NUR 513 Topic 6 DQ 1

NUR 513 Topic 6 DQ 1 

NUR 513 Topic 6 DQ 1

Review the evidence-based practice project ideas you described in Topic 5 DQ 1. Based on your initial ideas, what types of scholarly nursing research (such as quantitative or qualitative research, peer-reviewed resources, etc.) would be required to further investigate the issue? Identify the criteria you would use to evaluate the appropriateness of the research. Why is it important to select research that meets these criteria?

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Re: Topic 6 DQ 1

My evidenced-based project idea focuses on implementing a community education program that focuses on prevention in regard to stroke risk factors. When implementing any new program, it’s imperative to gather evidence and analyze how it can improve patient outcomes, health policies, service and programs as evidence allows for increased accountability (DeNisco & Barker, 2016). When gathering evidence for any project it’s important to understand different types of research and the different levels of evidence (Glasofer &Townsend, 2019). Evidence strength is dictated by three key characteristics, quality, quantity and consistency (Glasofer &Townsend, 2019). When selecting research for any topic it should be quality research that has results that are valid and not influenced by biases or occur by chance (art). Quantity can be evaluated by identified the number of studies on said topic, the size and population of the studies and the impact of the treatments (Glasofer &Townsend, 2019). Consistency is when results that are similar are found across a few different studies (Glasofer &Townsend, 2019).

When selecting research for my topic I would typically select research topics that are considered level on in the hierarchy of evidence. These are RCT, systematic review of an RCT and metanalysis if an RCT (Glasofer &Townsend, 2019). Under this topic I would likely consider including a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research. When working with prevention practices its important to understand how behavior plays a role in changing health practices and that why it’s important to analyze qualitative research in addition to quantitative.

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NUR 513 Topic 6 DQ 1 Reference

DeNisco, S. M., & Barker, A. M. (2016). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Glasofer, A., & Townsend, A. B. (2019). Determining the level of evidence. Nursing Critical Care14(6), 22–25.


This is insightful Meagan, the implementation of the new research program requires collection and analysis of evidence to improve patient outcomes as well as increased accountability. Understanding different forms of research and levels of evidence are critical in enhancing the validity, reliability, and applicability of the research and evidence-based practice processes. When selecting the research process, it is necessary to consider the level of evidence. Levels of evidence, sometimes called the hierarchy of evidence, are always assigned to the studies on the basis of methodological quality of their validity, design, as well as applicability to patient care (Glasofer & Townsend, 2021). A combination of qualitative and quantitative research processes is always required to enhance the research processes’ effective outcomes. Quantitative research designs require adherence to the data collection and analysis processes. The quantitative approaches are necessary for ensuring the establishment of valid, reliable, as well as applicability of the research outcomes (Bansal et al., 2018). To select a viable research study process, it is necessary for the researcher to consider the hierarchy or level of evidence.

NUR 513 Topic 6 DQ 1 References

Bansal, P., Smith, W. K., & Vaara, E. (2018). New ways of seeing through qualitative research.

Glasofer, A., & Townsend, A. B. (2021). Determining the level of evidence: experimental research appraisal. Nursing202151(1), 60-63.

Re: Topic 6 DQ 1

My idea from Topic 5 DQ 1 was workplace violence (WPV), and my initial topic was much too broad. Before finding the best current evidence, I need to identify a specific clinical problem to best search for an answerable question (DeNisco & Barker, 2016). Using the PICOT template: population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time, will help create that searchable question.

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Population: Healthcare Workers

Intervention: Education and Training

Comparison: Workplace Violence

Outcome: Prevent or Minimize

Time: 1-year Period

The next step is searching. I recommend a good starting point in PubMed, mostly because articles are specific to nursing and many are free to access. My organization allows access to the commonly used databases such as the Cochran Library, CINAHL, Medline and is a benefit to avoid paying fees for full review articles.  GCU library also offers students access to these same resources.

After obtaining multiple sources of evidence, critical appraisal or grading evidence is next, from the strongest to weakest evidence (DeNisco & Barker, 2016). The gold standard and strongest evidence is a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials or clinical guidelines based on systematic reviews. Evidence sources may include qualitative or quantitative studies, reviews or clinical expertise, or patient preferences and values. The need is to quickly determine whether it is valid evidence and applicable to practice. Critical appraisal tools exist and ask specific questions based on the methodology or design of the study you are evaluating. Besides validity and usefulness, other criteria to assess include when last updated, clinical context and environment, and patient values and preference. One of my personal favorites, UpToDate, uses a graded approach, 1A being strongest whereas, 2C means a weak recommendation to use an intervention based on both quality of the evidence and patient preference.

Inquiry and asking the best clinical question in a PICOT format is critical to searching and finding the best evidence. Appraising the evidence and integrating this with patient values and preferences is necessary to make evidence-based-practice decisions within nursing.  My Cochrane Library search resulted in very low-to low-quality evidence, with the common databases searched and seven studies being included. There is limited evidence that some interventions might reduce aggression toward healthcare workers (Spelten et al., 2020).  April is National WPV Month and a great place to start to recognize that more research is needed. I recognize I need more experience in this process too.

NUR 513 Topic 6 DQ 1 References

DeNisco, S. M., & Barker, A. M. (2016). Advanced practice nursing: essential knowledge for the profession. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Spelten E;Thomas B;O’Meara PF;Maguire BJ;FitzGerald D;Begg SJ; (2020, April 29). Organizational interventions for preventing and minimizing aggression directed towards healthcare workers by patients and patient advocates. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.


This is insightful, Barbara, consideration of the PICOT question is necessary for undertaking different research processes (Abbade et al., 2016). Also, it is always necessary to identify the ideal sources of information such as databases that may be applied in supporting the research process. Most of the databases contain essential forms of information that may be applied in addressing various aspects of the project. CINAHL, Cochran Library, and Medline are some of the databases that can be applied to review some of the best sources of information that can be used to authenticate the information required in the research processes. The quality of research processes often depends on the levels of evidence (Glasofer & Townsend, 2019). The level of evidence is always assigned to the studies on the basis of methodological quality of their validity, design, as well as applicability to patient care. To better develop a quality, reliable, valid, and applicable research process, sticking to the PICOT question is necessary. In other words, different researchers need to consider the PICOT question in ensuring the achievement of quality outcomes.

NUR 513 Topic 6 DQ 1 References

Abbade, L. P., Wang, M., Sriganesh, K., Mbuagbaw, L., & Thabane, L. (2016). Framing of research question using the PICOT format in randomised controlled trials of venous ulcer disease: a protocol for a systematic survey of the literature. BMJ open6(11).

Glasofer, A., & Townsend, A. B. (2019). Determining the level of evidence. Nursing Critical Care14(6), 22–25.


Re: Topic 6 DQ 1

My evidence-based practice would be centered around the utilization of new technologies by bedside nurses. I would do a literature review of peer-reviewed studies to further investigate this issue. Then I would develop a framework and intervention with said technology that could be both quantitatively and qualitatively measured. Both quantitative and qualitative data would be important because it would be necessary to study the numerical data regarding technology use, and it would also be important to know both nurse and patient responses to interventions, which could be gathered through surveys, questionnaires, and interviews. When researching, data would have to be recent, within the last five years, peer-reviewed, with adequate sample sizes. DeNisco and Barker say it best, “Not all evidence is created equal, and there is a need to use the best available evidence,” (2016, p.465). Peer-reviewed research is essential, because it helps maintain the quality of the research. Critical appraisals of research by other academic minds can both validate, provide transparency, ensure professionalism, academic integrity and ethically conducted research (Kelly, et al., 2014). Additionally, research should be recent. Just like the rest of the world, data ages and isn’t always applicable as people, the world, the population, and societies adapt and change. You want sources that reflect the newest and most up to date research available. And finally, data in research can be easily statistically manipulated, so sample sizes matter. If a sample size is too small, it often holds less statistical significance and cannot often be used to generalize to a population.

NUR 513 Topic 6 DQ 1 References

DeNisco, S. M., & Barker, A. M. (2016). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Kelly, J., Sadeghieh, T., & Adeli, K. (2014). Peer review in scientific publications: Benefits, critiques, and a survival guide. EJIFCC25(3), 227–243.


This is insightful, Gina; in general, the application of technology is on the rise, which calls for increased research processes to enhance the understanding of different ways to integrate technological approaches in the research processes (Spelten et al., 2020). The utilization of technology by the bedside nurses is critical in ensuring quality treatment outcomes and patient safety. Usually, the integration of technology in the healthcare processes reduces the errors associated with general care. The literature review is essential in the study processes because it enhances the understanding of past research outcomes that may be applied in addressing some of the research processes’ aspects. In the research process, it is also necessary to consider qualitative and quantitative research approaches to enhance the achievement of valid, reliable, and applicable research processes (Bansal et al., 2018). While undertaking a literature review, it is necessary for the researcher to consider different databases that have authentic, reliable, and applicable sources of information that can be utilized in identifying the required information.

NUR 513 Topic 6 DQ 1 References

Spelten E;Thomas B;O’Meara PF;Maguire BJ;FitzGerald D;Begg SJ; (2020, April 29). Organizational interventions for preventing and minimizing aggression directed towards healthcare workers by patients and patient advocates. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

Bansal, P., Smith, W. K., & Vaara, E. (2018). New ways of seeing through qualitative research.

Traditionally, peer review has been the “gold standard” for research assessment. However, the abundance of fake news online has led to the development of checklists for identifying fake news (Aksnes, Langfeldt, & Wouters, 2019; Liu, 2021). One of these standard tools for fact-checking is the CRAAP Test (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose). The CRAAP test is a standard tool commonly used by academic librarians for educating students in resource evaluation. It is a strategy that provide a structure for teaching concepts applicable to both intellectual and general resources to determine their appropriateness and integrity (Lewis, 2018).

Currency (C) indicates the timeliness of the information, when it was published and/or updated, and if it could be considered current based on the topic (New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2022). The international cross-sectional survey on the current state of nursing informatics by (Peltonen, et al., is a current study conducted in 2019. According to Southern Utah University (SUU), most topics are fine to use articles published within the last 5-10 years, however the good rule of thumb is within 5 years for the fast-changing topics in the fields of science, health, or technology (SUU, 2022).

Relevance (R) describes the importance of the information for the topic under consideration, and how it meets the needs of the researcher. Authority (A) describes availability of author information, sponsorship, organization(s) they work for, qualification, and credentials. Accuracy (A) indicates the reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the content based on the verifiable sources of information and supporting evidence. Purpose (P) describes the clarity of author’s declared intentions (New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2022). The cited article meets all the criteria. Per the background declared by the authors, they are qualified in the subject area to conduct a study on the topic.

Information source assessment establishes a new conceptual trail that intervenes in the ladder of assumption process and prevents us from forming erroneous opinions (Liu, 2021). It helps to evaluate the scholarly performance of research groups, departments, and institutions; facilitate the appraisal of research proposals; determine the distribution of research grant; and hiring of academic personnel based on the quality of work done. The assessments are also primary indicators in several university rankings, such as the Leiden ranking and Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) (Aksnes, Langfeldt, & Wouters, 2019).

Quantitative Research is the type of research that will be used to investigate the topic “Recognition of nurses at all levels of practice on the potential impact of nursing informatics on healthcare delivery” This research mainly deals with the measuring a situation in terms of quantity. It relies on data collection using a questionnaire or survey and then be subjected to statistical analysis to observe the interdependence between the variables (Patel & Patel, 2019). A questionnaire will be used in data gathering about the topic.

NUR 513 Topic 6 DQ 1 References

Aksnes, D. W., Langfeldt, L., & Wouters, P. (2019, February 7). Citations, citation indicators, and research quality: An overview of basic concepts and theories. Sage Open, 9(1).

Lewis, A. B. (2018). Tips from the experts. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.

Liu, G. (2021). Moving up the ladder of source assessment: Expanding the CRAAP test with critical thinking and metacognition. College & Research Libraries News, 82(2), 75.

New Jersey Institute of Technology. (2022, June 9). New Jersey

Institute of Technology:

Patel, M., & Patel, N. (2019). Exploring research methodology. International Journal of Research and Review, 6(3), 48-55.

SUU. (2022, September 6). Southern Utah University:

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