Topic 3: Health Assessment During the Adolescent and Prenatal Periods

NRS 434 Topic 3: Health Assessment During the Adolescent and Prenatal Periods

Topic 3: Health Assessment During the Adolescent and Prenatal Periods

The adolescence period is one of the most challenging developmental stages to negotiate for most individuals. While both boys and girls usually face serious challenges during this time, it is worth noting that the girls face arguably more of those problems. Besides the problems both sexes face together, girls face further issues such as possible adolescent pregnancy (Mohr et al., 2020). Adolescent pregnancy has been shown to pose serious health risks to both the mother and the baby. Therefore, the stakeholders should look for better strategies to address the issue. Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to explore risk factors for adolescent pregnancy. In addition, various community and state resources are devoted to addressing teenage pregnancies, and a discussion on the trends in teen pregnancy in Texas and the reason behind the trends will be discussed.

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Adolescent Pregnancy Risk Factors

Adolescent pregnancy is one of the social problems connected to adolescents and has been shown to lead to various adverse impacts. There are various adolescent pregnancy risk factors. These risk factors can either be personal or individual risk factors, social risk factors, and family risk factors. Some of the individual risk factors include lack of life-set goals regarding the future, limited education, low self-esteem, drug or alcohol use, lack of spiritual life, early onset of poverty, and having siblings who are sexually active (Ochen et al., 2019). Some of the social risk factors include peer pressure, poor peer relationships, and having friends who are sexually active. The family risk factor includes a history of teenage pregnancies, poor parental supervision, negative family interactions, and limited communication between the teenagers and their parents.

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Community and State Resources Devoted to Adolescent Pregnancy

The adverse impacts of adolescent pregnancy have seen various stakeholders advocating for resources to address the problem. Some of such resources are community-based, while others are State-based. Leander community has various resources; for example, the Young Parent Services, which was previously known as Pregnancy-Related Services, offer community resources, parent and child health information, emotional support, and academic guidance. The State of Texas also has various resources devoted to adolescent pregnancy. One of the resources is the Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy (Jeniffer, 2020). This is an organization that was started in the year 2009 to help address teen pregnancy rates through advocacy and public policy, research and data, training and events, and strategic collaboration.

Teen Pregnancy Rates in Leander and Texas

Teen pregnancy is a phenomenon that has been, therefore, years and is still a common occurrence. While some regions have high rates of teen pregnancy, other regions have considerably lower rates. In the last ten years, the Leander community. While there are no official statistics on teen pregnancy in the Leander community, the State of Texas has statistics indicating the teen pregnancy rates are high. The most recent data places Texas in the top ten regarding rates of teen pregnancy in various States. The recent rate is at 25.3, making it one of the highest (Tac, 2020). In recent years, there has been a general decline in pregnancy rates not only in Texas but also in the US. Some of the possible cause of decline is increased use of contraceptives among teens and improved education regarding sexual development and sexual behavior.


Teen pregnancy is one of the most common problems facing female teenagers in the current world. While this issue has been there for some time, various strategies for overcoming it have not been as successful as wished. Therefore, this write-up has explored various risk factors for teen pregnancy and community and state resources devoted to teen pregnancy.


Jeniffer, B. (2020). Teen pregnancy and youth access to reproductive healthcare.

Mohr, R., Carbajal, J., & Sharma, B. B. (2019). The influence of educational attainment on teenage pregnancy in low-income countries: A systematic literature review. Journal of Social Work in the Global Community4(1), 2.

Ochen, A. M., Chi, P. C., & Lawoko, S. (2019). Predictors of teenage pregnancy among girls aged 13–19 years in Uganda: a community based case-control study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth19(1), 1-14.

Tac, A (2020). 10 statistics around the Texas teen pregnancy rates

Shadow Health: Interview Rachel

Complete the Digital Experience. The estimated average time to complete this assignment is 60 minutes. Please note, this is an average time. Some students may need longer.

This clinical experience is a conversation concept lab. Students have one opportunity to complete this graded assignment. Upon completion of the interview, submit your lab pass to your instructor in the classroom. Students will receive full points for successful completion of this assignment. A proficiency score is not provided.

Please review the assignment in the Health Assessment Student Handbook in Shadow Health prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


Adolescence: Contemporary Issues and Resources

Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission:

  1. Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue.
  2. Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian.
  3. Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Topic 3: Health Assessment During the Adolescent and Prenatal Periods

Topic 3 DQ 1

Adolescent pregnancy is viewed as a high-risk situation because it poses serious health risks for the mother and the baby. Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy. Research community and state resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy and describe at least two of these resources. Research the teen pregnancy rates for the last 10 years for your state and community. Has this rate increased or decreased? Discuss possible reasons for an increase or decrease.

Topic 3 DQ 2

Describe two external stressors that are unique to adolescents. Discuss what risk-taking behaviors may result from the external stressors and what support or coping mechanism can be introduced.

I totally agree that the issue of vaping becoming common among teenagers is a problem. Although it has been a while since I graduated from high school, almost everyone I knew at the time was vaping. I recently questioned my younger brother, who is 15 years old, and he confirmed that almost everyone he knows his age vapes. I think it starts with one teenager, perhaps in the setting they were used to, and because of its addictive qualities, it spreads to other students as well. Another belief I’ve frequently heard is that vaping is preferable to smoking since it’s less harmful. But that is untrue, and it still doesn’t imply that it’s healthy for you. The most well-known of these include e-cigarettes, vape pens, and JUULs, which have low to high nicotine content. The adolescent’s health may suffer as a result, and they may experience respiratory problems, an increased risk of cancer, as well as diminished concentration and attention (Martinelli, 2022). Just the advertising of “being cool” or “it’s fun”; plus the many flavors that are sold with it, in my opinion, is another reason why this is a growing problem. 


Martinelli, K. (2022, December 6). Teen Vaping: What You Need to Know. Child Mind Institute.,much%20less%20harmful%20than%20cigarettes. 

Online social presence is more prevalent today than ever before. “Teenagers spend an extensive amount of time on social media sites and use various forms of technology with approximately 80% of teenagers having some form of social media accounts” (Messias, Kindrick, & Castro, 2014). With increased usage of technology and social media sites, teenagers are at a higher risk of being involved with cyberbullying (Grand Canyon University, 2018). Teens may team up together to bully someone over the internet because it can be done anonymously. Cyberbullying can cause immediate and long-term struggles for the victim such as depression and teen suicide (Grand Canyon University, 2018). Subgroups such as LGBTQ, girls, and youth ages 12-15 years are primary targets of harassment (Messias et al., 2014). Since teens are more focused on their social lives and relationships, they will take more risks to fit in. An example of this would be giving into peer pressure by participating in cyberbullying (Grand Canyon University, 2018). One must support a victim of cyberbullying by investigating, documenting, and reporting any suspected bullying. Most schools have strict policies and reporting processes. Additionally, one can contact social media platforms directly to report offensive behavior and content (“Prevent Cyberbullying”).

“As teenagers are adjusting to their physical bodies, they become extraordinarily self-conscious” (Grand Canyon University, 2018). The increased pressure of fitting in combined with lower self-esteem put teenagers at a higher risk of developing an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. According to Mayo Clinic, girls often face more significant pressure to look attractive (“Healthy body image: Tips for guiding girls”, 2018). Talking about body image can help young women understand. For example, explaining that puberty can cause weight gain and it is a normal part of development may help her cope. Additionally, parents and teachers alike should talk about the impacts of media, discuss self-image, practice positive language, and set a good example. If the teen is still struggling with negative body image despite initial support and intervention, it may be time to consult a doctor to discuss professional counseling (“Healthy body image: Tips for guiding girls”, 2018).


Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2018). Health assessment: Foundations for effective practice. Retrieved from

Healthy body image: Tips for guiding girls. (2018, September 15). Retrieved June 24, 2019, from

Messsias, E., Kindrick, K., & Castro, J. (2014). School bullying, cyberbullying or both: Correlates of teen suicidality in the 2011 CDC youth risk behavior survey. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 55, 1063-1068. doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2014.02.005

Prevent Cyberbullying. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2019, from Topic 3: Health Assessment During the Adolescent and Prenatal Periods

Adolescence: Contemporary Issues and Resources – Rubric

Contemporary Issue and Associated External Stressors

Criteria Description

Contemporary Issue and Associated External Stressors

5. 5: Excellent

27.5 points

A relevant issue facing adolescents is thoroughly discussed. An explanation of external stressors associated with this issue is well presented. Insight into adolescent issues and external stressors is demonstrated.

4. 4: Good

24.48 points

A relevant issue facing adolescents is discussed. An explanation of external stressors associated with this issue is presented.

3. 3: Satisfactory

21.73 points

A relevant issue facing adolescents is generally discussed. A general explanation of external stressors associated with this issue is summarized. More information is needed. There are some inaccuracies.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

20.63 points

An issue facing adolescents is partially summarized; the issue is not relevant to adolescents. No explanation of external stressors associated with this issue is described; or, the external stressors are not relevant.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

A contemporary issue facing adolescents is omitted.

Assessment Strategies to Screen for the Issue and External Stressors

Criteria Description

Assessment Strategies to Screen for the Issue and External Stressors

5. 5: Excellent

33 points

Strategies to screen for the chosen issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient are well described. The strategies are highly relevant to screening for the issue and external stressors. Additional assessment questions to ask are presented and relevant. The ethical parameters regarding what cannot be disclosed to the parent or guardian are clearly presented. The strategies demonstrate insight into assessment development for adolescent issues.

4. 4: Good

29.37 points

Strategies to screen for the chosen issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient are described. The strategies are relevant to screening for the issue and external stressors. Additional assessment questions to ask and the ethical parameters regarding what cannot be disclosed to the parent or guardian are outlined.

3. 3: Satisfactory

26.07 points

Strategies to screen for the chosen issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient are generally described. The strategies are generally relevant to screening for the issue and external stressors. Additional assessment questions to ask and the ethical parameters regarding what cannot be disclosed to the parent or guardian are outlined. There are some inaccuracies. Some evidence or rationale is needed.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

24.75 points

Strategies to screen for the chosen issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient are partially presented. The strategies are not relevant to screening for the issue or external stressors. Additional assessment questions to ask and the ethical parameters regarding what cannot be disclosed to the parent or guardian are omitted. Significant evidence or rationale is needed.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

Strategies to screen for the chosen issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient are omitted.

Support Options for Adolescents Encountering External Stressors

Criteria Description

Support Options for Adolescents Encountering External Stressors

5. 5: Excellent

27.5 points

Support options for adolescents encountering external stressors are thoroughly discussed. Specific support options for the contemporary issue are described in detail. The support options are relevant for addressing the external stressors, including those specific to the contemporary issue. The options are well-supported by evidence and rationale.

4. 4: Good

24.48 points

Support options for adolescents encountering external stressors are discussed. Specific support options for the contemporary issue are described. Some detail or evidence is needed for support. Overall, the support options are relevant to address external stressors, including those specific to the contemporary issue.

3. 3: Satisfactory

21.73 points

Support options for adolescents encountering external stressors are summarized. Specific support options for the contemporary issue are generally discussed. More detail or evidence is needed for support. There are some inaccuracies.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

20.63 points

Support options for adolescents encountering external stressors are partially described. Specific support options for the contemporary issue are omitted.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

Support options for adolescents encountering external stressors are omitted.

Thesis Development and Purpose

Criteria Description

Thesis Development and Purpose

5. 5: Excellent

5.5 points

Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

4. 4: Good

4.9 points

Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.

3. 3: Satisfactory

4.35 points

Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose.

2. 2: Less Than Satisfactory

4.13 points

Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear.

1. 1: Unsatisfactory

0 points

Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.

Argument Logic and Construction

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