In order to answer the question, what is my personal worldview? I must define the meaning of worldview. A worldview to me is the answer to all of the big questions of life we all have, such as, how were we created, what happens after death and everything in between. The term worldview is actually derived from the German word “Weltanschauung” meaning a particular philosophy of life (Masterclass, 2023). I would say my worldview is a Christian worldview rooted in the text of the Bible. I feel like my worldview has already driven me to work for a Christian hospital as well as going to a Christian school for my masters degree. It also drives me to live life with truthfulness, humility and compassion. 

I think that in terms of my role as an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), knowing that there are many different worldviews such as humanist, naturalistic, postmodern and different religious worldviews is crucial to understanding others. It is also about learning where others are coming from and what guides them in questions such as anthropology, metaphysics, ethics, theology and much more. I think that APRN’s tend to deal with many different worldviews from those around them. For example for nurse practitioners they tend to interact with many different people in different environments. Nurse educators educate all sorts of nurses from different backgrounds. In these roles, it is important that the APRN know what their worldview is in order to educate and help others. 

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Topic 3 DQ 2

What is your personal worldview? Connect your worldview to cultural and spiritual competence. How will your worldview and cultural and spiritual competence affect your role and scope of practice as an advance registered nurse? Consider both the provision of safe, quality care to diverse populations and interprofessional relationships.

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My personal worldview of health care today is that we are struck on tasks and have forgotten the humanistic approach to caring. Medicine has become big business, and often we are the “pill totters” to the public. Drug companies treat problems like diabetes but do not market an invented a pill tomorrow that would cure diabetes, that would kill a multi-billion dollar business market (Gross, 2012).We have forgotten how to teach good health, nutrition, mobility and the healing art of touch.  Often we are concerned about how fast we can turn over that bed with a “safe” discharge to accommodate another patient. The insurance companies set the standard for the care that people receive, what is covered and what is not covered. These companies dictate the amount of aftercare and support a person receives, which often is inadequate and lands them back in the hospital. Let us not forget that any readmission back into the hospital with the same diagnosis within thirty days from discharge is not covered under these same insurance companies. With this being said, we as health care professionals try to provide with best quality care we are allowed to within the time constraints and policies that we follow.

My spiritual belief is that of nature and balance. As a Wiccan, it is the belief that if you are unsettled and out of balance with your life, then you are at dis-ease. This is true in health and mental wellbeing. We have created a world were nothing in nature is valued, we continue to decrease the amount of natural lands, forest, and oceans that have provided us with nourishment, natural remedies, and balanced ecosystems years before technology and big pharma were present.. If we stop to think, when we were forced to reduce our carbon foot print over two years ago due to Covid, pollution levels dropped and some places saw animals return to their previous habitats (Frost, 2020) and the cure for the Spanish Flu in 1920 was fresh air and sunlight.

As a leader, I understand the need to walk a fine line with the delivery of care, but I will always try to instill the teaching of humanity with my staff, finding that small piece of happiness for each patient whenever we can, to help ease their mind and bring a smile to their day. As a great mentor always said “you treat a disease, you win, you lose..you treat the person, I guarantee you will win every time“ (Patch Adams, 1998).


Frost, R. (2020, May 26). Living. Retrieved from Euronews: https://www.euronews.com/green

Gross, T. (2012). How U.S. Health Care Became Bigh Business. Shots, Health Care News from NPR.

Patch Adams (1998). [Motion Picture].

In response to your peers, what components of your worldview would be important to integrate into a nursing theory? Think deeply about your views and patient care. This will help prepare you for the Topic 4 assignment. Cite at least one source to support your response.

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Week 3 CAT Question

Write a brief description of a successful learning experience you had that is relevant to the course material. Answers are voluntary but do count towards one of your three substantive posts for the week if you meet the 200-word minimum requirement

My co-worker and I were required to put together a class to promote health through nutrition at our clinic. Our clinic primarily provides care to the underserved population in our community. It took us awhile, but we gathered the education and incorporated diabetic information as well. We created flyers and had the receptionist hand them out to patients as they checked out of the clinic. We hung the fliers in the waiting room and down the hallways where patients sat before seeing the clinician. We called specific patients with high A1C’s a few days before we were going to present the information as we thought they would benefit most from our presentation. Well, we only got 4 patients to show after calling 20. It was an awful turnout. Needless to say, we were disappointed and so was our director. She said we need to come up with a more strategic plan.

After much thought we decided to reach out to one of our larger food banks in the area. They actually have a dietician on site. We spoke to her and told her that we were required to put together a nutritional class that would provide community outreach and education. She said she would be willing to collaborate with us to put it together. She said let’s put together a recipe and make it during the presentation. She said she could bring a food box for every attendee with the ingredients that we use for the recipe. We were excited at the idea. We got permission from our director and she gave the go ahead.

We repeated the fliers and made phone calls again. Only this time we advised we were giving away a food box and a snack would be provided along with the recipe. My co-worker and I called 20 patients again a few days before the presentation. We actually got 12 people to come. Our conference room was full, and the presentation went great. The dietician brought a food box for each person that had the ingredients to the recipe, which was an egg roll in a bowl. She even added fresh fruit to each food box. The patient’s were thrilled. They got to eat and take food home with them. They were also given the food bank information where them or their families could get food if needed. The morale of the story is feed them and they will come! (406 words)

I have learned the role of a Nurse practitioners and how intense educational curricula is for the health care setting. I have learned that the nurse practitioners practice can be managed and owned by nurse practitioners. Their practice can include assessments, ordering, performing, supervising, and interpreting diagnostic and laboratory tests. Making diagnoses, initiating, and managing treatment of acute, chronic, and complex health problems including prescribing medications and nonpharmacologic treatments. Coordinating care, counseling an educating patients, families, and communities. Nurse practitioners can coordinate care with other health care professionals They can perform health research. They are advanced practice registered nurses who has obtained a master’s degree, post-master’s, or a doctorate. They have obtained certification for national board. They must hold an state registered nurse license as well as the advanced practice nursing license.

 The nurse practitioner’s role is responsible to the public in making adaptable changes in health care. As leaders in the health care, nurse practitioners act as providers, mentors, educators, and administrators. They take responsibility for continued professional development, involvement in professional organizations, and participation in health policy activities at the local, state, national and international levels. They provide safe, high-quality, cost-effective patient care. They are accountable to patients, the nursing profession, and the state board of nursing. They are expected to practice consistent with the ethical code of conduct, national certification, evidence-based practice principles, and current practice standards.

“I have learned the role of a Nurse practitioners and how intense educational curricula is for the health care setting. I have learned that the nurse practitioners practice can be managed and owned by nurse practitioners.”

However, not in every state. There are three types of practice for NP’s, full practice, restricted practice, and reduced practice. Here is a link to what the law is in each state and what the three types of practice mean.

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