Opportunities in the Long term Care System Discussion

Opportunities in the Long term Care System Discussion

Opportunities in the Long term Care System Discussion

Opportunities in the Long term Care System Discussion

I have two discussion to reply to in each discussion I must reply to to two of my classmates two reply’s to each discussion

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Discussion 1

The skills leaders need to successfully meet the challenges and opportunities in the long term care system of the future according to Chies are listening, being knowledgeable in information and skills, knowing the community and where the organization fits into the community, engaging with integrated care systems and the community, and all while being efficient, effective and ethical (Chies, 2020). A leader must create a strong foundation for the organization to build on. When listening, their must be a way to use the stakeholders and customers ideas to identify issues and trends in order to improve care. Being knowledgeable isn’t always just being educated, understanding your environment and the people in your market is so important. Knowing what the seniors need and acting on those needs creates opportunities. Also knowledge of the organization, community and how the community fits into the continuum is pertinent in creating a thriving organization. Being effective and efficient creates a systematic organization. A leader who remains innovative and continuously growing within the field will produce a delivery system of care which will increase performance, which will optimize finances as well. These skills are not necessarily all taught from a book or through education, a lot of these skills are enhanced through working hard and working your way up the ladder within an institution. The learned skills are enhanced through daily work flow and understanding the field which you leading. A leader can improve their skills and remain successful while meeting challenges and opportunities in long term care system by planning and investing time and energy into the progress of the system. Using technology to benefit the organization is pertinent in aiding in finances, communication and marketing (Chies, 2020). While planning is important, change is necessary at times and understanding that is tricky but a must. Implementation of change when needed to improve quality of care with creating policies which will help to do so. While being a leader is difficult it can also be rewarding. Making positive changes to improve the institution is incredible. Also teaching others to utilize these skills is beneficial to better the organization.

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Chies, S. (2020). Pratt’s long-term care. Managing across a continuum: (5th ed.) Jones & Bartlett

Example of reply

Hello Samantha,

I really enjoyed reading your post and I definitely like some of your opinions, thoughts and ideas on this topic. Leaders need to have important skills in order to successfully meet the challenges and opportunities in long-term care system for the future. Wit that, they need to be prepared for change, especially in health care there is a lot of change that will happen. Listening to others such as customers and other parties that are part of the organization is a plus. It is important to be able to see what the customers like and incorporate it in your strategic planning. Engaging with others, participating in the community, being effective and efficient and most importantly ethical are all important skills to have and master in order to succeed. I like how you stated, “A leader must create a strong foundation for the organization to build on”. I think this is very important because without a steady foundation, things would not go as planned. I believe that it is also very important to accept change because not everything is going to be the same or the way you want it. It is important to know that it is normal for things to change and it might happen in ways that you might not want it too such as lowering costs for patients, changing things around in the organization or even growing on what you have created and teaching others these skills will only be more beneficial.

2.Leaders who want to deal with the future proactively will need to address all the challenges and opportunities. (Chies, 2021 p. 502) The leaders need to listen to stakeholders, which includes the customers. Long-term care leaders and their organizations must listen and not just dismiss the views of others (Chies, 2021 p. 502). Long-term care leaders need to also be aware of what goes on in a facility. Leaders should know the full spectrum of the services that are available in the market place. They should know well enough to act quickly and effectively to the changes (Chies, 2021 p 503). Knowledge of all the many different health care services, just just services that the facility may offer. Another way for leader to progress is to engage with the community. Integrate with others, one of the strengths of the healthcare system is that providers, as well as those involved in long-term care, have always been valuable members in the communities where the may reside (Chies, 2021 p 505. Build a solid foundation of information, Information may come from, the community, the long-term care facility, about changes going on or simply of things that need to be taken care of. Be effective an efficient, on how the leaders perform. There efforts will not be without risk, but there is often a correlation between risk and reward. The health care delivery system in will demand new and different ways of organizing resources. (Chies, 2021 p507). Make sure everything is ran accordingly, make sure there is quality in everything that is done, be proactive, innovative at solving problems and making the right decisions.

S, Chies 2021 Long Term Care Managing Across the Continuum Fifth Edition

example of reply

Hi Crystal!

I think you are spot on with your statement about being proactive and innovative in solving problems. It seems like the long term care industry has always been very reactive in how they approach caring for their patients. If there is a shift in that paradigm we may be able to see great change and benefit to the patients receiving long term care. The covid pandemic drastically changed the way care is being delivered and also had huge effect on the long term care system as many of those patients were directly effected. There will be many changes as to how long term care facilities deliver care to their residents moving forward. The infection control measures needed, the staffing ratios required, the number of private rooms that should be available are all likely to change as we come out of the pandemic. Facilities will need to change how they approach visitation and vendors coming into their homes as well as how residents interact with one another. Facilities will need to work closely with community hospitals and primary care doctors to determine how best to serve their communities. Those that are proactive to change should have the best response coming out of the pandemic.

Discussion 2

What is a change agent and how can a leader become one?

Being a change agent in the long-term care industry is very important to make sure that good change happens. Change will inevitably happen; however positive change can only happen with good leadership.

Being a change agent means getting really involved. It means leading the team at the facility level to implement change for the facility, staff, or residents. A good leader will lead by example and show everyone how good change can and must happen. Leaders must also work closely with the community as they usually have a considerable amount of influence in the community and thus people will look up to them and listen ton what they have to say.

Working together with political leaders, whether it is on a local level, a state or federal level they are all equally important. Being that Medicare/Medicaid are both major payor sources, change agents will need to have strong ties with policy makers and work together to see how the current system is working and what changes can be implemented for the betterment of the industry. By working together with lawmakers and showing them real live data of what is working and what isn’t, leaders have the power to make real positive change that will benefit everyone.

When government agencies see that industry leaders have quality of care in mind for the residents, they will comply and implement those changes. These skills are not born but rather built up over time, Change does not happen overnight but rather it takes time and patience for positive change to be implemented.

The main thing that has to remain for change agents is for them to remember their mission which is to provide top quality care for their residents. When people see that they really care, everyone will follow suit and care as well.

Example of reply

Hello Menachem,

I really enjoyed reading your post and I like what you have said, it looks like we did have very similar answers. Being a care agent is extremely important in long-term care facilities. There are many people that are not accepting of change, but change is definitely inevitable. In order for things to work, there is going to be constant change. For example, technology is changing daily, things are becoming easier and more technologically advanced. Leaders need to know how to handle change, be prepared for it as well as being able to implement change to others. Change agents also need to know how to work with others, and be able to work with the community. A change agent should be aware of everything. I like how you stated that the main thing has to remain for a change agent, which is for them to remember their mission which is to provide top quality of care for their residents. The patients, residents and any customer always comes first and patient quality of care should be top priority for change agents as well as all staff members.

2. According to Chies (2021), a change agent is a leader that seeks ways to improve the healthcare system, their organization, and the overall community. A change agent also extends his or her efforts outside an organization to make a more meaningful impact in the community and healthcare system. In the long-term care system, a change agent seeks to influence change and challenge or question the status quo regarding the quality of care and quality of life.

In the long-term care system, a leader can become a change agent by first embracing fear. The fear of change and failure often inhibits actions. Change also includes risks such as ineffectiveness, poor implementation, or receiving negative feedback from superiors, employees, or peers. Furthermore, a leader must be aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses and be willing to learn from mistakes. Mistakes are also opportunities for learning.

A leader must also collaborate and extend one’s efforts beyond the organizational hierarchy. This includes working on a larger scale to effect change in the community and the overall long-term care system. Moreover, some leaders can hold positions of influence in their communities such as joining a board or seeking a governing role in a local community organization. Also, by actively participating in professional organizations, utilizing lobbyists, and communicating with state representatives, a leader can get involved in public policy and influence the development of new laws and regulations.

Finally, a leader needs to be a team player and form positive relationships within one’s organization and community. This includes confronting problems and supporting others in a way that achieves progress towards a common goal. A leader also needs to be enthusiastic about one’s job and providing high-quality care. By creating a positive environment, it encourages ideas for change and collaboration with others.


Chies, S. (2021). Pratt’s long-term care: managing across the continuum. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

example of reply

Hi Catherine!

Your statement about mistakes also being opportunities for learning really rang true to me. In my own experience making mistakes have always resulted in my learning more so than following the instruction perfectly. This applies to obvious things like school tasks, tests and things of that nature, but also to work tasks like registrations in medical records or following a complicated work flow during the day. Mistakes are just as effective in learning something as is the constant drilling of information into ones brain. The ability to learn from ones mistakes is a great trait in any leader as nobody is ever perfect. Also, mistakes can have a positive impact on change overall. Consistent errors may highlight an issue in procedures or processes that could be done more efficiently. It seems like great leaders all find the most efficient solution to the mistakes being made throughout their organization. Without mistakes there would never be improvements to care or change in the healthcare industry at all. You are correct in staying that we learn from our mistakes, we improve on the process and correct the mistakes so that others do not experience the same things.

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