NURS 350 discussion sampling strategies of qualitative versus quantitative research

NURS 350 discussion sampling strategies of qualitative versus quantitative research

NURS 350 discussion sampling strategies of qualitative versus quantitative research

NURS 350 discussion sampling strategies of qualitative versus quantitative research


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Using examples, compare and contrast the sampling strategies of qualitative and quantitative research designs.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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The following are examples of each of these:

“Quality Research” explains what it means.

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In qualitative research, participants are observed and interviewed to gain a deeper understanding of the issue at hand.

Qualitative research is often used to investigate phenomena that are too complex to be fully understood through quantitative methods alone because of its unstructured and exploratory nature.

It can, however, serve as a launching pad for more in-depth quantitative studies.

To gain an in-depth understanding of human behavior, experience, attitudes, intentions, and motivations in qualitative research is done through observation and interpretation.

It is called participatory research when the findings of a study reflect the views of the participants rather than those of the researcher.

Case studies, grounded theory, ethnography, history, and phenomenology are all examples of qualitative research.

What Is a Quantitative Approach?

Quantitative research is based on the methods of the natural sciences and yields numerical data and hard facts.

Mathematical, computational, and statistical methods are used to compare two variables to see if they can help establish a cause and effect relationship.

This type of study is known as empirical research because it can be quantified to an extremely fine degree of accuracy.

The data collected by the researcher can be categorized, ranked, or measured in a variety of ways.

Data from quantitative studies can be represented graphically in the form of charts and tables, making it easier for researchers to decipher their findings.



Researchers use a variety of methods to conduct their work.

The following characteristics set qualitative research apart from quantitative research:

It is common in the humanities and social sciences to conduct qualitative research in order to gain an understanding of the thoughts and feelings of those being studied.

Using numerical data to generate statistical, logical, and mathematical techniques is known as quantitative research in the scientific community.

It’s important to note that quantitative research focuses on specifics, while qualitative research looks at the whole picture.

It is subjective because the researcher is personally involved, whereas quantitative research takes an objective approach because the researcher is not personally involved and attempts to be precise in their observations in order to answer the inquiry.

An investigation is at the heart of qualitative research.

As a result, there is no conclusive quantitative evidence.

Analyzing and interpreting data in qualitative research relies on inductive reasoning, whereas deductive reasoning is used in quantitative research.

In qualitative research, a small sample is selected to gain an in-depth understanding of the research topic through purposeful sampling.

The results of quantitative research can be extrapolated to the entire population by selecting a random sample of a large number of individuals from that pool.

nurs 350 sampling strategies of qualitative versus quantitative research
NURS 350 sampling strategies of qualitative versus quantitative research

Qualitative research relies on interviewing participants and recording their responses in writing.

On the other hand, quantitative research focuses on obtaining data that can be analyzed numerically.

While quantitative research focuses on outcomes, qualitative research examines how things are done.

While quantitative research relies on numbers, qualitative research relies on words, images, and objects.

It is the goal of qualitative research to discover and investigate the current processes’ ideas.

The purpose of qualitative research is to look into the relationship between different variables.

Focus groups and in-depth interviews are also examples of qualitative research methods.

Structured interviews and close observation are the mainstays of quantitative research, in contrast.

The initial understanding is developed through qualitative research, whereas the final course of action is recommended through quantitative research.


A study that uses both methods equally well is the gold standard.
However, only one type of research is required in some specific areas, and this depends primarily on the data the researcher needs.
Quantitative research is factual, whereas qualitative research tends to be interpretive in nature.


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