Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

Part 3 Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

The Connection between Academic and Professional Integrity

Academic integrity guarantees the academic reputation of an institution of higher learning and the standards of its awards. It makes sure that students get full credit for the work they present for assessment. This assignment seeks to examine the relationship between academic integrity and writing and between professional practices and scholarly ethics and explore how Grammarly, Safe Assign, and paraphrasing foster academic integrity.

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Relationship between Academic Integrity and Writing

           Academic integrity entails being honest, committed to, and exhibiting moral practices regarding academic work. It involves a scholar giving credit to other peoples’ work when they use their ideas or research content in writing essays or research papers (Guerrero-Dib et al., 2020). Students are obliged to acknowledge others’ contributions when writing by citing all the sources used. In writing, academic integrity is upheld by the scholar rephrasing the original text using their own words and still acknowledging the author’s ideas. 

Relationship between Professional Practices and Scholarly Ethics

Professional practice is the conduct that is regarded as appropriate for a certain profession. The conduct primarily entails mentoring novice professionals, treating colleagues with respect and modesty regardless of personal and professional differences, and humbly serving others (Schmidt & McArthur, 2018). Scholarly ethics include various implicit and explicit professional standards and characteristics that describe an ethical, honest intellectual (Guerrero-Dib et al., 2020). A scholar demonstrates scholarly ethics by upholding the professional standards and working as per the professional practices developed in their profession.

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Grammarly, Safe Assign, and Paraphrasing Contribute To Academic Integrity

           Grammarly contributes to academic integrity through its plagiarism checker, which checks essays and research papers for plagiarized texts. It checks plagiarism by highlighting plagiarized texts and the source (Dong & Shi, 2021). SafeAssign allows one to put correct sources rather than just paraphrasing. It also checks texts for plagiarism by comparing an essay against databases to identify similarities in the essay and existing scholarly works (Soni, 2018). Paraphrasing fosters academic integrity by the scholar interpreting others’ ideas and research work using own words (Soni, 2018). It entails restating, compressing, and explaining another author’s ideas while promoting the credibility of the argument and analysis.

Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work

Academic integrity is a core value and will be vital to my success as an MSN student. I will maintain the integrity and ethics of my academic work by avoiding plagiarism, cheating, violating copyright, and giving false information or credentials (Soni, 2018). For instance, I will use plagiarism detector tools such as SafeAssign and Grammarly to avoid plagiarism. Besides, I will paraphrase others’ work and ideas using my own words to reduce similarity issues. However, I will acknowledge the authors’ contribution by citing the sources and indicating the author’s name, publication date, and page number. 

Integrity and ethics are vital for nurses and are emphasized in the nurses’ code of conduct. I will maintain integrity and ethics in my nursing practice by treating my colleagues with respect and decorum despite their academic qualifications, experience, or personal factors (Schmidt & McArthur, 2018). Besides, I will uphold the professional standards and practices outlined in the nurses’ code of conduct. I will also practice and make decisions guided by the medical ethics of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. 

Part 3 Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Conclusion

Academic integrity entails avoiding dishonest practices, including plagiarizing and cheating but instead demonstrating moral behavior by acknowledging others’ ideas and work when writing. Professional practices refer to the conduct considered appropriate for members of a specific profession. Grammarly, SafeAssign, and paraphrasing foster academic integrity by detecting and preventing plagiarism in writing texts.  



Part 3 Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics References

Dong, Y., & Shi, L. (2021). Using Grammarly to support students’ source-based writing practices. Assessing Writing50, 100564.

Guerrero-Dib, J. G., Portales, L., & Heredia-Escorza, Y. (2020). Impact of academic integrity on workplace ethical behaviour. International Journal for Educational Integrity16(1), 1-18.

Schmidt, B. J., & McArthur, E. C. (2018, January). Professional nursing values: A concept analysis. In Nursing forum (Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 69-75).

Soni, G. K. (2018). Plagiarism Detection and Prevention: A Study. International Journal of Library & Information Science (IJLIS)7(1).

I have analyzed the relationship between academic integrity and writing, as well as the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics. I have also identified strategies I intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of my academic work while a student of the MSN program, as well as my professional work as a nurse throughout my career. The results of these efforts are shared below.

Directions: In the space below craft your analysis/writing sample, including Part 1 (The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity) and Part 2 (Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work).

Part 1: Writing Sample: The Connection between Academic and Professional Integrity

Academic integrity is critical for the success of the learning process. Academic integrity is part of the learning process. It enables an individual to develop a sense of honesty and trustworthiness when dealing with different activities. There is a strong correlation between academic integrity and writing. In the process of learning or while taking a course, academic writing often becomes a challenge due to the stages and processes that ought to be followed. Academic writing requires an individual to build on the work done by others but to come up with something that is free from plagiarism (Walden University Academic Skills Center, n.d). In other words, the whole process of writing requires an individual to come up with something original. In the writing process, academic integrity is often observed in cases where the author or writer have used the work, ideas, or words of other people.  The above scenario enables an individual to uphold the standard of discipline and the institution that they represent. Therefore, academic integrity ought to be observed in the writing process to ensure authenticity and the legitimacy of the work (Walden University Academic Skills Center, n.d). On the other hand, professional practices and scholarly ethics have a strong relationship. Scholarly ethics should always be applied in different professional practices to ensure high level of integrity of the work being done. To maintain high level of professionalism, there is always a need for individuals to adhere to the scholarly ethics.

Scholarly ethics refers to the total set of implicit and explicit professional characteristics and standards that describe an ethical scholarly community. A scholarly community often bases the definition of scholarly ethics in the integrity and whatever creates value in the educational process. High level of professionalism or professional practices adheres to the scholarly ethics. Professional practices often require adherence to the ethical principles that guides the activities being undertaken (Glasper, 2016). The ethical principles are related to the scholarly ethics.

Grammarly, Safe Assign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity in various ways. Grammarly

part 3 strategies to promote academic integrity and professional ethics
Part 3 Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

often ensures that there is a proper application of phrases that are in line with the writing standards. Scholarly ethics often require the application of the best practices in the writing process. Adhering to the effective writing process characterized by the standardized format is part of the academic integrity (Glasper, 2016). Paraphrasing, on the other hand, leads to originality in the writing process; it thus prevents plagiarism, a scenario that contributes to high level of academic integrity. Also, SafeAssign prevents the cases of unnecessary plagiarism, a scenario that leads to ethics in the writing process and eventual academic integrity in the wring process.

References: Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

Glasper, A. (2016). Does cheating by students undermine the integrity of the nursing profession? British Journal of Nursing, 25(16), 932–933. doi:10.12968/bjon.2016.25.16.932

Walden University Academic Skills Center. (n.d.). ASC success strategies: Plagiarism. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from

Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

Nurse-scholars have a significant obligation to their community as well. Their work must have academic and professional integrity. Their efforts are designed to add to the body of knowledge, advance the profession, and ultimately help in the care of patients. Work that lacks integrity is subject to erode quickly or worse.

Fortunately, there are strategies and tools that can help ensure integrity in academic and professional work. This Assignment asks you to consider these tools and how you might apply them to your own work.

ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT:  Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

In this Assignment you will continue developing your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan by appending the original document you began in the previous assignment.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources for this Module in support of academic style, integrity, and scholarly ethics.
  • Reflect on the connection between academic and professional integrity.

The Assignment:

Part 3, Section 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity

Using the Academic and Professional Success Development Template you began in Module 1 and expanded in Module 2, write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following:

  • Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing
  • Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics
  • Cite at least two resources that support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.
  • Use Grammarly and SafeAssign to improve the product.
  • Explain how Grammarly, Safe Assign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity. Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

Part 3, Section 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work

Expand on your thoughts from Section 1 by:

  • identifying and describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your: (1) academic work as a student of the MSN program and (2) professional work as a nurse throughout your career. Include a review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.

Note: Add your work for this Assignment to the original document you began in the Module 1 Assignment, which was built from the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template.

By Day 7 of Week 5

Submit both Section 1 and Section 2 of Part 3.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 5 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 5 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission. Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

Module 3 (Weeks 4-5): Academic and Professional Integrity
Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Academic and Professional Integrity [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Walden Journey to a Masters in Nursing: Academic and Professional Integrity [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
Identify APA formatting rules
Analyze the relationship between academic integrity and writing
Analyze the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics
Analyze strategies for maintaining integrity and ethics in academic work
Analyze strategies for maintaining integrity and ethics in professional work
Analyze how paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity
Due By

Week 4, Days 1–4

Read the Learning Resources.
Begin to check your knowledge with the Quiz.
Begin to compose Part 3 of your Assignment.
Week 4, Days 5-6

Continue to check your knowledge with the Quiz.
Continue to compose Part 3 of your Assignment.
Week 4, Day 7

Final day to complete Quiz.
Week 5, Days 1-6

Continue to compose Part 3 of your Assignment.
Week 5, Day 7

Deadline to submit Part 3 of your Assignment.

Photo Credit: Caiafilm / Caiafilm / Getty Images

Learning Resources
Required Readings
American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Retrieved from
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Chapter 1, “Scholarly Writing and Publishing Principles”Section 1.17, “Implications of Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism” (p. 21)
Chapter 4, “Writing Style and Grammar”
Chapter 8, “Works Credited in the Text”Section 8.2, “Plagiarism” (p. 254)
Section 8.3, “Self-Plagiarism” (p. 256)
Chapter 10, “Reference Examples”
Boykins, A., & Gilmore, M. (2012). Ethical decision making in online graduate nursing education and implications for professional practice. Online Journal of Health Ethics, 8(1), 1-18. Retrieved from
Glasper, A. (2016). Does cheating by students undermine the integrity of the nursing profession? British Journal of Nursing, 25(16), 932–933. doi:10.12968/bjon.2016.25.16.932

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
National League for Nursing. (2012). Ethical principles for nursing education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 33(1), 65. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
Walden University Academic Skills Center. (n.d.). ASC success strategies: Plagiarism. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). APA style: Overview. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.) Grammarly: Overview. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
Document: APA Basics Checklist: Citations, Reference List, and Style (PDF)
Document: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template (Word document)
Document: Citing a Discussion Posting in APA Style (PDF)
Document: Common APA Style and Formatting Challenges (PDF)
Document: Introduction to Scholarly Writing: Plagiarism and Academic Integrity (PDF)

Quiz: APA Style and Format

As a nurse embarking on an advanced degree, you are developing the characteristics of a scholar-practitioner, which include strong communication skills. Writing in a scholarly manner involves supporting your thoughts with evidence from the literature and appropriately using APA formatting.

One of the challenges of scholarly writing is paraphrasing the thoughts of others in your work. Paraphrasing, and correctly citing the original author for his or her ideas, allows you to take the ideas of others, summarize them, and incorporate them into your own writing. When summarizing the ideas of others, it is important to avoid plagiarizing (i.e., copying the words and ideas of others as though they were your own). In addition to expanding your knowledge of APA Style, this modules’s Learning Resources help you distinguish between paraphrasing and plagiarizing. Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

This Quiz will help you determine how your understanding of these concepts and prepardness to reflect them in your work. The questions presented on the Quiz are derived from the Resources related to APA writing standards, plagiarism, and academic integrity. Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

To Prepare:

Review the Resources related to APA Style and format this Module presents.
Click on the “Week 4 Quiz” link to begin.

By Day 7 of Week 4
Complete the Quiz.

Note: To view the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly, click on your score in the “My Grades” area.

Submission and Grading Information
Submit Your Quiz by Day 7 of Week 4

Student Support and Calendar Information

So you have all key information available to you off-line, it is highly recommended that you print the following items for your reference:

  • This Syllabus, including the Course Schedule that is linked on this page as a PDF
  • Course Calendar
  • Support, Guidelines, and Policies

Credit Hours

  • 3 credits in 11 weeks

Walden University assigns credit hours based on the number and type of assignments that enable students to achieve the course learning objectives. In general, each semester credit equals about 42 hours of total student work and each quarter credit equals about 28 hours of total student work. This time requirement represents an approximate average for undergraduate work and the minimum expectations for graduate work. The number and kind of activities estimated to fulfill time requirements will vary by degree level and student learning style, and by student familiarity with the delivery method and course content.

Course Description

In this course students are introduced to Walden University and online learning. Students explore strategies for the successful participation in an online curriculum. Students also will receive a foundation for academic and professional success as scholar-practitioners and social change agents. Course assignments introduce students to resources that support success, development of graduate-level writing skills and use of APA Style, academic integrity, and the creation of a professional development plan based on each student’s chosen specialization. Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

Course Learning Outcomes

By the conclusion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Develop networks for academic and professional success.
  • Identify strategies for academic and professional success.
  • Apply strategies to promote academic integrity and professional ethics.
  • Analyze peer-reviewed research related to issues in nursing practice.
  • Create academic success and professional development plans.
  • Justify selection of MSN specializations using standards and scope of practice.

College of Nursing Alignment of Learner Outcomes

Click on the following link to access the College of Nursing Alignment of Learner Outcomes:

Document: NURS 6003 College of Nursing Alignment of Learner Outcomes (PDF)

Course Materials

Please visit the University bookstore via your Walden student portal to ensure you are obtaining the correct version of any course texts and/or materials noted in the following section. When you receive your materials, make sure that all required items are included.

Course Text

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

Note: If the print edition of these books are referenced here, electronic versions also may be available and may be acceptable for use in this course. If an electronic version is listed, no print version is available.

Note: Please keep this text as it will be used in subsequent courses in your MSN program.

Other readings (journal articles, websites, book excerpts, etc.) are assigned throughout the course and may be found within each Module.


Assigned course media elements may be found in one or more modules of the course and are available via a streaming media player or a hyperlink to the individual item.

Course Readings List

The Course Readings List contains all of the required Walden Library resources for this course. Please click on the following link to access the list:

NURS 6003 Course Readings List

Dedicated Support for Course Media

You may use the following e-mail address and toll-free number for any questions or concerns you have about media in the course. Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

Primary and Secondary Sources

Review the following information prior to selecting resources for assignments.

Primary: A primary source is an original document that is the first account of what happened. A research report is primary, and you can tell because it includes materials and methods demonstrating how the research was done. Some creative work is also primary, such as poetry, novels, and interviews of people who experienced something firsthand. In nursing, which is an evidence-based discipline, we strive to use primary research that is published in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.

Scholarly, peer-reviewed journal: Scholarly journals publish papers by professional authors and experts in the field using a peer-review process to review the work and assure quality before publishing. The focus of a scholarly journal is to provide accurate information for scholars and other researchers. The focus is on content rather than advertising, a direct contrast to popular media. Scholarly journals publish both primary and secondary papers, the former usually noted as original research and the latter as reviews and commentaries. Letters to the editor may also be published but should be recognized as opinion pieces.

Note: When selecting articles for course assignments, you are advised (unless you are referencing seminal information) to focus on work published within t

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