NU 560 Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice Week 4 Discussion

NU 560
Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice

Week 4

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DQ1 The literature review is key to any research study or
article development. It is important to review the literature within your own
discipline, but also other disciplines which may confront similar issues or
have related concerns. For example, practice issues in other health related fields
often correspond to those confronted in nursing. Nursing education concerns may
also be found in academic research within other disciplines outside of the
health care field. What is the purpose of conducting an organized literature
review? How will you approach this aspect of your research? What literature
other than nursing literature do you feel may offer useful information? How
might you incorporate these ideas into your proposal?

DQ2 Critical appraisals are used to broaden understanding
and summarize evidence. This helps determine if research evidence is ready for
practice. There are certain steps to conducting critical appraisals. Locate a
scholarly journals article(s) and apply the steps of critical analysis found in
your textbook.

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Evidence-based practice (EBP) is defined as, “The integration of clinical expertise, the most up-to-date research, and patient preferences to formulate and implement best practice for patient care.” (Helbig, 2018) Novice and experienced nurses can have a difficult time learning how to implement evidence-based practice. This is due to there being a lack of education on utilizing appropriate resources. In a research study about promoting evidence-based practice skills, they found, “The EBP educational program was effective in improving the EBP knowledge and skills of undergraduate nursing students. Therefore, the use of an EBP approach as a complement to the research education of undergraduate nursing students should be promoted by nursing schools and educators.” (Cardoso et al., 2021) Nursing practice problems are related to direct care provided to the patient. Medical practice problems are related to the disease. For example, a nursing practice problem could be finding the best nursing intervention to relieve pain such as repositioning, heat or cold packs, or distraction, just to name a few. A nurse would use their experience along with evidence-based practice to choose the best way to manage the patient’s pain. A medical practice problem would be choosing the best medication to relieve pain. The bedside nurse would use a pain scale and give medication based on the physician’s orders. A PICOT question is the foundation of evidence-based practice. A PICOT can be used for “improvement projects or to lead evidence-based practice.” (Helbig, 2018) Both factors drive the innovation of nursing practice. How does your facility utilize PICOT to develop practice?


Cardoso, D., Couto, F., Cardoso, A. F., Bobrowicz-Campos, E., Santos, L., Rodrigues, R., Coutinho, V., Pinto, D., Ramis, M.-A., Rodrigues, M. A., & Apóstolo, J. (2021). The Effectiveness of an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Educational Program on Undergraduate Nursing Students’ EBP Knowledge and Skills: A Cluster Randomized Control Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 293.

Helbig, J. (2018). History and Process of Nursing Research, Evidence-Based Nursing Practice, and Quantitative and Qualitative Research Process. Nursing research: Understanding methods for best practice. Retrieved from:

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