NUR 513 Topic 2 DQ 2 Compare two different advanced registered nurse roles with regard to ethical guidelines

NUR 513 Topic 2 DQ 2 Compare two different advanced registered nurse roles with regard to ethical guidelines

NUR 513 Topic 2 DQ 2 Compare two different advanced registered nurse roles with regard to ethical guidelines

NUR 513 Topic 2 DQ 2

Compare two different advanced registered nurse roles with regard to ethical guidelines. Are there any differences in the ethical guidelines that govern these roles? What situations might require one role to respond differently, depending on the ethical guidelines?

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The American Nurses Association (ANA), put out the Nursing Code of Ethics that serves as a guide in decision making. There are 4 main constructs of the nursing code of ethics that are autonomy, beneficence, justice, and nonmaleficence; over the years 9 provisional statements have been added to help further guide nurses in all areas of practice (ANA, 2015).

Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have the autonomy to diagnoses and prescribe, which comes with a plethora of complexed ethical issues. For example, there can be ethical issues related to prescribing narcotics to pain medication seeking patients. Are you practice the ethical value of nonmaleficence if you are giving narcotics to an addict? I’ve also witnessed examples where the entire care team has been told to withhold a cancer diagnosis from an adolescent pediatric patient who had the mental compacity to understand and make decisions in their care. In this particular case I had to watch our NP go over a CT scan with the patient without using the words tumor or cancer, at the parent’s request. At what point is withholding the true beneficial to the patient and how does this compromise the autonomy of the patient? In some cases telling the patient the truth can cause psychological harm to the patient (DeNisco & Baker, 2016).

nursing masters

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As healthcare transforms, we rely on more technology within our practice. What stands unchanged within nursing informatics are basic ethical principles such as privacy, confidentially, nonmaleficence, virtue and autonomy (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021). In the last year we have used telehealth and digital forms of communication. In my own practice, I found myself giving cardiology rounds to the entire care team through a Zoom call at the peak of the pandemic. I agree with McGonigle and Mastrian (2021), in the belief that ethics principles are unchanged, but what that instead we see an increase in complexity of ethical dilemmas within these principles. For example, as we rely heavily on digital forms of communication, and digital technologies including smartphone, it goes to stand that privacy issues, data breaches and increased access to electronic medical records will continue to challenge the principles of privacy, confidentially and nonmaleficence.

While the roles of an NP and informatics nurse greatly differ; one being a clinical role and the latter being a nonclinical role; the ethical principles are the same. DeNisco and Barker (2016) state that ethics “focuses on the rightness and wrongness of actions, as well as the goodness and badness of motives and ends” (p.652). Meaning that ethical principles are used in decision making and judgement in both APRN roles even though they are applied to different circumstances.

NUR 513 Topic 2 DQ 2 Compare two different advanced registered nurse roles with regard to ethical guidelines References

American Nurses Association (ANA), (2015). The code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements.

DeNisco, S. M., & Barker, A. M. (2016). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed.). Jones NUR 513 Topic 2 DQ 2 Compare two different advanced registered nurse roles with regard to ethical guidelines& Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284072570

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K.G. (2021). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284234770


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Ethics refers to understanding the moral rules and the system they are made of such as the nature, purposes, and justification (Barker & DeNisco, 2016). Ethical issue is one of the dilemmas faced by nurses today, even advance practice registered nurses and it is important to make the establish good ethical nursing practice which is best for the patient’s outcome.

Psychiatric clinical nurse specialists (CNS) provide nursing care to patients suffering from psychiatric disorders using best practices and evidence-based care to achieve the best possible outcomes (American Nurses Association, 2020). The care of patients in this field may be difficult and overwhelming due to the diagnosis of mental illness. To practice ethically and prevent bias, patience and empathy must be employed. it is important for a CNS to recognize their own feelings when dealing with difficult patients and not allow emotions to prevent them from providing effective patient care. The CNS should try to remain neutral and continue to provide the best care for the patient (Laskowski, 2001).

Nurse Practitioners (NP) provide primary, acute, and specialty health care across the lifespan through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of illnesses and injuries (APRN, 2020). Ethical issues faced by NPs include dealing with difficult patients and family members. Complexity of Patients medical issues can cause psychological or emotional problems that may lead to hopelessness and behavioral issues. Despite patient’s behavioral issues NPs are still responsible to meet patient’s needs by fulfilling ethical standards in their profession (Barker & DeNisco, 2016).

NUR 513 Topic 2 DQ 2 Compare two different advanced registered nurse roles with regard to ethical guidelines References

Barker, A.M., & DeNisco, S.M. (2016). Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession. Jones & Bartlett Burlington, MA. Retrieved from

American Nurses Association. (2020). Advanced practice registered nurse (APRN). American Nurses Association. Retrieved from

Laskowski, C. (2001). The Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist and the “Difficult” Patient: Evolving Meaning, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 22:1, 5-22.



Ethics preparedness and confidence were significantly associated with perceived quality of care: apply this in your clinical area of practice with examples.

I believe that as a Christian I am held to the standards set forth in the bible, and if I don’t live my life by these standards, I disappoint God. I spent a lot of time involved in women’s ministry, and my director called me a Silent Evangelist, meaning that while I have a hard time vocally discussing my faith at times, not wanting to offend people or come across as self-righteous, I do evangelize by living my life with integrity, I am a reflection of my faith. I believe that all people should act with integrity, whether they have beliefs or not, but Christians especially have a responsibility to act in a way that not only pleases God, but that reflects to others what they believe. In the bible, 1 Chronicles 29:17 says, I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity (NIV, n.d.).  We are constantly tested. It is often easier to cheat, to take a short cut or use material that is not ours, but those are opportunities to do what is right. One of my favorite Psalms, 62:12 reminds us, “and with you Lord, is unfailing love, and you reward everyone according to what they have done” (NIV, n.d.).

Word count 208

Holy Bible, New International Version. (n.d.). Niv. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from

Christians are held to a higher standard, and integrity should be a factor in all decisions. It’s doing the right thing even when no one is watching. I don’t understand how someone can cheat their way through school and receive their degree off someone else’s work.  Nursing is such a specialized profession with respect and trust from society.  Patient’s look to nurses for comfort, compassion and advice.  If the nurse cheats her way through school, how else will she cheat her patient’s?  Nurses also must have the knowledge to think critically.  It’s scary to think someone is providing care for you or your loved one who doesn’t fully understand the concepts and fundamentals of their profession.

My mother had a nurse in the hospital where she passed.  I have always wondered about her. She removed my mom’s central line like a peripheral IV.  She then turned her back and was preparing the 2×2 gauze with tape to apply it to the area.  By the time she turned around my mother had a huge knot where she removed the line, and she had an embolism hit her heart.  My sister and me panicked and told her she removed the line incorrectly.  My mom passed a few minutes later. I have often replayed this scene in my head, because removing central lines was taught very well in my program.  I am not sure if she cheated her way through school, or really did not know how to remove a central line. My mom had stage 4 lung cancer and was terminal, but none the less, that should have never happened.  The hospital formed a policy after that, that all central lines must be removed in radiology. (284 words)

From my understanding APA style format is crucial for college writing and research it adds readability, helps to keep the flow of the content and standardization to complex subject matter. it can also be said that APA style of writing makes the paper more organized. easy to read and understand without causing confusion or misinterpretation. Another important aspect of APA style of writing it gives credibility to the writing since the reader can cross reference citations to prove reliability of source. Finally APA style allows the writer to give credit and distinguish ones one idea from another writer thus avoiding plagiarism.



I believe APA format is important because it demonstrates a general standard to keep writings concise, clean, and professional. Following a specific format helps to keep writings consistent, which results in an easier read with less chance of confusion. Additionally, APA format holds the writers accountable to give credit to the sources that were used. All sources that were used as in-text citations must be listed as a reference, thus giving credit to the author. Not only does this give credit to the author, but it also makes you more likely to use reliable sources, since they can be easily accessed through your references. Professionalism and proper grammar are very important in order to be viewed as an educated, trustworthy, and well-rounded individual.



Beside of simplifying the work of editors by avoiding repetitive use of format for a given publication. APA Style makes it easier for readers to understand a text by providing a familiar structure they can follow. Also provide readers with cues they can use to follow the ideas more efficiently and to locate information of interest to them.APA Style provides fairly comprehensive guidelines for writing academic papers regardless of subject or discipline. However, traditionally, APA is most frequently used by writers.

To conclude APA style establish the credibility of the document provided. Also demonstrated clearly the source of information obtained ,minimizing plagiarism Amounts writer’s.

NUR 513 Topic 2 DQ 2 Compare two different advanced registered nurse roles with regard to ethical guidelines Reference:



The importance of the APA writing style for professional communications is clearly demonstrated by its recognition as the primary writing style in scientific-based writings. Ideally, APA style is based on the principle of effective communication in the scientific field. Through this writing style, students, researchers, and other stakeholders in the academic sector have the opportunity to present their ideas and findings in a reliable manner. That is, the readers can scrutinize the writing for crucial information such as the authenticity of the sources. Therefore, APA writing style is important in professional communications because it is easy for the readers to understand the information provided. It provides the tools to ensure that the author presents effective communication.



The APA style was created by American Psychological Association (APA) and used as a standard guide for education papers or professional communication. When writing an academic thesis, you’re sharing your masterpieces with your professor, peers, and other professionals. You want them to focus on the content of the papers and not be distracted by unfamiliar formatting. Another important in

the APA style is credibility, writers are allowed the use information from other writers or different sources, like web pages, journals, news, and book, but when you use the information from others, you must give credit to the source, the APA reference is the location for your show credibility to the authors. References should always be accurate, allowing your readers to trace back the origins of your information.

NUR 513 Topic 2 DQ 2 Compare two different advanced registered nurse roles with regard to ethical guidelines Reference:

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).



APA style and formatting provides a standard method that allows students and other professional writers to have a defined set of rules to follow. This ensures that references are correctly documented and credited with the research and knowledge used by the writer. The style guide provides a structure for professional writers to follow that gives a flow to the paper, transitions between topics, rules for formatting, and clearly organized. APA formatting is important for students to learn and follow if they continue academic research and submit articles for peer-review or publication, as these often require specific formatting and citation of sources or references. Appropriate references give credit to original research, negate plagiarism, and protect the integrity of the writer and research.



APA (American Psychological Association) format gives a foundation for effective scholarly communication, and it helps writers present their ideas in a clear, precise, and inclusive manner. APA style is important to professional communication because uniformity and consistency help readers to focus on the ideas easily and scan works quickly for key points, findings, and sources. Style guidelines encourage authors to fully include essential information and readers to understand without any distractions.

In APA style, ideas flow logically, sources are credited appropriately, and papers are organized consistently. Tables and figures present data in an engaging, consistent manner. APA style promotes consistency in writing in an organized way. APA format has detailed description about how to format the references and in- text citations. It is extremely useful for students, professors, and researchers

There are many avenues available for Registered Nurses within different types of Masters Programs. Advanced Nursing Practice Roles uniquely identify within different specialties. The two types of APN roles I have decided to compare includes Nurse Educator and Nurse Practitioner (Liaison International , 2022). 

The Nurse Educator, whether it be college instruction or hospital bedside guidance, has a very important responsibility. Teaching and guiding nursing students, new grads and experienced nurses through gentle but firm instruction is an important balance (American Nurses Association, 2022). Ethical considerations can include providing constructive communication techniques for all facets of learning styles, maintaining confidentiality and anonymity, and recognizing potential of harm so the issue can be swiftly revised and improved. The nurse educator is an important resource for all areas of nursing, and performing this role with compassion and confidence directly influences healthy growth and success within all levels of nursing practices (DeNisco & Barker, 2019).   

The Nurse Practitioner involves direct patient care and can span all types of specialties in medicine. Diagnosis and treatment as well as counseling in preventative care helps to create a healthy balance between the actual management of care and strategies needed for long term success. (American Nurses Association, 2022).  Nurse Practitioners do not just treat the present problem but also the patient’s future health and happiness. Ethical considerations include voluntary participation of the patient, confidentiality, and informed consent (DeNisco & Barker, 2019). 

There are many ethical differences within these two APN roles. The scope of practice highly differs between the two, which directly influences the associated ethical guidelines. One huge difference is the population served. Nurse Educators directly serve the nurses and institutions, while Nurse Practitioners directly serve the patients and institutions. Both roles utilize evidence-based practice and definitive ethical standards. The response to an ethical situation differs in the fact that the educator may identify and correct situations by improving knowledge gaps and training while the Nurse Practitioner may have to adjust the plan of care accordingly and follow up with different treatment modalities. 

For example: A Jehovah witness patient is diagnosed with sickle cell crisis who is dangerously anemic and needs a blood transfusion. Ethical guidelines remain in place for respecting spirituality and religion. The hospital educator may consider addressing this situation with cultivating awareness by teaching the institutions employees, which leads to building understanding and acceptance for this patient population. The Nurse Practitioner will need to adapt the plan of care to this specific situation but also directly educate the patient on the high level risks associated with the denial of the blood transfusion. The NP can help the patient define personal limits and wishes associated with the plan of care without encroaching on the validity of the religious belief. 

American Nurses Association. (2022). Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN). 


DeNisco, S. M., & Barker, A. M. (Eds.). (2019). Advanced practice nursing: essential knowledge for the profession (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284176124 


Liaison International (2022). Explore Health Careers. 



The two different advanced registered nurse roles that I am going to compare is a nurse midwife and a nurse educator. Although all nurses need to abide by similar ethics there are additional guidelines to consider for these very different roles.  Nurse educators have many responsibilities but one of the most important things that they must do is promote and encourage students to exercise around clinical judgement, practice using ethical standards, and support and respect their colleagues (National League for Nursing, 2012). Nursing educators need to treat all students fairly and stray away from racism. On the other hand, nurse midwives have a whole new world of ethical guidelines that need implemented. Midwives provide care to women at some of the most vulnerable times of their lives. They are responsible to keep women healthy as well as making sure their babies arrive healthy. What a huge responsibility that has a lot of moving parts.

One unique ethical guideline to midwives is that they must develop a partnership with the woman that they work with and shares relevant information to help women make informed decisions, consent to an evolving plan of care, and acceptance of responsibility for the outcome of their choices (American College of Nurse-Midwives, n.d.). Respect for autonomy is basic to midwifery care and is foundational to a partnership that fosters open communication between a midwife and a woman (American College of Nurse-Midwives, n.d.). But all nurses whether that be an advanced registered nurse, or not should all have the goal to respect basic human right and dignity of all people, this is an important principal when caring for people. 


 American College of Nurse-Midwives. (n.d.). Code of ethics with explanatory statements. 


National League for Nursing. (2012, January). Ethical principles for nursing education national league for nursing. 


The Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) and Nurse Practitioner (NP) positions are two advanced registered nurse roles that are similar. They both require master’s level training in the field of nursing, but the clinical nurse specialist responsibilities tend to be more administrative with a strong focus on staff and patient education, research, and program development. The nurse practitioner’s role is more focused on assessment, diagnosing and management of disease processes. Nurse practitioners also tend to have more autonomy and work as an independent care provider. Depending on the regulatory laws of the state in which they practice, nurse practitioners can function under the supervision of a physician or unsupervised. Clinical nurse specialists’ approach tends to be more collaborative, and team centered (Gains, 2022). A Nurse Journal article sums up the differences between the two roles by stating that the nurse practitioner provides direct patient care, and the clinical nurse specialist manages patient care (Nurse Journal, 2022).  

There are four Principles of Ethics for nurses. They are autonomy, benefi

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