NUR 513 Topic 3 DQ 2 What is your personal worldview?

Establishing a relationship with someone with the goal of respecting their values, practices, and beliefs is known as cultural humility. It involves a continuous process of introspection and critical analysis of oneself along with an openness to picking up knowledge from others (Stubbe, 2020). My worldview encompasses a lifelong commitment to treating others as I wish to be treated but also treating them how they wish to be treated. For me, this entails being sensitive to and integrating one’s cultural beliefs and customs as they view it, towards the application and treatment of the individual.

Being a nurse educator translates directly to the conscious learning of my own biases and prejudices and helping to shed light on these values for those I will teach. I will have the opportunity to work with nurses and students of diverse backgrounds, religions, and experiences and in doing so, gain knowledge of their worldviews which can then integrate with and shape my own. This not only enhances my outlook in providing patient-centered care but also in teaching the importance of implementing such ideals to others.

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NUR 513 Topic 3 DQ 2 What is your personal worldview?

NUR 513 Topic 3 DQ 2 What is your personal worldview?

Re: Topic 3 DQ 2

My worldviews now reflect a combination of my upbringing and my personal experiences. I was brought up as a Roman Catholic. I went to universities that were both public and lutheran. The student demographic at the public school I attended was extraordinarily varied, with non-White students making up the large majority of the student body. I was surrounded by people that were unlike me, and I made a lot of friends who were able to educate me about their ways of life, convictions, and ideals. I was up in an extremely multicultural, liberal, and accepting atmosphere that influenced my ideals and worldview. I also got quite active in politics at this period. I don’t like the thought of somebody trying to impose their religious views on others, and I don’t like the notion of religion controlling politics either. I married into a very liberally religious family that actively follows Nichiren Buddhism. My existence is very much a collection of perspectives that have melded together to create something lovely.

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Understanding your own point of view is critical in nursing. I’m well aware that if I don’t practice mindfulness, my worldview and personal values will eventually have an impact on the care I give to my patients. Although a nurse’s role is to provide care rather than make decisions, everyone has hidden biases (DeNisco & Barker, 2016). We all try to interpret the world through our own lens, views, culture, values, or set of beliefs, which leads to inherent biases. According to DeNisco and Barker, unresolved cultural differences between the nurse and the patient can lead to problems with diagnosis, nonadherence, and irritation on both sides when one party fails to live up to implicit, culturally determined expectations of the other. (2016, p.581). DeNisco and Barker discuss how cultural humility and awareness of one’s own inherent bias can help nurses become more introspective and proactive in their interactions with patients. Although I will most likely work in nonclinical nursing informatics, I will always strive to keep an open mind and be considerate of others. Language barriers, in my experience, have a significant impact on patient satisfaction and safe, high-quality care. Our patients and their families can be our most valuable assets, and effective communication is critical for mutual understanding. I’d like to contribute to the advancement of these bedside nursing technologies, and I hope to use appropriate translation services in the future.

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NUR 513 Topic 3 DQ 2 What is your personal worldview? References

DeNisco, S. M., & Barker, A. M. (2016). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.


It is critical for nurses to recognize that cultural and spiritual competence have a significant impact on the quality of care services provided and overall patient satisfaction, and I completely agree with this concept. I agree that with a highly diverse population in terms of religious and cultural underpinnings in the United States, healthcare providers face significant challenges in providing quality healthcare services (Kaihlanen et al., 2019). There are several measures that, if well implemented in nurse practice, will aid in ensuring cultural competence in healthcare systems. I agree with you that allowing patients’ family members to participate in healthcare decision making will help the nurse gain a better understanding of the patient.

Swihart, D. L., & Martin, R. L. (2019, May 29). Cultural Religious Competence In Clinical Practice.; StatPearls Publishing.

Kaihlanen, A.-M., Hietapakka, L., & Heponiemi, T. (2019). Increasing cultural awareness: qualitative study of nurses’ perceptions about cultural competence training. BMC Nursing18(1).

I have learned the role of a Nurse practitioners and how intense educational curricula is for the health care setting. I have learned that the nurse practitioners practice can be managed and owned by nurse practitioners. Their practice can include assessments, ordering, performing, supervising, and interpreting diagnostic and laboratory tests. Making diagnoses, initiating, and managing treatment of acute, chronic, and complex health problems including prescribing medications and nonpharmacologic treatments. Coordinating care, counseling an educating patients, families, and communities. Nurse practitioners can coordinate care with other health care professionals They can perform health research. They are advanced practice registered nurses who has obtained a master’s degree, post-master’s, or a doctorate. They have obtained certification for national board. They must hold an state registered nurse license as well as the advanced practice nursing license.

 The nurse practitioner’s role is responsible to the public in making adaptable changes in health care. As leaders in the health care, nurse practitioners act as providers, mentors, educators, and administrators. They take responsibility for continued professional development, involvement in professional organizations, and participation in health policy activities at the local, state, national and international levels. They provide safe, high-quality, cost-effective patient care. They are accountable to patients, the nursing profession, and the state board of nursing. They are expected to practice consistent with the ethical code of conduct, national certification, evidence-based practice principles, and current practice standards.

I have learned the description of CNS and how I can reach the credentials. At the beginning of the class, I changed jobs and during my training, I noticed that the nurse in charge of orientation had CNS on her batch. I wonder what it meant and during her presentation, she described her job responsibilities. Some of her duties are training of new employees, patient education, patient care, and management reports of her assigned units. She mentions how the structure in the hospital where the training was taking place has “shared governance” and they encourage asking questions and helping each other as coworkers. The hospital is always recommending its staff to get training in the skills or procedures that they are not feeling comfortable with. She also had supervisory duties within the unit assigned to her. I was embarrassed to ask what her credentials were and on my first break, I googled them to understand them better. Then I realized that I wanted to do the same thing, I wanted to do patient care, management reports, and training of personnel. Now I must complete my classes and get my degree along with the needed certifications to be able to apply for jobs that offer management positions.

My personal worldview of health care today is that we are struck on tasks and have forgotten the humanistic approach to caring. Medicine has become big business, and often we are the “pill totters” to the public. Drug companies treat problems like diabetes but do not market an invented a pill tomorrow that would cure diabetes, that would kill a multi-billion dollar business market (Gross, 2012).We have forgotten how to teach good health, nutrition, mobility and the healing art of touch.  Often we are concerned about how fast we can turn over that bed with a “safe” discharge to accommodate another patient. The insurance companies set the standard for the care that people receive, what is covered and what is not covered. These companies dictate the amount of aftercare and support a person receives, which often is inadequate and lands them back in the hospital. Let us not forget that any readmission back into the hospital with the same diagnosis within thirty days from discharge is not covered under these same insurance companies. With this being said, we as health care professionals try to provide with best quality care we are allowed to within the time constraints and policies that we follow.

My spiritual belief is that of nature and balance. As a Wiccan, it is the belief that if you are unsettled and out of balance with your life, then you are at dis-ease. This is true in health and mental wellbeing. We have created a world were nothing in nature is valued, we continue to decrease the amount of natural lands, forest, and oceans that have provided us with nourishment, natural remedies, and balanced ecosystems years before technology and big pharma were present.. If we stop to think, when we were forced to reduce our carbon foot print over two years ago due to Covid, pollution levels dropped and some places saw animals return to their previous habitats (Frost, 2020) and the cure for the Spanish Flu in 1920 was fresh air and sunlight.

As a leader, I understand the need to walk a fine line with the delivery of care, but I will always try to instill the teaching of humanity with my staff, finding that small piece of happiness for each patient whenever we can, to help ease their mind and bring a smile to their day. As a great mentor always said “you treat a disease, you win, you treat the person, I guarantee you will win every time“ (Patch Adams, 1998).

NUR 513 Topic 3 DQ 2 What is your personal worldview? References

Frost, R. (2020, May 26). Living. Retrieved from Euronews:

Gross, T. (2012). How U.S. Health Care Became Bigh Business. Shots, Health Care News from NPR.

Patch Adams (1998). [Motion Picture].

In my own view, our personal worldview can indeed change over time. The way we perceive the world may shift, either positively or negatively, influenced by the variance between what we once thought and what we’ve experienced. The beliefs instilled in us during our prior years might differ from our current practices and convictions, or you might come to the realization that you hold such a belief and wish to preserve it. According to Mayhew et al. (2020), we consider “worldview” as a guiding life philosophy, which may be based on a particular religious tradition, a spiritual orientation, a nonreligious perspective, or some combination of these.

The values imparted by parents, siblings, relatives, peers, teachers, colleagues, and others may evolve as we encounter diverse perspectives. Unless an individual remains isolated in a static environment without exposure to differing beliefs, interactions with a variety of people can contribute to the evolution of one’s worldview.

Despite the challenges we faced during our earlier years, we were taught from a young age the importance of showing kindness and respecting others, especially the elderly. I witnessed this firsthand when my mom generously offered money to our neighbors who were facing eviction like us, helping them start anew. According to Digges et al. (2023), often, caring for others may prompt one’s heart to cling more to Jesus, with the resulting sprouting and growth of the seed into a living plant—spiritual maturity and transformation.

When engaging with our patients and the communities we serve, it’s crucial to uphold the values we believe in. If genuine care for our patients is our priority, we must continuously contemplate the type of service or care that suits everyone, recognizing and celebrating their diversity. By establishing trust with our patients, we create a positive connection that enhances the quality of care provided.

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