NUR 514- Organizational Leadership and Informatics Week 5 Discussion

NUR 514- Organizational Leadership and Informatics Week 5 Discussion

NUR 514- Organizational Leadership and Informatics Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Research an organization that uses an innovative model of care. How does this innovative model affect interprofessional collaboration? How might this model contribute to the delivery of cost of effective health care? Make sure to identify the organization and model in your response.

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DQ2 Define ACOs and discuss their impact on the contemporary health care system. How do ACOs drive cost-effectiveness, innovation, and collaboration in the delivery of health care?

McAlearney et al. (2018) states “Across the health care landscape in the United States, momentum is shifting away from volume-based care and building toward value-based care most often interpreted as a function of reducing cost while simultaneously improving quality.” (p. 4767) Accountable care organizations involve organizational partnerships for the purpose of coordinating patient care across the health care continuum to improve health outcomes. ACOs focus on outcomes as this is what drives reimbursement. Improving care while reducing costs may require innovative use of existing resources and use of innovative means of achieving treatment goals. Looking at the end result is a straightforward way of quantifying the efficacy, and quality of the services delivered by participating providers. 81% of ACOs involve new partnerships between independent health care organizations whose providers are motivated to partner for resource complementarity, risk reduction, and legislative requirements, and are using a variety of formal and informal accountability mechanisms.” (Lewis et al., 2017, p. 25) Value-based reimbursement creates the incentive for ACOs to manage patient care across health care settings, requiring improved care coordination among providers. These efforts reduce unnecessary health care utilization, improve patient outcomes, and reduce health care spending. (Agarwal & Werner, 2018).

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NUR 514- Organizational Leadership and Informatics Week 5 Discussion References

Agarwal, D., & Werner, R. M. (2018). Effect of Hospital and Post-Acute Care Provider Participation in Accountable Care Organizations on Patient Outcomes and Medicare Spending. Health Services Research53(6), 5035–5056.

Lewis, V. A., Tierney, K. I., Colla, C. H., & Shortell, S. M. (2017). The new frontier of strategic alliances in health care: New partnerships under accountable care organizations. Social Science & Medicine (1982)190, 1–10.

McAlearney, A. S., Walker, D. M., & Hefner, J. L. (2018). Moving Organizational Culture from Volume to Value: A Qualitative Analysis of Private Sector Accountable Care Organization Development. Health Services Research53(6), 4767–4788.


Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are groups of physicians, hospitals, and other healthcare providers, that

nur 514- organizational leadership and informatics week 5 discussion
NUR 514- Organizational Leadership and Informatics Week 5 Discussion

work together to improve the quality and coordination of care services for a population of patients, with the end goal of providing the right care, in the right place, at the right time. “ACOs were implemented under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as a new approach in healthcare delivery for fee-for-service beneficiaries, to reduce unnecessary costs by facilitating coordination among providers” (Parasrampuria, et al., (2018, p. 388). By using common clinical pathways that integrate principles of treatment and therapeutic modalities in a diverse provider setting healthcare providers provide efficient, high quality, patient care.

According to Moy et al. (2021), “three core principles of ACOs are:

  1. Provider-led organizations with a strong base of primary care that is accountable for quality and per capita costs
  2. Payments linked to improvement in quality and reduced costs.
  3. Reliable and increasingly sophisticated measurement of performance, to support improvement and provide confidence care is improved, and cost savings occur.” (para. 3)

Primary care physicians collaborate with other ACO providers across the spectrum of health services to make sure patients receive the most appropriate care. By coordinating care among providers via health information technology, there is reduction in unnecessary or duplicate services or treatments which contributes to the cost effectiveness of ACOs. Payments are linked to value and quality, not volume. ACOs also encourage patient and family engagement in the plan of care, this contributes to better health outcomes, improved quality, and patient safety, lowers costs and enhances the patient care experience (Summers et al., 2015).

The goal of ACOs is to lower costs while improving the quality and experience of care. ACOs collaborative approach to care delivery improve the way patients receive care over time (Summers et al., 2015).

NUR 514- Organizational Leadership and Informatics Week 5 Discussion References

Moy, H., Giardino, A.P., & Varacallo, M. (2021). Accountable Care Organization. Stat Pearls

Parasrampuria, S., Oakes, A.H., Wu, S.S., Parikh, M.A., & Padula, W.V. (2018). Value and performance of accountable care organizations: A cost-minimization analysis. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 34(4), 388-393.

Summers, L., De Lisle, K., Ness, D.L., Kennedy, L.B., & Muhlestein, D. (2015). The impact of accountable care: How accountable care impacts the way consumers receive care.

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