UPPER BA374 Business communication Week 7 Discussion

UPPER BA374 Business communication Week 7 Discussion

UPPER BA374 Business communication Week 7 Discussion


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Creating Effective Business Presentations

Applying your own thinking, experiences, and application and citation of information from at least two resources (your choice but need to be respected and reliable), respond to the following Discussion topic(s). Remember, the Discussions are a dialog (conversation) and an opportunity to build community. This is the only Discussion in Week 7. In this Creating Effective Busines Presentations Discussion, post your main response on or before Day 4 (Thursday night). Post at least three additional responses (one-two paragraphs each) during Monday through Sunday, all on different days.  It is a UIU requirement for Discussion participation to occur on at least four of the seven days in each Week. With the exception of Week 8, “Weeks” begin on Mondays and end on Sundays. It is assumed in this Business Communication class that all writing will have been thoroughly proofread, grammar and spell-checked and never represent the first draft. Writing is always a process, one which requires more than one draft prior to submitting a final, polished posting. Grading rubrics for the Creating Effective Busines Presentations Discussion are included below the Directions.

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The Week 7 Discussion focuses on how to create and deliver interesting and effective presentations, specifically, an oral (or video) Informative Presentation (the focus of the Week 7 Assignment). The Creating Effective Busines Presentations Discussion is a forum for everyone to share their plans for creating the Week 7 Informative Presentation Assignment by first learning 1) what is an Informative Presentation, how to use sound or video when preparing a presentation, and do’s and don’ts of presentation creation.

You might consider this Week 7 Discussion as the place for everyone to assist one another in planning and preparing to complete the Week 7 Informative Presentation Assignment.

Informative presentation information ( https://courses.lumenlearning.com/businesscommunication/chapter/13-6-creating-an-informative-presentation/)   An informative presentation is a common request in business and industry. It’s the verbal and visual equivalent of a written report. Information sharing is part of any business or organization. Informative presentations serve to present specific information for specific audiences for specific goals or functions. The type of presentation is often identified by its primary purpose or function. Informative presentations are often analytical or involve the rational analysis of information. Sometimes they simply “report the facts” with no analysis at all, but still, need to communicate the information in a clear and concise format.

Here are the Week 7 Informative Presentation Directions (for your convenience):

This informative presentation should be applicable to work life (business). Choose a topic interesting to you. Topics should be truly informative, so please look for substantive topics. Your presentation will be 10 to 15 slides and should include extensive speaker notes and audio for each slide or a 5 to 7-minute video using YouTube, Vimeo, Jing, Screencast, etc.

The informative Presentation must include an appropriately narrowed topic, clear organization, a variety of supporting materials, use of details, an attention-grabbing introduction and a conclusion that leaves an impact.

Recommended resources:

Chapter 14 of the textbook covers business presentations

View a You Tube Video “Death by PowerPoint”

Find out how to prepare to create an “Informative Presentation”; one example is  https://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/informative-powerpoint-9071.html

Internet search regarding how to do an oral presentation using PowePoint.


1. Do research on how to present effectively (including the use of visuals, words, sound, and use of PowerPoint or a video-related tool as the software). In your response, apply the information you discovered from your research.  When you give your recommendations and if those recommendations came directly from a copyrighted resource, use in-text citation to give attribution and list the reference at the end of the response.

2. Answer the following questions using either paragraph and/or a bullet point format.

Regarding your topic: What is your plan for the topic you will cover in your Week 7 Informative Presentation assignment?  What are the subtopics (the slide header words) you plan to review?

Regarding the use of words:  Describe three best practices and three worst practices (what to do and what not to do) for word usage and placement on slides in PowerPoint.

Regarding the use of visuals:  Describe three best practices and three worst practices (what to do and what not to do) for use of visuals and visual placement on slides in PowerPoint and/or if using video?

Regarding the use of sound or video  Describe your plan for how you will transition your PowerPoint document into an Oral PowerPoinf Presentation or how you will do a video.

3. Cite applied references using in-text citation parentheses and list the applied references at the end of the response. Use accurate APA formatting.

4. Give yourself the gift of allocating an appropriate amount of time to think, research, and write. Follow the directions. Run spell and grammar check and proofread your crafted response (reading aloud is highly recommended because it slows down the review, indicates where pauses are appropriate, and suggests where editing is beneficial).  Discussion settings allow you to edit an already posted response without any change in date or time.

5. As noted above, postings should be made on four of seven days during the week.  A main response plus three additional conversational responses to other postings is a requirement.  Main postings should be present on or before Day 4 (Thursday night).

6. Enjoy the learning journey.  If you have questions or need clarification, send an email to gunzelmanr35@uiu.edu.

Week 7 Creating Effective Business Presentations Discussion Grading Rubrics (possible 45 points)

– The discussion topic was fully covered within the main response demonstrating critical thinking and application of knowledge, resources, and experience (reviewed plan of action to prepare an oral informative PowerPoint presentation or video) =  possible 25 points

– The response included referenced information (at least three resources; your choice but need to be respected and reliable), and used APA formatting for in-text citation(s) and reference(s) listed at end of response = possible 5 points.

– All responses used accurate composition (grammar, punctuation, spelling) = possible 5 points.

– Posted one main response on or before Thursday plus three additional conversational responses to other postings. Responses were posted in the discussion forum on at least four of the seven days during the week = possible 10 points.


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