Men vs Women and muscle mass

Men vs Women and muscle mass

Rules along with how graded:

Your post must be highly organized, thorough and accurate. All posts should include proper grammar and mechanics.

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2.IMPORTANT NOTE: References are expected to create a substantial main post.The goal is NOT to retype the text but to break down the concepts and clarify where 80% of the post should be in your own words. Cite the source when you summarize or paraphrase or have direct quotes. Properly Document sources that are used

1. Student submitted an appropriate and substantive post to the original assignment. This includes addressing all of the original questions/issues in a grammatically correct and logical manner. 30 pts

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2. Assignment submitted on time and on a different day than other posts. 10 pts

3. Assignment met word count. (300-400). 10 pts

4. Appropriate academic, scientific websites were referenced correctly

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