. 5 of the Leadership for Health Professionals textbook you will use to improve your areas of weakness as a leader.

Write a 350-word summary about the theories you identified. Consider the following:

  • Why you identified the theories
  • Potential threats that might occur as a nurse leader if you do not address your weaknesses
  • Potential threats that might affect your opportunity for growth as a nurse leader

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

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