NUR 513 Topic 4 DQ 2 Select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care

Nursing theories make up the backbone of nursing. Nursing theories have evolved to integrate clinical practice and give us guides to nursing processes. The two nursing theories that am going to talk about and describe how they relate to patient care. The First theory that I going to talk about is Pender’s health model and the Cultural care theory.

            The First theory that I am going to go over is Pender’s health model theory (PMH). This theory is based on the personal experiences that you have that affect your actions. This theory was published originally in 1982 and since then improved in 1996 and improved again in 2002. This theory has been used to in nursing for teaching, education, and practice (Chen &Hsieh, 2021). The PMH has three areas that focus on individual characteristics and experiences, cognitive behavior and its effect, and behavioral outcomes. PMH is a great tool for nurses because it gives them a framework for guiding their patients to prevent chronic illnesses, or if they have a chronic illness, it helps the patients manage the system to improve the patient’s quality of life. The Pros of this theory are that the patient can prevent chronic illness by being involved in healthy behavior. The patient can have some control over managing one’s health, which could decrease hospitalization, have a positive health quality of life, as well prevent an early death. The cons would be getting the patients on board with healthier behaviors. They may not be able to see the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. The benefits of a healthier lifestyle may not be seen as an important issue at this stage in their life. I could use this model to help patients in the community. I can do community health fairs, and give patients education about illnesses that are affecting the community to help prevent illnesses or decrease the progression. I could also educate the community on the benefits of physical activity. Some of the ethical problems could be that even with the prevention and health activities, patients could still get an illness.

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            The second theory that I am talking about is cultural care theory this theory was created by Madeleine Leininger, and it states that nursing care needs to go along with the patient’s personal beliefs (McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2019). The pros of this theory are that if the treatment goes along with their beliefs then they are more likely to follow the treatment. The cons of this theory is if the practitioner cannot align the beliefs then the patient may not accept treatment. This theory could be used in my practice by helping me see how patients’ beliefs are very important and can help me direct their care. The ethical problem with this theory is that some of their belief may not be ethical and they may refuse the care being offered.


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NUR 513 Topic 4 DQ 2 Select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care

NUR 513 Topic 4 DQ 2 Select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care

Select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care. How could you use them for inciting behavioral changes? Discuss the pros and cons of applying each theory and how they could be integrated into your future practice. Are there any particular ethical issues related to the integration of these theories that should be considered?

There are numerous nursing theories related to nursing care, including the Watson and King theory. The Watson theory, developed by Jean Watson, is focused on caring. It addresses how nurses can express care to their patients. As any nurse knows, caring is a fundamental practice, which helps promotes better health outcomes. No patient wants a nurse who is rude or insensitive to their needs.

Watson believes a caring attitude is not transmitted from generation to generation, instead believes it is transferred by the culture of the nursing profession; a way of coping with the environment (Watson, 2020). She goes into detail about how the nursing process follows a scientific research approach.

The first step is assessment, where the nurse observes, identifies the problem, and makes a hypothesis. The nurse then creates a care plan, determining what data needs to be collected. The next step is the implementation and collection of all the data, while the final step is evaluation. The evaluation is the summary of the care plan, acknowledging if the nurse had the right care plan (Watson, 2020).

Re: Topic 4 DQ 2

Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model This model looks into patient characteristics and behaviors to see how nursing interventions can help the patient adapt, add, or improve healthful habits and practices. Pender defines health as more than just the absence of illness or disease; it is also a dynamic positive state that includes one’s physical, mental, and social well-being (Current Nursing, 2020). Pender’s approach exemplifies how nurses can motivate their patients to live healthy lifestyles, which is a cornerstone of public health and illness prevention.

This method investigates biological, psychological, and social factors in order to motivate individuals to make behavioral changes that improve self-care and illness prevention (Gonzalo, 2021). Examining the patient’s feelings about his or her own actions may assist in determining motivation, dedication, and control over the outcome.

This model could help in the prevention of illness, obesity, and infection transmission in the future. Two potential limitations of this technique are the patient’s willingness to change and the nurse’s ability to provide appropriate information and reassess therapies as needed.

The success of this paradigm in an acute care setting may be hampered by issues such as increased bedside responsibilities, increased charting, higher acuity, and a lack of nurse-patient ratios. The scope of public health and disease prevention, as well as its connection to religious beliefs, may raise ethical concerns.

Although some religions are anti-contraception and pro-life, sexual health promotes the use of birth control and contraception methods. Two other examples of ethical concerns in health promotion are the highly contentious 2020 mask mandates and the right of individuals to choose their health activities.

Strengthening patient control over self-care is a preferable method, according to Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory (Current Nursing, 2020). It can be used as a nursing concept to tailor treatment plans to each patient’s specific needs. The recovery of a patient could be aided if nurses worked to keep the patient as autonomous as possible.

Assisting the patient with toileting and showering, as well as teaching them self-care techniques, are all part of this. Nurses assess their patients’ strengths, weaknesses, limitations, and needs before developing interventions to help them regain their independence (Current Nursing, 2020).

Patient autonomy and independence, I believe, can help patients adopt behavioral changes. Patient self-care encouragement and advocacy can also result in long-term behavioral improvements. Orem’s worldview contains several flaws, including an emphasis on self-care and a disregard for the patient’s spiritual and emotional well-being (Current Nursing, 2020).

This theory’s application may be limited by the patient’s understanding of their illness, their ability to absorb training, or their family’s ability to assist with self-care needs. Patients and family members who require home wound care may be taught how to properly treat a wound but may be unable to tolerate it. Perhaps there are educational roadblocks. Nursing interventions that contradict a patient’s cultural or religious values may raise ethical concerns.nur 513 topic 4 dq 2 select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care

Health Promotion Model by Pender is the one that I believe would be most effective in promoting behavioral change as a future informatics nurse. Future research and the adoption of new technologies can be employed within the framework of Pender’s model in order to promote illness prevention and good health practices.

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NUR 513 Topic 4 DQ 2 Select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care References

Current Nursing. (2020). Nursing theories: Open access articles on nursing theories and models.

DeNisco, S. M., & Barker, A. M. (2016). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Gonzalo, A. (2021, March 5). Nola Pender: Health promotion model. Nurseslabs.

I have realized that collaboration between nurse and patient is key to successful implementation of nursing theories. Clear communications of the expectations and roles of each party need to be spelled out. At some point I think, nurses should always be aware that there is a chance that a certain theory could fail to achieve the desired goals and always have a back-up theory or use two theories simultaneously to ensure optimal patient’s outcome. While Orem’s self-care deficit theory sounds like the best in empowering patients, it proved more effective when it was used in collaboration with kolcaba’s comfort theory since patients were educated on self-care and taught how to report their pain promptly for management thereby improving their experience in hospital stay and when they transitioned home (Ali, 2022).  It is also important to consider the pros and cons of these theories and determine the most effective one in each care setting. There are those theories that could be exceptionally good in public health or education setting but may not have the same desirable effect in the inpatient setting. 


Ashiq Ali, A. (2022). Comparison of Two Nursing Theories Orem’s Theory of Self-Care Deficit & Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory. I-Manager’s Journal on Nursing12(2), 34–40.


Indeed Gina Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model is suitable in inciting behavioral change.  The model examines individual traits and characteristics. The patient information will determine a behavioral change introduced based on the expected outcome. Pender’s model takes a wholesome model when examining the patient. The model allows a nurse to evaluate the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of a patient before deciding on the right intervention (Khoshnood et al., 2018).

Pender’s protocols reduce the chances of committing errors. Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory is also a theory that supports behavioral adjustments. However, Dorothea believes in patient independence’s influence on behavioral change and patient recuperation.  The self-care deficit theory mandates the healthcare provider with the obligation of granting patient autonomy (Hernández et al., 2017).

All nursing theories are important most nurses may want to incorporate them in nursing practice. Nevertheless, Pender’s health promotion model will be preferable due to its holistic approach to patient’s behavioral assessment before initiating the transformational process.

Re: Topic 4 DQ 2

Many nursing models have come into practice since the early 1950’s (DeNisco & Barker, 2016). May of these theories focus on a patient as a individual and therefore focus their behavioral modifications and goals on an individual’s unique circumstances (DeNisco & Barker, 2016). While this path is incredibly important, it is also pivotal to understand that many of our patients belong to a family unit and this will directly impact their care (DeNisco & Barker, 2016). This discussion will focus on the Calgary family assessment Model and the Modeling and Role Modeling theory.

NUR 513 Topic 4 DQ 2 Select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care

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The Modeling and Role Modeling theory was developed in 1983 by Helen Erickson, Evelyn Tomlin and Mary Swain (“Model and Role Modeling Theory”, n.d.). This theory focuses on the nurse’s ability to care for each patient and enables them to identify the uniqueness

nur 513 topic 4 dq 2 select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care
NUR 513 Topic 4 DQ 2 Select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care

of the patient (“Model and Role Modeling Theory”, n.d ).This theory is built on foundational principles of many other theorist including Maslow, Piagets and Erikson (“Model and Role Modeling Theory”, n.d).

This theory identifies commonalties with all patients, these are holism or the belief that people are the more than a sum of their parts, basic needs that drive all patients, affiliation, attachment, psychological stages and, cognitive stages (“Model and Role Modeling Theory”, n.d).

The differences that exist between patients are unique to an individual and they focus on genetics, view of the world, adaption, stress and self-care process (“Model and Role Modeling Theory”, n.d). Understanding that each patient is unique and has specific behaviors, genetics and self-care practices that make them uniquely them helps to tailor a care plan that is specific to each patient.

Both of these models do not present ethical dilemmas in the way they are integrated into care. They should be a platform to build care that aims to be of quality and safe.


I concur with you that since the early 1950s many nursing models have been generated due to the increase in nursing research. Many nursing models have increased the range of choice among nurses.  However, most nursing models focus on a patient as an individual with behaviors that must change to facilitate recovery from most health complications. Calgary family assessment Model and the Modeling and Role Modeling theory are examples of nursing theories.

Calgary family assessment model focuses on the family environment. The assessment model allows a nurse to examine the family and find out issues that require intervention (Tucci & Oliveira, 2019).  Resolving family issues will automatically lead to family and family members’ recuperation. The Modeling and Role Modeling theory allows nurses to determine similarities among patients.

The commonalities allow the nurse to develop a framework that will consider the similarities (Matouš et al., 2017). Calgary family assessment Model and the Modeling and Role Modeling theory can all be applied in nursing practice. The models do not create an ethical dilemma that will compromise their suitability.

Re: Topic 4 DQ 2

Lydia Hall’s argument hinges on care, cure, and the essence of her research. The patient is in the center and requires compassionate and reassuring nursing care. In addition, the nurse educates the patient and assists with tasks that the patient is unable to complete. The treatment entails medical attention, particularly nursing, which aids in the core healing process (Care, Core, and Cure: the Three Cs of Lydia Hall, 2021).

(Care, Core, and Cure: Lydia Hall’s Three Cs, 2021). Subrata (2019) investigates the treatment of pressure ulcers in the community using Lydia Hall’s concept. The nurse would teach, provide nursing care, and interact with an interdisciplinary team to treat decubiti. Katherine Kolcaba has come up with an intriguing new idea. The concepts of anxiety, ease, and transcendence are all synonyms for comfort.

To achieve comfort, a comprehensive plan is implemented that considers the physical, psychospiritual, social, and environmental aspects (Comfort Theory by Katharine Kolcaba, 2021). (Katharine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory, 2021). Physical measures, such as catheterization, may benefit patients with urinary retention. The regular eviction of urine from the system may make a full bladder more bearable.

When a patient is able to see beyond their physical difficulties, they achieve transcendence. A combination of the Hall and Kolcaba theories may be effective in motivating patients to make positive behavioral changes by teaching and demonstrating patient-specific behaviors that can improve their well-being.

Because they are directly related to patient care, both concepts have the potential to be implemented in clinical settings. When it comes to patient care, this is an essential part of the nursing profession. Patients are cared for in a way that promotes healing. Kolcaba believes that patient care should be motivated by a desire to make the patient as comfortable as possible.

All patients will benefit from this nursing environment. These two hypotheses shed light on a distinct nursing perspective. Despite their utility in describing nursing practice, these definitions fall short of being comprehensive and detailed enough to apply to each individual patient. It is necessary to take a patient-centered approach.

These critical theories for patient care can be taught to aspiring nurses. Individualized care for each patient is necessary from an ethical standpoint in order to establish rapport with the patient and assist them with their health care needs. Because no two people are alike, patients must be included in a personalized treatment plan.


I agree with you Camille that Lydia Hall’s theory prioritizes core, care, and cure. The model refers to the patient as the core, nursing response as the care, and then the positive outcome as the cure. Nurses provide care through various activities within their limits. Health promotion and engaging in nursing activities are some interventions used in nursing practice. The three elements in the model are important in the recovery process (Sumarno, 2019).

Nurses ensure the core, care, cure are handled in the right way. Katherine Kolcaba is another model examining comfort and relief in the intervention process. Patients with various health complications report discomfort. Nurses use their expertise to intervene and eliminate the discomfort (Gaibor et al., 2021). 

Nurses through their holistic handling of sickness can handle emotional, physical, and psychological discomfort. Patient care should be tailored according to individual healing needs.  Therefore, nurses should conduct adequate testing to ensure that the recovering process address the patient needs.

Nurses apply many concepts in patient care, and the influence of theoretical concepts cannot be overlooked. Broadly, nursing theories enable nurses to improve care quality by allowing them to articulate what they do to patients and the rationale for their actions (Younas & Quennell, 2019). Among many theories, Katharine Kolcaba’s theory of comfort can guide nurses in optimizing patient care outcomes.

Its fundamental principle is that comfort is a fundamental need for all patients achieved by providing relief, ease, and transcendence (Vo, 2020). In regular practice, relief enhances comfort, and ease promotes calmness, while transcendence is all about helping the patient overcome painful stressors.

The other theory is Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory. Florence stressed that nurses and patients must be cognizant of the role of the environment in the healing process (Riegel et al., 2021). As a result, the patient should stay in conditions with adequate sunlight, fresh air, and pure water, among other essential components.

The two theories can be used to incite behavioral changes. In the theory of comfort, nurses should seek behaviors that optimize comfort and educate patients and families on achieving the same. The environmental theory can guide nurses and families to implement behavioral interventions that make the environment safe, comfortable, and supportive for patients to enhance healing (Riegel et al., 2021).

Regarding the pros, both theories promote a patient-centered practice and holism in patient care. However (the cons), they require intensive nurse participation hence time-consuming. The environmental theory also requires nurses to factor in many environmental elements, including light, air, cleanliness, and drainage. Therefore, they must assess the patients continuously to ensure they stay in the proper care environment.

Acute care practice requires nurses to be conversant with all the patient’s needs. Active engagement of patients in the care process is highly recommended. Kolcaba’s theory can be integrated into acute care to optimize patients’ comfort. The environmental theory can be the basis of promoting holistic healing by ensuring the patient’s environment meets the threshold of safe, supportive, and comfortable surroundings.

Ethical issues that should be considered when integrating these theories include informed consent, implications on safety, and their potential harm to nurses. For instance, engaging nurses too much in care might cause exhaustion (harm) and hamper their potential.

Topic 4 DQ 2

The two theories related to patient care include Jean Watson’s caring theory and Madeleine Leininger’s transcultural theory. Leininger’s culture care theory or transcultural nursing model entails knowing and understanding cultures concerning nursing and health-illness caring practice, believes and values for nurses to offer meaningful and efficacious care services in line with people’s cultural values.

The theory emphasizes that different cultures contain different caring behaviors and conduct. They also uphold different values, beliefs and patterns of behaviors related to health continuum (McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2018). Therefore, this theory relates to patient care by imploring providers to understanding and appreciate these differences and diversity when developing care plans, interacting with patients, and implementing interventions aimed at offering care. The t

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