N 510 Module 2: Discussion Question-disorder of the central or peripheral nervous system

N 510 Module 2: Discussion Question-disorder of the central or peripheral nervous system

N 510 Module 2: Discussion Question-disorder of the central or peripheral nervous system

N 510 Module 2: Discussion Question:

Choose one central or peripheral nervous disorder and discuss its clinical manifestations, prognosis, and pathophysiology.

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Your initial posting should be 200 to 300 words, and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be between 100 and 200 words in length. To properly “thread” your discussion posting, please click on REPLY.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

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You are responsible for minimally at least three posts for each question in your discussion boards; your initial post and a reply to two of your classmates. Your initial post(s) should be your response to the questions posed in the discussion question. It would be best to research your answer, cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing. The discussion board is never a place to use text language or emoticons.

You will also be asked to respond to your classmates. This is designed to enhance the academic discussion around the topic. It is all right to disagree with something posted by another. However, your responses should always be thoughtful and respectful and reflect your opinions professionally.

When you are ready for the discussion, do the following:

  1. Click on the discussion link above.
  2. Start your answer by clicking the “Start a New Thread” button with the title of your answer and the body of text following the guidance above.
  3. Please click the “Post” button to post your answer properly.
  4. After posting your contribution, you must read what others have posted, reply to at least two of those posts, and respond (when appropriate) to those you have responded to you.


To reply to a classmate’s post:

  1. Click on the title of another student’s post.
  2. Click “Reply to Thread” and type your response to the student.
  3. Click the “Post” button to post your reply.

N 510 Module 2: Discussion Question-disorder of the central or peripheral nervous system

Post-traumatic stress disorder, a central nervous system disorder, often pushes the nervous system’s activation to the extent that it fails to regulate itself. When the nervous system is pushed above its limits, it tends to overstimulate, and it is often likely to witness panic, anger, and hyperactivity. Other manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder are that a person suffering from this often appears to be disoriented and shaken (Yehuda et al. 2015).

In most cases, such individuals can fail to respond to communication as they usually would have done and will alienate themselves from other people. Another explicit telltale of a person who is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder is anxiety.

A person’s anxiety from post-traumatic stress disorder often manifests in various issues such as night terrors, irritability, lack of concentration, and mood swings. While these manifestations can be perceived to be common, they are rather exhaustive.

The prognosis of post-traumatic stress disorder can be positive, but the treatment of the same may take a long time. Whereas the majority of the people who experiences some traumatic events in their lives experience a short response to the stressful condition and often fail to develop lasting pathologic reactions,  a small proportion of individuals will develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder either alone or with other associated effects such as depression or drug abuse.

While the pathophysiology of PTSD is not known, studies of cohorts are occurring (Alisic et al. 2014). The research employs magnetic resonance imaging scans that indicated that there is minimal of the hippocampus, left amygdala, and anterior cingulate cortex in the majority of the patients who are suffering from PSTD in comparison to their individually matched controls.

Scholars suspect genes may contribute to personal vulnerability to PSTD through a wide interaction with environmental factors. However, there has been limited information to substantiate these claims, and they remain inconclusive.

N 510 Module 2: Discussion Question References

Alisic, E., Zalta, A. K., Van Wesel, F., Larsen, S. E., Hafstad, G. S., Hassanpour, K., & Smid, G. E. (2014). Rates of post-traumatic stress disorder in trauma-exposed children and adolescents: a meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry204(5), 335-340.

Yehuda, R., Hoge, C. W., McFarlane, A. C., Vermetten, E., Lanius, R. A., Nievergelt, C. M., … & Hyman, S. E. (2015). Post-traumatic stress disorder. Nature Reviews Disease Primers1, 15057.

N 510 Module 2: Discussion Question Rubric


Does Not Meet 0%
Approaches 70%
Meets 80%
Exceeds 100%
Content of Initial Thread/Post Weight: 40%
0 points

The response contains little to none of the required aspects of the prompt; Content is off-topic; references are not included. APA reference/citation format is not used.

5.6 points

Major required aspects of the prompt are not addressed, or the response speaks in vague generalities. Information is too general; 1 reference is present, but it is non-scholarly (if required) and does not appropriately reflect the topic. APA reference/citation format may be inaccurate in the response.

6.4 points

The response addresses prompt requirements. Content is relevant and germane to the intent of the prompt; 1 or more references are scholarly (if required) and appropriately reflect the topic, and have few APA formatting errors.

8 points

Content includes additional or novel points beyond the intent of the prompt. References are sufficient, scholarly, and formatted correctly in APA format.

8 / 8
Critical Thinking of Thread/Post Weight: 10%
0 points

Little analysis or insight is displayed; Little or no logical support or reasoning is present.

1.4 points

Some illogical statements and poor reasoning are displayed; the Argument is unclear or convoluted

1.6 points

The response indicates that thought, insight, and analysis have taken place; the Argument is solid and logical

2 points

The response is rich in critical thinking and full of thought, insight, and analysis; the Argument is clear and concise.

2 / 2
Quality of Written Communication in Initial Thread/Post Weight: 20%
0 points

Style and voice inappropriate or do not address given audience, purpose, etc. Word choice is excessively redundant, clichéd, and unspecific. Inconsistent grammar, spelling, punctuation, and paragraphing. Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede the communication of meaning.

2.8 points

Style and voice are somewhat appropriate to the given audience and purpose. Word choice is often unspecific, generic, redundant, and clichéd. Repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Language, sentence structure, and word choice are inconsistent.

3.2 points

Style and voice are appropriate to the given audience and purpose. Word choice is specific and purposeful and somewhat varied throughout. Minimal mechanical or typographical errors are present but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.

4 points

Style and voice are appropriate to the given audience and purpose and show originality and creativity. Word choice is specific, purposeful, dynamic, and varied. Free of mechanical and typographical errors. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

4 / 4
Discussion Responses to Classmates’ Threads/Posts Weight: 30%
0 points

Did not make an effort to participate in learning community as it develops; Displays lack of engagement with discussion forum; Did not make the minimum of 2 responses to classmates.

4.2 points

Occasionally makes a meaningful reflection on group’s efforts; Marginal effort to become involved with the group; Made one response to classmates.


4.8 points

Frequently attempts to direct the discussion and present relevant viewpoints for consideration by the group; Interacts freely; Met the minimum of 2 responses to classmates.

6 points

Shows astute awareness of the needs of the community; Frequently attempts to motivate the group discussion; Presents creative approaches to the topic; Made at least two responses to classmates

6 / 6

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