Nursing Statistics
Nursing Statistics
1. What is the r value for the relationship between Hamstring strength index 60/s and the Shuttle run test? Is this r value significant? Provide a rationale for your answer
2. Consider r =1.00 and r =–1.00. Which r value is stronger? Provide a rationale for your answer
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3. Describe the direction of the relationship between the Hamstring strength index 60/s and the Shuttle run test.
4. Without using numbers, describe the relationship between the Hamstring strength index 120/s and the Triple hop index
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5. Which variable has the weakest relationship with the Quadriceps strength index 120/s?
1. Which of the following sets of variables has the strongest relationship?
1. Hamstring strength index 120%/s and the Hop index r = 0.431
2. Quadriceps strength index 60%/s and the Carioca test r = −0.474
3. Quadriceps strength index 120%/s and the Side step test r = −0.519
4. Quadriceps strength index 60%/s and the Triple hop index r = 0.619
1. In Table 5, two r values are reported as r = -0.498 and r = -0.528. Describe each r value in words, indicating which would be more statistically significant, and provide a rationale for your answer.
6. What is the r value listed for the relationship between variables 4 and 9?
7. Describe the correlation r = -0.32** using words. Is this a statistically significant correlation? Provide a rationale for your answer.
One of the study goals was to examine the relationship between optimism and psychopathology
Using the data in Table 2, formulate an opinion regarding the overall correlation between them.
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