Which of the following best reflects what a cultural assessment of the family and child involves?

Which of the following best reflects what a cultural assessment of the family and child involves?

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Overview of Pediatric Primary Care

  • Current Status of the Pediatric Population in the United States
  • Role of the NP in Pediatrics
  • Health Assessment modalities in Child/Family Health Assessment
  • Cultural Perspectives for the Pediatric Patient
  • Developmental Theories
  • Developmental Factors Affecting Development
  • Cultural impact on Development
  • Appropriate screening & diagnositics

Question 1

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Which of the following best reflects what a cultural assessment of the family and child involves?

  • The process of assisting patients having different cultural orientations.
  • An assessment of a patient’s dominant culture including the accompanying health beliefs, and beliefs about birth, illness, and deaths.
  • An assessment of potential biologic variations that occur in people of a particular race
  • Assessment of whether the child and family have sought care from a traditional healer, and advise them to avoid such healers
  • Changing one’s own cultural beliefs to adapt to those of the patients

Question 2

What is an example of a question regarding internal structure of the family?

  • Has anyone recently moved in or out? If so, how has this move affected the family?
  • Do both parents of the family live at home? If not, where do they live?
  • How often do the children have contact with the parent or parents who do not live at home?
  • How often is there contact with the extended family (e.g. aunts, uncles)?

Question 3

“Culture is a social construction of the relationships within and among groups of human beings. . .” Which of the following is not a part of the products of culture?

  • race
  • religion
  • class
  • geography
  • none of the above

Question 4

Exposure to which of the following during childhood can be associated with increased aggressive behavior, emotional problems such as depression and anxiety, and poorer school performance?

  • Mumps
  • second-hand smoke
  • domestic violence
  • immunizations
  • immigrants

Question 5

Which of the following delineates the role of the APN in Health Care most accurately?

  • code all of the primary and differential diagnoses
  • order labs and diagnostics for every patient
  • provide continuity of care for underserved populations at greater risk for ambulatory care
  • make sure that every chart has a growth chart
  • Whatever the doctor tells her/him to do

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