NUR 513 Discussion Using Conceptual Models to Guide EBP Changes Excelsior

NUR 513 Discussion Using Conceptual Models to Guide EBP Changes Excelsior

NUR 513 Discussion Using Conceptual Models to Guide EBP Changes Excelsior

Image of a team discussion. (Birdsall, n.d.) “There is a profound difference between information and meaning.”

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Warren Bennis, American writer (IZquotes, n.d.)

This activity will address the following module outcomes:

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MO1: Describe how innovation and evidence support EBP change. (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)

MO5: Analyze models to implement and sustain EBP. (EPSLO 7; SLO 4)

MO3: Evaluate models of organizational change. (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)

MO6: Investigate teaching of evidence-based practice. (EPSLO 2; SLO 1)

You have come to Week 10 in the course and are now armed with a wealth of knowledge about best practices for implementing EBP. In this module, you learned a bit more about EBP models and encountered new information about Organizational Change Models. Take a moment to reflect on how change is implemented in your practice setting. Now, consider the value of a theoretical model in supporting innovative evidence-based practice changes.

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Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.

Discuss which one of the following four Organizational Change Models resonated most with you: The Change Curve Model, Kotter and Cohen’s Model of Change, Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations, and the Trans-Theoretical Model of Health Behavior Change

Describe how you would apply this model to the change you are proposing in your practice setting.

DQ2 Teaching Evidence-Based Practice

Image of a nurse attending to patient with nursing students assisting. (Thomas, n.d.)The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.

– William Arthur Ward, inspirational writer (BrainyQuote, n.d.b)

This activity will address the following module outcomes:

MO1: Describe how innovation and evidence support EBP change. (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)

MO2: Analyze models to implement and sustain EBP. (EPSLO 7; SLO 4)

MO3: Evaluate models of organizational change. (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)

MO4: Investigate teaching of evidence-based practice. (EPSLO 2; SLO 1)

Evidence-based practice improves patient outcomes and is required of many accrediting bodies (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). However, facilities can encounter barriers in implementing EBP due to a combination of factors, including lack of knowledge. Innovative evidence-based leaders need to make teaching EBP a priority, in both academic and clinical settings. There are models and guidelines that can be used to facilitate this process. Examining successful EBP teaching methods contributes to the knowledge base needed to teach EBP and will help guide instructors, mentors, and coaches in teaching EBP.

Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.

Consider your current practice setting. It can be academic or clinical.

Assess the organizational readiness for teaching EBP at your facility.

Analyze the strengths and barriers in your organization for teaching EBP.

Discuss strategies you could use to promote EBP teaching and how you would communicate the use of a conceptual model for EBP (such as the Stetler Model) to your team.

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