The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse : NR 500 Week 1
Sample Answer for The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse : NR 500 Week 1 Included After Question
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This discussion will explore the value of a master’s education in nursing. Please provide an initial response to the discussion question by Wednesday at 11:59pm MT and two interactive dialogue responses no later than Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of WEEK 1. The discussion is worth 75 points. Please refer to the discussion grading rubric for additional criteria.
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Consider the current healthcare delivery models and practice settings. Reflect on how nursing practice is transforming in response to the current demands of the healthcare system and answer one of the following questions:
- What differentiates the practice of a master’s-prepared nurse compared to that of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse?
- What is the value of a master’s degree in nursing?
- What do you consider to be the most essential professional competency for a master’s-prepared nurse practicing in the 21st century?
Refer to AACN Essentials, Chamberlain University Nursing Conceptual Framework and other scholarly sources. Use at least one outside scholarly article to support your position. Provide an example to illustrate an application to professional practice.
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A Sample Answer For the Assignment: The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse : NR 500 Week 1
Title: The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse : NR 500 Week 1
The healthcare industry has become dynamic and the nursing profession has consequently had to align with it. The shortage of nurses that has manifested in various healthcare areas as well as increasing costs makes it fundamental for the profession to advance. The leadership and management of healthcare facilities also require advanced knowledge and competencies, which makes it important for nurse managers and other healthcare professionals to acquire advanced competencies (Kelly, Watson, Watson, Needham, & Driscoll, 2017). Therefore, the complex nature of the contemporary nursing profession demands for nurses to advance their education by undertaking postgraduate degrees so as to gain the requisite competence and skills.
The value of a masters prepared nurse to the profession is unquestionable. Given their advanced knowledge and skills, such nurses enhance the quality of care offered to patients. Consequently, this leads to improved patient outcomes. Moreover, masters prepared nurses have superior decision-making and critical thinking skills. Postgraduate-prepared nurses similarly demonstrate leadership qualities that equips them with knowledge to challenge poor nursing practices (Wangensteen et al., 2018). The outcome of such an empowerment entails enhanced patient outcomes in healthcare settings. Similarly, advancing education to the master’s level empowers nurses with important clinical skills that makes them comfortable regarding advanced clinical undertakings.
Therefore, advancing the level of education of a nurse has innumerable benefits to one as an individual
and healthcare settings. The clarity and effectiveness of communication gained from pursuing the postgraduate education ensures that such nurses possess superior clinical, leadership, and research skills (Massimi et al., 2017). These skills are necessary and important when it comes to providing safe healthcare to patients. The advanced clinical skills gained from the mastrs degree also ensures that nurses can comfortably handle complex issues in a health care setting. As such, it is advisable for nurses to increase their knowledge and competence by pursuing further studies.
The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse : NR 500 Week 1 References
Kelly, J., Watson, R., Watson, J., Needham, M., & Driscoll, L. O. (2017). Studying the old masters of nursing: A critical student experience for developing nursing identity. Nurse education in practice, 26, 121-125.
Massimi, A., Marzuillo, C., Muzio, M., Vaccio, M., D’Andrea, E., Villari, P., De Vito, C. (2017). Quality and relevance of master degree education for the professional development of nurses and midwives. Nurse Education Today, 53(2017), 54-60. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2017.04.012
Wangensteen, S., Finnbakk, E., Adolfsson, A., Kristjansdottir, G., Roodbol, P., Ward, H., & Fagerström, L. (2018). Postgraduate nurses’ self-assessment of clinical competence and need for further training. A European cross-sectional survey. Nurse education today, 62, 101-106.
When discussing differentiating factors of a master’s-prepared nurse compared to that of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, the most obvious difference is the level of formal education. However, the most important difference between these two nurses are evident within their practice, which sets them apart in the clinical field. Master’s-prepared nurses often practice as a nurse practitioner, where they practice with a higher level of autonomy than those with a baccalaureate degree (Clark, et al., 2015, p. 328). Nurse practitioners are required to have at least a master’s degree to “assess and manage patients with undifferentiated and undiagnosed problems†in their routine practice (Clark, et al., 2015, p. 328). The master’s degree of nursing programs reflects mastery of higher level of critical thinking than at the baccalaureate level, as well as the understanding of complete, holistic care (AACN, 2011, p. 7). Therefore, master’s-degree nurses are shown to not only have more formal education, but also a more expansive clinical skill set, more critical thinking skills, and the legal capability to diagnose and treat patients as providers, compared to that of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse.
There is a significant amount of literature supporting the value of a master’s degree in nursing. A common theme amongst this literature discusses improved delivery of care and patient outcomes with increased involvement of master’s-prepared nurses in the health care system (Clark, et al., 2015, p. 333). The evidence also suggests that master’s-prepared nurses positively influence nursing practice due to the higher level of critical thinking, leadership expertise, and leadership skills from the master’s-prepared nurses (Clark, et al., 2015, p. 333). Every nurse’s goal is to improve patient outcomes and delivery of care in the healthcare system, and this evidence suggests that master’s-prepared nurses are top performers amongst their nurse colleagues in these categories.
According to a concept analysis study, nurse competencies can be categorized into three different theories including behaviorism, trait theory, and holism (Fukada, 2018). Behaviorism includes performance of individual core skills, trait theory considers the competencies required to complete specific tasks, such as critical thinking skills, and holism views competency as a cluster of elements (Fukada, 2018). I believe that holism is the most essential professional competency for a master’s-prepared nurse practicing in the twenty-first century. Furthermore, holism requires applying skills, attitudes, knowledge and critical thinking to unique situations (Fakuda, 2018). I believe that holism is the most essential competency because approaching patient situations with a holistic perspective is what makes nurses unique amongst other providers in the interdisciplinary team. Nurses are specially trained to look at the patient as a whole human, not just for his or her medical diagnoses.
The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse : NR 500 Week 1 References
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The essentials of master’s education in nursing. to an external site.
Clark, L., Casey, D., & Morris, S. (2015). The value of master’s degrees for registered nursesLinks to an external siteLinks to an external site.. British Journal of Nursing, 24(6), 328-334. to an external site.
Fukada M. (2018). Nursing Competency: Definition, Structure and Development. Yonago acta medica, 61(1), 1–7.
Consider the current models of healthcare delivery and practice settings. Consider how nursing practice is changing in response to current healthcare system demands and respond to one of the following questions:
What distinguishes a master’s-prepared nurse’s practice from that of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse?
What is the worth of a nursing master’s degree?
What do you believe is the most important professional competency for a master’s-prepared nurse practicing in the twenty-first century?
Consult the AACN Essentials, the NLN competencies, and the CCN Nursing Conceptual Framework. Use at least one outside scholarly article to back up your claim. Give an example of an application to professional practice.
I completely agree with your conclusion statement about the importance of master’s of science in nursing (MSN) degrees and the need for additional research. In my own research for this assignment, I discovered an underlying theme about a lack of research on the value of MSN significance. As nurses, it’s easy to see the value in a degree that not only advances our expertise and knowledge, but also our profession as a whole. It is necessary to increase the medical community’s, government’s, and public’s understanding of the importance of MSN. Positive changes can and do occur when a nurse is recognized as a valuable member of the healthcare community at the undergraduate and graduate levels, in my opinion.
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The ability of advanced practice nurses to function to the full scope of their educated and science-based practice is when the MSN’s value is revealed. According to Massimi et al. (2017), master’s prepared nurses have higher levels of confidence and cognitive abilities in their practice. Being able to attain advanced knowledge and critical thinking skills not only betters current practice but future practice as well. In my 20 years in the nursing profession, I know that my own confidence and ability to handle stressful situations at work has grown tremendously. The ability to problem solve, think outside of the box, and communicate clearly but effectively are valuable qualities that I believe an MSN can enhance for myself and nurses alike. MSN programs provide critical skill sets in education, administration, research, and advanced clinical practice for nurse practitioners, midwives, and anesthetists (Massimi et al. 2017). This, I believe, supports your discussion response that advanced-degreed nurses improve clinical judgment with decision making and the improvement of sometimes subpar current practices. Leadership skills taught at the advanced academic level in nursing will help the profession as a whole.
When examining the difference between practicing with a BSN degree versus a MSN degree, it appears that the BSN degree limits advancement in the nursing field. The BSN degree allows the nurse to practice safely and competently, using the obtained knowledge and critical thinking skills, while incorporating these skills with evidence-based practice. However, a BSN degree comes with limitations when seeking advanced nursing roles. The mastered prepared nurse obtains essential leadership skills, which are utilized in the clinical setting, education/teaching, administration, healthcare policies, and informatics. The knowledge base and use of leadership skill set differentiates the MSN prepared nurse from the BSN prepared nurse (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2016).
The nurse with a master’s degree can have a positive impact in the delivery of patient care and outcomes. Critical thinking skills are enhanced, and the essential leadership skill previously stated, clearly improve the delivery and outcomes for patients in the ever changing healthcare system. The MSN degree autonomizes and empowers the master’s prepared nurse to challenge the quality and delivery of care, and how it best can affect patient outcomes (American Associations of Colleges of Nursing 2011).
As I move forward in my FNP program I feel Informatics and Healthcare Technologies, Essential V, is forever changing and will impact my role as an FNP. The value that I appreciate the most in my practicing is safely as a nurse, and incorporated into Essential V the use of electronic health records. The integration of health records will allow for optimum continuity of care for improving wellness, sickness, and overall health care for patients. Technology has a waited focus on data analysis, communication, health management/education, and health care records, which helps us as providers deliver the highest level of care. Technology is rapidly changing, and it is necessary for the master’s prepared nurse to have the knowledge base to improve the safety and delivery of evidence-based practice to our patients Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2016).
The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse : NR 500 Week 1 References :
American Associations of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The essentials of master’s education in nursing. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2016). Chamberlain college of nursing masters of science in nursing conceptual framework. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Clark L, Casey D, Morris S. The (Links to an external site.)value (Links to an external site.) of Master’s (Links to an external site.)degrees (Links to an external site.) for registered nurses. The (Links to an external site.)value (Links to an external site.) of Master’s (Links to an external site.)degrees (Links to an external site.) for registered nurses. (Links to an external site.)
The Value of Master Prepared Nurse
Evidence demonstrates the relationship between a master’s degree in nursing (MSN) in advanced nurse practitioners (ANPs) and improved patient outcomes. The Master’s-prepared nurse contributes to developing and leading specialized nursing practice. MSN programs equip nurses with advanced academic knowledge and skills in applying theory to clinical practice, and students are usually required to carry out a research project (Wilkinson et al., 2018). The MSN nurses apply the specialized knowledge and skills to improve patient care delivery and support the achievement of organizational objectives, including delivering quality patient care.
MSN-prepared nurses employ their extensive expertise, networks, and knowledge in health care to create a pivotal role that fosters nursing practice. An MSN degree equips nurses with enhanced communication and nursing practice, enabling them to act as role models and facilitate quality patient care (Kjellaas et al., 2020). Thus, it is evident that an MSN degree has a role surpassing the defined nursing specialist or advanced practice skills. Furthermore, the MSN degree equips nurses with leadership skills empowering nurses to become more effective leaders and take leadership positions in organizations and healthcare systems. An MSN also supports nurses’ increased confidence and self-esteem in decision-making and implementing patient care interventions (Kjellaas et al., 2020). For instance, MSN nurses demonstrate increased confidence to question treatment decisions, positively impacting patient care.
Critical thinking is crucial for MSN nurses to engage in safe, competent, and autonomous practice. The MSN degree improves nurses’ critical thinking and decision-making in clinical practice. Nurses who have completed MSN programs demonstrate higher critical thinking scores in problem-solving, decision-making, inference, evaluative thinking, and reasoning (Wilkinson et al., 2018). This translates to patient benefits, including improved management of conditions, reduced length of stay, and improved patient satisfaction with the nurses’ knowledge, skills, and individual qualities.
The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse : NR 500 Week 1 References
Kjellaas, S., Fredheim, G., & Moen, Ø. L. (2020). Registered nurses’ experiences with master’s degree competence in the specialist health service: A qualitative descriptive study. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 40(4), 221-228.
Wilkinson, J., Carryer, J., & Budge, C. (2018). Impact of postgraduate education on advanced practice nurse activity–a national survey. International Nursing Review, 65(3), 417-424.
Dr. White,
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the Institute of Medicine, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Tri-Council for Nursing, and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching all agree: Nurses must strive for higher levels of education to enhance the quality of care available to our nation’s varied patient population groups and to make skilled healthcare services more accessible.
In as much as every competency is as important as the other, i found leadership competency as the most important. Leadership competency is able to assume advanced leadership roles, advocate for improved healthcare access and quality, and provide/demonstrate leadership. Leadership competency is useful in the identification of possible areas for growth. Aspiring nurse leaders can use them in planning personal preparation for their careers. Health care organizations may utilize them as a guideline for job descriptions, expectations and evaluations of nurse leaders. Nurse educators can utilize them as a curriculum guideline for the educational preparation of nurses seeking expertise and knowledge in executive practice. Effective nursing leadership competency, creates a positive work environment where others are motivated, inspired, and supported to achieve organizational goals.
New AACN Data Confirm that More Nurses Are Advancing Their Education – a Trend that Enhances Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality. (2013). Dakota Nurse Connection, 11(3), 28.
Schub, E. B., & Balderrama, D. M. (2017). Effective Nursing Leadership: Performing. CINAHL Nursing Guide,
A BSN prepared nurse I believe focuses on a more hand-on approach centered around patient care while and MSN prepared nurse has more education on the other aspects such as leadership, educational roles, and administration. MSN prepared nurses are trained in more specialized roles within the nursing community. Some of these specialties could be roles such as nurse administrators, nurse educators, and clinical nurse leaders among others.
The value of a master’s degree in nursing is immeasurable. I say this because of all the opportunities this degree opens for the holder. Opportunities for employment but also the opportunity to be a change agent within the nursing world. Many of the employment opportunities only become available once one has reached the master’s level. An ADN or BSN nurse can still build a fulfilling career however an MSN allows for flexibility, advancement, and leadership roles. Another value that this degree presents is the hospital or clinic where you will potentially work is likely to see you at a higher value because of your increased skill. I believe that postgraduate nurses have better critical thinking, decision-making skills, and more leadership qualities that would help the nurse with making changes within their organization. I found a great section on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing website that states, “More education brings more opportunity, and many doors are open to nurses with master’s degrees. Nurses with graduate preparation provide direct patient care at an advanced level, conduct research, teach online and in the classroom, impact public policy, lead health systems, consult with corporations, and implement evidence-based solutions that revolutionize health care.” (AACN, 2022)
Honestly, for me I cannot narrow down what I feel the most essential professional competency for a master’s prepared nursing practicing in the 21st century. To me it is all important, all competencies need to be present to be well-rounded and effective. If I had to choose the two competencies that I have been thinking about at work, I would say Health Policy and Advocacy. I believe it is vital that nurses are aware of the process for making health policy and how to change it. I’m sure we can all relate to the frustrations that come with patient care and “following the policy”, or from my experience the lack of policy which is very problematic. Being master’s prepared, we will be better equipped to look at the bigger picture when it comes to patient care and make more informed decisions based off those observations. This can include thinking outside of the box when assisting a patient in locating resources. Their ability to follow their health plans might be compromised because of current policy, being able to find workarounds for these patients is vital to their health. In addition to finding these workarounds MSN prepared nurses will be better prepared to join the process to change these policies which can make patient care more difficult.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2022). Master’s Education.
DeNisco, S.M., & Barker, A. M. (2015). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
What differentiates the practice of a master’s-prepared nurse compared to that of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse?
A baccalaureate-prepared nurse obtains a four-year degree. This four-year degree is known as a BSN. These nurses have completed about four years of college education before gaining employment in any nursing specialty they desire. These nurses could have obtained their associate degree in nursing before receiving their bachelor’s degree or their license in practical nursing before obtaining their bachelor’s degree. Many nurses like myself decided to skip these two routes and go straight for their BSN. I decided to go straight for my BSN because I knew that being a nurse practitioner was always my goal in life. Nurses with their BSN can change specialties anytime if they train with the facility that hires them. A master’s-prepared nurse must have completed their BSN already and must complete about another two to three years to obtain an MSN (Master of Science in Nursing). There are diverse types of master’s degrees in nursing. Whichever career choice a nurse decides to follow is usually based on where they specialize as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse. However, baccalaureate-prepared nurses can go into different master’s prepared specialties based on their experiences, skills, and personal desires. According to Gleason (2022), the different nursing programs for master’s in nursing include advanced practice registered nurse programs such as nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified registered nurse anesthetist, nursing research, certified nurse midwife, and nursing education. Master’s-prepared nurses can prescribe medications, diagnose, practice independently in some states, and so much more.
What is the value of a master’s degree in nursing?
The value of a master’s degree allows a nurse to become more confident about how to care for a patient due to their advancement in education. Nurses who engage in postgraduate studies are able to build their skills. According to Clark, Casey, and Morris (2015), evidence suggests that nurses who’ve engaged in postgraduate study may have skills such as effective leadership, complex problem-solving, change management, and relationship building, making them a good fit for today’s complex healthcare environment. Being a good fit for today’s complex healthcare environment is essential because the added value of nurse practitioners leads to great teamwork, which will then lead to great patient outcomes. According to Savard I, Al Hakim G, and Kilpatrick K (2022), Nurse practitioners’ added value includes: skills and competencies,